Traveller from Mali tested for possible Ebola at New York hospital

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A traveler from Mali was undergoing a test for possible Ebola on Thursday at Bellevue Hospital, health officials in New York City said. Due to the patient's symptoms and travel history, the person has been placed in isolation, the health officials said in a statement. "An individual who came to the United States from Mali, a country with limited Ebola transmission, was taken to HHC Bellevue Hospital Center today," the statement said. Results of the test were expected later on Thursday. Mali shares a border with Guinea, one of three West African nations hardest hit by the virus. The worst outbreak of Ebola on record has killed at least 5,420 people out of at least 15,145 cases reported since March, mostly in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Six people in Mali have died so far from Ebola, according to the World Health Organization. (Reporting by Barbara Goldberg; Editing by Sandra Maler and Will Dunham)