Regeni murder trial will reveal 'shocking' truth, says Italian PM

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte holds a news conference at the end of an EU summit in Brussels

ROME (Reuters) - A trial over the disappearance and murder of student Giulio Regeni in Cairo in 2016 will likely uncover "shocking" facts, Italy's prime minister said in an interview published on Tuesday.

Italian prosecutors said on Thursday they planned to charge four senior members of Egypt's security services over their alleged role in the case of the 28-year-old Italian.

There was no immediate reaction from Cairo to Giuseppe Conte's interview. Egyptian officials have repeatedly denied any involvement in Regini's killing.

The Italian prosecutors' decision to lay charges came just over a week after Egypt announced it was temporarily suspending its investigation into the murder, saying it had reservations about the evidence Italy had compiled.

"This story makes us grieve, but now a trial by our judicial authorities will start... a true, serious and credible trial. This trial is the instrument to reach the truth, which unfortunately is expected to be shocking," Conte told daily La Stampa.

"Egypt must and can do much more," Conte added.

Regeni, a postgraduate student at Cambridge University, vanished in Cairo on the fifth anniversary of the start of the 2011 uprising that ended the 30-year rule of Hosni Mubarak.

Regeni's body was found almost a week later and a post mortem examination showed he had been tortured before his death.

Italian and Egyptian investigators had been working together to try to solve the crime. But Italian judicial sources told Reuters last year that Italy was frustrated by the slow pace of developments in Cairo and decided to press ahead with its own line of inquiry in an effort to move things forward.

Asked whether Italy would consider withdrawing its ambassador from Cairo, as repeatedly requested by Regeni's parents, Conte said the trial took priority for now, but his government would consider the option.

(Reporting by Francesca Piscioneri and Giulia Segreti; Editing by Shri Navaratnam and Andrew Heavens)