Travel from China naturally dropping off in light of coronavirus - U.S. Health Secretary

U.S. health officials hold news conference to discuss coronavirus outbreak at the Health and Human Services Department in Washington

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Health Secretary Alex Azar said on Thursday that travel from China has naturally dropped off since the discovery of a new coronavirus, amid airlines canceling flights and the U.S. State Department issuing strict travel warnings, but all options are still on the table for addressing the disease.

"We're not going to take any public health options off the table to protect the American people. But what we're seeing already is the dimunition in flights going back and forth between China and the United States," he said in an interview with CNBC. "So we've seen flights come down. We're seeing air traffic going down on a passenger basis. This is naturally occurring as we speak."

(Reporting by Lisa Lambert; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama)