Trudeau says 'jaws drop to the floor' during Trump remarks

NATO leaders arrive for a reception at Downing Street, in London

LONDON (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was filmed at a Buckingham Palace reception on Tuesday evening describing how surprised U.S. President Donald Trump's team appeared to be by his performance at a press conference.

Earlier on Tuesday Trump had addressed issues ranging from NATO to North Korea and trade to impeachment proceedings at two long question-and-answer sessions with reporters, first alongside NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and then with French President Emmanuel Macron.

At one, he described earlier comments by Macron as "very nasty".

The later conversation at the reception between Trudeau, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Macron and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte was recorded on video and snippets were audible. Queen Elizabeth's daughter Princess Anne was also there.

"Is that why you were late?" Johnson asked Macron.

"...It was like a 40-minute press conference," Trudeau said. "Yeah, yeah, yeah! Forty minutes."

Other words were exchanged but could not be heard, before Trudeau added: "I just watched his team's jaws drop to the floor."

(Reporting by Mike Collett-White; Editing by Peter Graff)