Trump brags about debate performance while New York Times calls for Biden to drop out: Live

President Joe Biden is facing mounting criticisms and calls for him to step out of the 2024 presidential race after his poor performance in the debate against Donald Trump – this time with the New York Times editorial board calling for him to drop out

“The clearest path for Democrats to defeat a candidate defined by his lies is to deal truthfully with the American public: acknowledge that Mr. Biden can’t continue his race, and create a process to select someone more capable to stand in his place to defeat Mr. Trump in November,” the editorial board wrote on Friday.

It arrives after the president gave a fiery speech at a campaign rally in North Carolina where he acknowledged his age and limitations but said the stakes were too high and promised he could do the job

Meanwhile, Trump is capitalizing on the opportunity to flaunt his better-perceived performance during the debate by bragging on Truth Social. The former president claimed reporters praised him for having the “greatest debate performance”

Trump repeated lies and falsehoods throughout, often failing to answer questions. He declined to directly answer if he would accept November’s results.

Key Points

  • New York Times editorial board calls on Biden to drop out of the 2024 race

  • US Supreme Court to deliver ruling on Trump’s presidential immunity claim on Monday

  • Biden comes out swinging at Trump after debate disaster

  • Snap poll: Who won the debate?

  • Biden speaks at the opening ceremony of the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center

Republican congressman trying to remove Biden using the 25th amendment

23:00 , Eric Garcia

A Republican congressman from Texas is proposing legislation that would call on Vice President Kamala Harris to convene President Joe Biden’s cabinet and invoke the 25th amendment of the US Constitution.

Representative Chip Roy of Texas proposed the legislation after Biden’s lackluster debate performance against former president Donald Trump in Atlanta on Thursday.

Under the 25th Amendment of the US Constitution, the vice president and the majority of cabinet officers can declare “that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office” and that the vice president may assume the duties of the presidency.

The legislation put forward by Roy specifically claims that Biden has “repeatedly and publicly demonstrated his inability to discharge the powers and duties of the presidency.”

“We’ll be filing it today or early next week, depending on the language being drafted,” Roy told The Independent.

Read more here

New Jersey threatens to revoke Trump’s golf clubs liquor license after conviction

22:00 , Ariana Baio

New Jersey law prohibits a person convicted of a crime “involving moral turpitude” from having a liquor license. Liquor licenses are required to be renewed every year by July.

Moral turpitude is a legal concept that broadly means deviant, immoral behavior that would be unacceptable by social standards or shock a community.

Read more here:

New Jersey threatens to revoke Trump’s golf clubs liquor license after conviction

Watch: Key moments from Biden and Trump’s first debate

21:30 , Ariana Baio

ICYMI: Trump tells Biden to ‘get the hell out of here’ at lie-filled rally

21:00 , Ariana Baio

Yesterday, Donald Trump spent his remarks at a campaign rally in Virginia repeating his nonsensical and false statements about abortion, immigration, the climate crisis and the 2020 election – told Biden that the country “doesn’t want” him and to “get the hell out of here.”

Alex Woodward reports:

Trump tells Biden to ‘get the hell out of here’ at lie-filled rally

Trump’s New Jersey properties are at risk of losing liquor license

20:05 , Ariana Baio

Alcohol regulators in New Jersey are asking Donald Trump’s golf club properties in the state to prove they deserve a renewed liquor license after the former president was found guilty on felony charges of falsifying business records.

The hearing, which is set for July 19 approximately a week after his sentencing, is being requested by the New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control after they found that Trump has a “direct beneficial interest” in at least two liquor licenses, the New Jersey Attorney General’s office said.

New Jersey law prohibits a person convicted of a crime “involving moral turpitude” from having a liquor license. Liquor licenses are required to be renewed every year by July.

Trump National Golf Club Bedminster as well as Trump National Golf Club Colts Neck are owned and operated by the Trump Organization which is currently run by Trump’s adult sons Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump.

But the alcohol regulators say their review found that the former president is “the sole beneficiary of the Donald J Trump Revocable Trust” - the financial entity that allows him to retain assets and own his businesses.

Now the golf clubs must prove to the state, by a preponderance of evidence, that they’re qualified to maintain the licensures.

Black Democrats share workplace photos after Trump’s bizarre debate line

19:30 , Ariana Baio

Donald Trump’s unsubstantiated claim that migrants threaten the availability of “Black jobs” during the first presidential debate has Black people, including members of Congress, asking: what is a Black job?

“They’re taking Black jobs and they’re taking Hispanic jobs. And you haven’t seen it yet, but you’re going to see something that’s going to be the worst in our history,” Trump said on Thursday night.

The former president’s comment was seemingly an attempt to expand his political reach to more communities of color through his commonly used anti-immigration rhetoric. Enacting strict immigration policies is one of the cornerstones of the former president’s campaign.

But his vague classification of jobs as exclusive to Black or Hispanic people did not land well.

“I’m still trying to figure out what a Black job is,” MSNBC host Symone Sanders-Townsend said on All In With Chris Hayes on Friday.

“Am I at my Black job right now? I don’t know.”

Do presidential debates really matter?

19:00 , Ariana Baio

Nearly everyone agrees — including President Joe Biden — that he botched the first presidential debate of the 2024 general election, but the question remains as to how much a debate performance matters when it comes to reclaiming the White House.

Kelly Rissman reports:

Do debates matter? History hints at whether voters will forgive Biden’s rough night

First presidential debate reins in 51m viewers

18:30 , Gustaf Kilander

The first presidential debate, in which Joe Biden stumbled and Donald Trump repeated a barrage of lies and misinformation, was watched by 51.27 million viewers, according to CNN.

The Thursday night debate saw Biden’s befuddled performance spark “deep panic” among Democrats and glee among Trump supporters. The 90-minute event, which took place in Atlanta, was hosted by CNN but carried live by 22 networks.

CNN said on Friday that the debate drew the highest audience on its network with 9.53 million viewers, followed by 9.276 million on right-wing Fox News. Meanwhile, ABC News drew 9.21 million viewers and MSNBC got 4.122 million.

However, the number of people watching dropped more than 30 percent from 2020 when 73 million tuned in to the first presidential debate between Biden and Trump.

Memo reveals Trump’s plans to cut Republican platform: report

18:00 , Ariana Baio

Donald Trump’s advisers are reportedly planning to significantly cut the Republican National Party’s platform to make it entirely consistent and focused on the former president’s 2024 campaign and agenda, according to a memo seen by The New York Times.

The memo allegedly describes an effort to reduce the GOP’s platform to “ensure our policy commitments to the American people are clear, concise and easily digestible.”

It said that publishing unnecessary “verbose treatise” gives Democrats leverage to use in launching attacks against the party.

“It is with that recognition that we will present a streamlined platform in line with President Trump’s principled and popular vision for America’s future,” The Times reported on Saturday.

The memo was sent on Thursday – nearly a month before the Republican Party plans to host its annual convention.

Supreme Court will decide Trump immunity case on Monday

17:30 , Ariana Baio

Chief Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court said that Monday will be the final day of the court’s term meaning the remaining decisions, including Donald Trump’s immunity appeal, will be released.

The court has been sitting on the decision in the consequential case for months. It was initially argued in April.

Why the Supreme Court’s Jan. 6 ruling will only impact a handful of rioters

17:00 , Ariana Baio

The Supreme Court’s decision to narrow how Jan. 6 defendants may be charged with “obstruction of an official proceeding” will likely only impact a small number of convicted rioters.

“The decision will not have tremendous significance in the January 6 cases, including that of former president Trump, because in almost all cases there are other charges that have a felony status alongside the obstruction charge,” said William Banks, a professor at Syracuse University College of Law.

Though no defendant was solely charged with obstruction of an official proceeding, there are 27 people who pleaded guilty only to the obstruction charge.

Read more here:

What does the Supreme Court decision mean for Jan. 6 defendants?

Trump brags about debate performance on Truth Social

16:20 , Ariana Baio

Donald Trump is taking advantage of the fallout from the first presidential debate and bragging about how well he performed in it.

On Truth Social, the former president claimed that political reporters “screamed” that he had “the greatest debate performance.”

“They all said, effectively, “Trump was fantastic!” This theme was universal, even at CNN & MSDNC, but by Friday evening it was all about the poor performance of Crooked Joe, and not so much about how well I did. Oh well, that’s the way it is but, importantly, the result is the same!!!” Trump wrote on Saturday.

New York Times editorial board calls on Biden to drop out of the 2024 race

15:45 , Katie Hawkinson

The New York Times editorial board has called for Joe Biden to exit the 2024 presidential race following his weak debate performance against Donald Trump.

The editorial comes after the president appeared frail during the Thursday evening debate. His voice was soft and raspy, which his campaign attributed to a cold. He also interrupted himself and gave rambling answers to multiple questions. Vice President Kamala Harris even admitted Biden struggled: “Yes, it was a slow start,” she said Thursday. “That’s obvious to everyone.”

“The president appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant,” the board wrote on Friday night. “He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term.

“He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations,” the board continued. “He struggled to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans. More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence.”

While the editorial board said Biden would be their “unequivocal” pick over Trump, they called on the Democratic party to put forward a new candidate.

Biden tells Trump he has ‘morals of an alley cat’

15:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Joe Biden laid into Donald Trump over his alleged affair with porn star Stormy Daniels at the first debate, slamming the former president for having the “morals of an alley cat”.

The debate in Atlanta was widely seen as a chaotic performance with the president stumbling over answers and rambling. Trump meanwhile spouted lies and falsehoods throughout, mostly failing to answer questions and had to be pressed three times on whether he would accept the 2024 election results.

Biden’s remarks, referencing Trump’s alleged affair and sexual abuse civil lawsuit brought by writer E Jean Carroll, came after he attacked his son, Hunter Biden, who was recently found guilty on federal gun charges.

Katie Hawkinson has the story.

Biden lays into Trump over sexual abuse and affair claims: ‘Morals of an alley cat’

14:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Trump claims ‘big victory’ over Biden one day after presidential debate

Biden comes out swinging at Trump after debate disaster

14:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Hours after the first presidential debate, where he struggled to keep up with Donald Trump’s avalanche of lies and couldn’t to string together coherent sentences,a visibly energized Joe Biden acknowledged the previous night’s failures in fired-up remarks to a raucous rally crowd in North Carolina.

Alex Woodward reports.

Biden targets Trump’s lies after debate disaster: ‘I know how to tell the truth’

ICYMI: Trump bulldozes Biden with lies while stumbling president fails to keep up

13:15 , Oliver O'Connell

It took less than 10 minutes for President Joe Biden to nearly completely freeze for four seconds before mistakenly blurting out that he “beat Medicare.”

The president has spent the last several years underscoring Donald Trump’s antidemocratic threat and the nation’s slide into autocracy under his administration.

But within minutes into their debate rematch ahead of the 2024 presidential election on Thursday, it appeared that the only thing standing in the way of that dark vision of America’s future was a frail 81-year-old man who couldn’t respond to a 90-minute stream of lies.

Alex Woodward reports.

Trump bulldozes Biden with lies while stumbling president fails to keep up

11:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Biden makes pit stop at Waffle House in Atlanta after first presidential debate

On Thursday night as America watched, two elderly men squabbled over gold handicaps

09:15 , Oliver O'Connell

The first US presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump on Thursday took an unexpected turn after they got into an argument over golf when asked about their ability to serve as president well into their 80s.

Mr Biden’s performance was marked by rambling answers, while Mr Trump spent the debate spreading misinformation and failing to answer questions.

And then, as Alisha Rahaman Sarkar reports, golf came up...

Trump-Biden US presidential debate devolves into squabble over golf handicaps

Gloomy Joe Scarborough laments Trump will be next president

07:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Joe Scarborough declared that Donald Trump will be the next US president “unless there’s a change,” hinting that it was time for Joe Biden to step aside.

The 81-year-old president hoped to silence critics who’ve questioned his age and mental fitness during Thursday evening’s first televised debate of the 2024 election on CNN.

But instead, Biden sometimes appeared to struggle stringing together a coherent sentence, would lose his train of thought and, at points, freeze up completely.

James Liddell has the story.

Joe Scarborough laments Trump will be next president ‘unless things change’

How many people watched the debate?

17:21 , Ariana Baio

CNN said on Friday that the debate drew the highest audience on its network but the number of people watching dropped more than 30 percent from 2020.

Gustaf Kilander reports:

51 million viewers tune in for Biden’s debate debacle against Trump

Key takeaways from the first Biden-Trump debate

05:15 , Oliver O'Connell

It was a night of misinformation, abortion, and Democratic panic, as Katie Hawkinson reports.

Misinformation and Democratic ‘panic’: Key takeaways from the Biden-Trump debate

04:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Biden freezes mid-answer during presidential election debate

‘Panic mode’ as Democrats begin calling for Biden to step aside

03:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Ahead of the first presidential debate in Atlanta, Democrats had one piece of advice for President Joe Biden: Be yourself.

Former House speaker Nancy Pelosi said it. Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester, who is running for Senate in Biden’s home state of Delaware said it. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told The Independent that people should ask what former president Donald Trump needed to do to have “half a chance” at sounding “barely cogent.”

But Democrats began to sound the alarm after Biden’s performance in Atlanta on Thursday evening.

Eric Garcia reports.

Panicked Democrats call for Biden to step aside after ‘horrible’ debate against Trump

US allies fear a new Trump presidency may be one step closer

02:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Joe Biden’s rocky performance against Donald Trump at the first televised presidential debate of the 2024 US election cycle has left some of America’s foreign allies bracing for a belated second Trump presidency.

Joe Sommerlad reports.

US allies fear new Trump presidency after Biden ‘implodes’ at debate

01:15 , Oliver O'Connell

How late-night TV hosts reacted to Trump vs Biden debate

Democratic lawmakers are urging Biden to skip next debate

Saturday 29 June 2024 00:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Democrats are now openly urging President Joe Biden to skip the next debate set to take place in September.

Biden’s performance on Thursday night was quickly slammed as disastrous as he appeared frail, at times losing his train of thought and making several gaffes.

Democrats began to share their concerns while the debate was still live and questioned whether Biden should remain on the ballot. Several said anonymously that he should step aside.

Gustaf Kilander reports.

Dems lawmakers are openly urging Biden to skip out on next debate

Trump will ‘undo’ progress on tackling climate crisis, Biden says

Saturday 29 June 2024 00:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Joe Biden warned that Donald Trump would undo all of his work on the climate crisis if he won the US presidential election even as the former president claimed to have the best “environmental numbers” when he was in office.

Stuti Mishra reports.

Joe Biden says Donald Trump will ‘undo’ progress on tackling climate crisis

Rep Chip Roy puts forward legislation that would use the 25th amendment to remove Biden

Saturday 29 June 2024 00:00 , Oliver O'Connell

A Republican congressman from Texas is proposing legislation that would call on Vice President Kamala Harris to convene President Joe Biden’s cabinet and invoke the 25th amendment of the US Constitution.

Representative Chip Roy of Texas proposed the legislation after Biden’s lackluster debate performance against former president Donald Trump in Atlanta on Thursday.

Under the 25th Amendment of the US Constitution, the vice president and the majority of cabinet officers can declare “that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office” and that the vice president may assume the duties of the presidency.

Eric Garcia reports from Capitol Hill.

Republican congressman will try to remove Biden using the 25th amendment

‘I’m still processing what happened’: Democrats still reeling from Biden debate performance

Friday 28 June 2024 23:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Eric Garcia reports from Capitol Hill:

The shockwaves from President Joe Biden’s palid, painful and piecemeal debate performance in Atlanta on Thursday could still be felt on Capitol Hill on Friday morning.

While members of Congress are usually anxious to dart out the door on a Friday to make their flights home, Democrats seemed especially unwilling to speak about Biden’s stumbles in the face of former president Donald Trump’s repeated lies.

Continue reading...

‘I’m still processing what happened’: Democrats on Biden’s debate performance

Why SCOTUS’ Jan 6 ruling will only impact a handful of rioters

Friday 28 June 2024 23:30 , Oliver O'Connell

The Supreme Court’s decision to narrow how Jan. 6 defendants may be charged with “obstruction of an official proceeding” will likely only impact a small number of convicted rioters.

“The decision will not have tremendous significance in the January 6 cases, including that of former president Trump, because in almost all cases there are other charges that have a felony status alongside the obstruction charge,” said William Banks, a professor at Syracuse University College of Law.

Though no defendant was singly charged with obstruction of an official proceeding, there are 27 people who pleaded guilty only to the obstruction charge.

Ariana Baio explains.

What does the Supreme Court decision mean for Jan. 6 defendants?

Supreme Court criminalizes homelessness

Friday 28 June 2024 23:15 , Oliver O'Connell

The Supreme Court will allow thecriminalization of homelessness after a majority ruled to allow laws that allow police to ticket, fine or arrest those who sleep in public areas.

On Friday, the conservative majority of the justices disagreed with a group of unhoused people in the city of Grants Pass, Oregon, who argued that a series of laws punishing people for sleeping outside was considered cruel and unusual punishment and in violation of the Eighth Amendment.

Homelessness is complex. Its causes are many. So may be the public policy responses required to address it,” Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote in the majority opinion.

Ariana Baio and Alex Woodward report.

Supreme Court allows for laws criminalizing homelessness

Biden calls Trump a ‘lying, dog-faced pony soldier’ after debate — a slur he has used before

Friday 28 June 2024 22:50 , Oliver O'Connell

President Joe Biden called his election rival Donald Trump a “lying, dog-faced pony solider” after the debate concluded, resurrecting an insult he used against a student during his campaign trail in 2020.

Amelia Neath has the story.

Biden calls Trump a ‘lying, dog-faced pony soldier’ after debate

Watch: Trump takes credit for Obama and Biden accomplishments

Friday 28 June 2024 22:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Trump tells Biden to ‘get the hell out of here’ as he takes victory lap at lie-filled rally

Friday 28 June 2024 22:40 , Oliver O'Connell

Donald Trump took a victory lap at a campaign rally in Virginia one day after bulldozing Joe Biden and millions of viewers with lies and inflated claims at their first 2024 presidential debate.

The former president said the upcoming election isn’t about whether the clearly struggling Biden can “survive a 90-minute debate” but whether America can survive another four years under his presidency, suggesting that the country might not “survive another five months.”

Alex Woodward reports.

Trump tells Biden to ‘get the hell out of here’ at lie-filled rally

Biden presidential odds fall, Harris rises

Friday 28 June 2024 22:30 , Oliver O'Connell

Joe Biden’s odds of remaining the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee have fallen just hours after his debate with Donald Trump, according to one sports-betting website.

While Biden is still the favored candidate and Vice President Kamala Harris remains far behind, her odds jumped after the debate, according to Oddschecker, a site that provides odds and analysis by aggregating information from sportsbooks.

Katie Hawkinson reports.

Biden sees presidential odds fall while Kamala Harris rises hours after debate

In pictures: Biden speaks at the opening ceremony of the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center

Friday 28 June 2024 22:26 , Oliver O'Connell

US Secretary of the Interior Deb Haalan speaks at the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center grand opening ceremony in New York (AFP via Getty Images)
US Secretary of the Interior Deb Haalan speaks at the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center grand opening ceremony in New York (AFP via Getty Images)
First lady Jill Biden speaks at the Stonewall Inn to mark the 55th anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall riots (REUTERS)
First lady Jill Biden speaks at the Stonewall Inn to mark the 55th anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall riots (REUTERS)
President Joe Biden, right, poses with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY (AP)
President Joe Biden, right, poses with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY (AP)
British musician Elton John speaks as US President Joe Biden looks on (AFP via Getty Images)
British musician Elton John speaks as US President Joe Biden looks on (AFP via Getty Images)
President Joe Biden speaks to a packed room at the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center opening ceremony (AFP via Getty Images)
President Joe Biden speaks to a packed room at the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center opening ceremony (AFP via Getty Images)

Bill Clinton says ‘facts and history matter’ in response to Biden debate performance

Friday 28 June 2024 22:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Former President Bill Clinton has reiterated his support for Joe Biden, saying that “facts and history matter” over debate rating.

I’ll leave the debate rating to the pundits, but here’s what I know: facts and history matter. Joe Biden has given us 3 years of solid leadership, steadying us after the pandemic, creating a record number of new jobs, making real progress solving the climate crisis, and launching a successful effort in reducing inflation, all while pulling us out of the quagmire Donald Trump left us in. That’s what’s really at stake in November.

'The View’ hosts urge Joe Biden to step down

Friday 28 June 2024 22:00 , Oliver O'Connell

The View hosts have reacted to President Joe Biden’s shaky first presidential debate against former President Donald Trump, calling on Biden to step down if the Democrats hope to win the 2024 election.

Inga Parkel has the story.

The View hosts urge Joe Biden to step down after ‘worrisome’ presidential debate

Snap poll: Who won the debate?

Friday 28 June 2024 21:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Joe Biden’s stumbling performance in the first US presidential debate of 2024 left a large majority of American viewers believing that Donald Trump came out on top, according to a snap poll by CNN.

Graeme Massie unpacks the details.

Who won the debate? Snap poll results following Trump-Biden face-off

Watch LIVE: Joe Biden and Jill Biden give remarks at Stonewall National Monument

Friday 28 June 2024 21:43 , Oliver O'Connell

Watch: Trump gives his expert opinion on climate change

Friday 28 June 2024 21:41 , Oliver O'Connell

Biden arrives in New York for the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center opening ceremony

Friday 28 June 2024 21:39 , Oliver O'Connell

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden step off Air Force One upon arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York (AFP via Getty Images)
President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden step off Air Force One upon arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York (AFP via Getty Images)
Marine One, carrying President Joe Biden, arrives at the Wall Street Landing Zone (AP)
Marine One, carrying President Joe Biden, arrives at the Wall Street Landing Zone (AP)

Trump repeats his selection of bizarre anecdotes at Virginia rally

Friday 28 June 2024 21:33 , Oliver O'Connell

The late great Hannibal Lecter is back...

People still want to know what a “Black job” is...

SCOTUS ends precedent that gave federal agencies oversight and cripples enforcement

Friday 28 June 2024 21:20 , Oliver O'Connell

Federal agencies, such as the FDA or EPA, have been crippled in enforcement and oversight after the Supreme Court ended more than 40 years of precedent.

In a 6-2 decision on Friday, the conservative majority of the Supreme Court handed down a ruling in an extraordinarily consequential case that will have intense ramifications for federal agencies and Congress.

Ariana Baio explains what this means.

Supreme Court ends 40-year-old precedent that gave federal agencies oversight