Trevor May retires from A's with message for 'dork' owner John Fisher: 'Sell the team, dude'

Oakland A's pitcher Trevor May announced his retirement from baseball Monday.

He had a candid message for team owner John Fisher on his way out.

May made the announcement on Twitch. He thanked his followers, his family and "everyone in the game of baseball" except for one person.

"To the A's organization and every single person part of it, I love all of you," May said. "Every single one of you except for one guy. And we all know who that guy is."

That guy is Fisher.

"Sell the team, dude," May continued. "... Sell it, man. Let someone who actually, like, takes pride in the things they own own something. There's actually people who give a s*** about the game. Let them do it. Take mommy and daddy's money somewhere else, dork."

Fisher is largely reviled in Oakland. He orchestrated an agreement this summer to move the A's to Las Vegas to play on the Las Vegas Strip. Nevada lawmakers and Gov. Joe Lombardo approved public money to facilitate the move.

Trevor May had a candid message for John Fisher on his way out. (Brandon Vallance/Getty Images)
Trevor May had a candid message for John Fisher on his way out. (Brandon Vallance/Getty Images)

The A's lease in Oakland runs through 2024, meaning they'll play one more season by the Bay. After that, they're likely gone after 56 years. MLB is reportedly slated to vote on the move in November.

It's all but a done deal, and May wasn't holding back his feelings.

"If you're gonna just be a greedy f***, own it," he continued. "There's nothing weaker than being afraid of cameras. That's one thing I really struggled with this year — was not eviscerating that guy.

"Do what you're gonna do, bro. You're a billionaire. They exist. You guys have all this power. You shouldn't have any because you haven't earned any of it. ... It is what it is. The reality is you got handed everything you have."

May, 34, spent one of his nine MLB seasons in Oakland. He played for the Minnesota Twins and New York Mets before joining the A's for his final season in 2023. His brief stint with the franchise clearly made an impression.