Trump news – live: Jared Kushner and Hope Hicks testify in Jan 6 probe as Hunter Biden issues warning to Trump

Federal prosecutors investigating Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election results have questioned his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, among other witnesses to see if the former president acknowledged behind closed doors that he had lost – while continuing to push false claims to election fraud to his supporters.

Mr Kushner testified in Washington DC last month, according to a report from The New York Times, and maintained that the former president believed the election was stolen, a source briefed on the matter said.

It has also emerged that other key administration figures including Alyssa Farah Griffin and Hope Hicks were also questioned.

The revelation came as Hunter Biden’s lawyers sent Mr Trump a cease-and-desist letter warning him to not “incite” violence against the president’s son on social media.

Abbe Lowell warned Mr Trump’s attorneys that his rhetoric against Hunter could lead to another Paul Pelosi-style attack, saying “We are just one such social media message away from another incident.”

Elsewhere, special counsel Jack Smith told a federal judge there is “no basis in law or fact” for indefinitely postponing Mr Trump’s federal trial and urged the court to proceed with jury selection in December.

Key points

  • Trump asks Georgia Supreme Court to quash grand jury indictment report

  • Trump Organization employee target for obstruction of documents probe

  • Hunter Biden lawyers tell Trump to end attacks warning they’re ‘one social message away’ from causing violence

  • Jared Kushner and Hope Hicks have testified in front of grand jury investigating Trump, reports say

  • No reason to delay Trump trial in documents case, prosecutors say

  • Special counsel has interviewed senior state official in Michigan in Trump probe, report says

Trump asks Georgia Supreme Court to quash grand jury indictment report

17:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Election 2024 Trump (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
Election 2024 Trump (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

Per The Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

Former President Donald Trump on Friday returned to Georgia’s courts in his effort to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from investigating him for election interference and to quash the final report of a special purpose grand jury that recommends people be indicted.

Trump’s attorneys filed similar petitions in both the Georgia Supreme Court and Fulton County Superior Court. The filing in Georgia’s highest court said such a motion is typically disfavored but “extraordinary circumstances” justify it.

“Even in an extraordinarily novel case of national significance, one would expect matters to take their normal procedural course within a reasonable time,” the motion said. “But nothing about these processes have been normal or reasonable. And the all-but-unavoidable conclusion is that the anomalies below are because petitioner is President Donald J. Trump.”

Trump not alone in GOP as Scott agrees with comments dismissing threat of Russia

17:40 , Oliver O'Connell

Sen Tim Scott appeared to agree with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s assertion that Mexico poses a bigger threat to the US than Russia in a chummy 2024 campaign trail forum.

The South Carolina senator joined many other Republican presidential candidates - save for former president Donald Trump - to appear at the forum hosted by Blaze Media, run by former Fox News host Glenn Beck, and the Iowa Family Leader, a socially conservative organisation that candidates frequently court.

Mr Carlson, who frequently criticised US support for Ukraine against Russia, said Russia was not as big of a threat as Mexico.

Eric Garcia reports.

Tim Scott agrees with Tucker Carlson comments dismissing threat posed by Russia

Trump lashes out at Biden’s support for allies

17:27 , Oliver O'Connell

On Thursday, President Joe Biden issued an executive order approving the mobilisation of select reserve forces with up to 3,000 personnel, augmenting the armed forces in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve — an ongoing operation that began in the wake of Russia’s 2014 invasion of Crimea.

The operation is designated as a contingency operation according to Army Lt Gen Douglas Sims II, joint staff director of operations.

“This new designation benefits troops and families with increases in authorities, entitlements and access to the reserve component forces and personnel,” Mr Sims said.

"This [executive order] reaffirms the unwavering support and commitment to defend Nato's eastern flank in the wake of Russia's illegal and unprovoked war on Ukraine.”

The move will ensure long-term resilience in United States European Command’s continued heightened level of presence and operations. This will not change current force-posture levels in Europe.

Former President Donald Trump had his own alarmist perspective of the move. In a statement released by his 2024 campaign, he said:

Joe Biden's decision to mobilize reserve forces proves that his reckless escalation in Ukraine is straining the US military to the point of disaster. Just last week, Biden shockingly admitted that our arsenals are so badly depleted that the United States is running out of ammunition. Now, we see the ranks are growing so thin that reserve troops are being forced to support Biden's calamitous policy in Europe, while our own borders remain undefended.

Joe Biden can't even walk up the steps of Air Force One without tripping. The last thing this incompetent administration should be doing is pushing us further toward World War Three.

Yet Biden has proclaimed that he will continue sending American treasure and weaponry to fuel endless war in Ukraine for “as long as it takes”. When I am reelected, it will take 24 hours. This conflict must end. Not one American mother or father wants to send their child to die in Eastern Europe. We must have PEACE.

As President, I will AGAIN rebuild America's military and restore the readiness and deterrence that Joe Biden has so dangerously squandered, and I will return to a foreign policy that puts AMERICA FIRST, so that we can once again have PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH.

Quoting President Ronald Reagan at the end of the statement, a champion of Nato who took an especially hard line against the USSR, is particularly ironic given Mr Trump’s indifferent attitude toward US allies and ambivalence about the territorial ambitions of Russia:

Trump boasts he told Nato members he wouldn’t protect them from Russia

Trump Organization employee target for obstruction of documents probe

17:19 , Oliver O'Connell

In a letter, Special Counsel Jack Smith told a Trump Organization employee that he is a target for obstruction of the documents prosecution, threatening potential charges for being suspected of lying to investigators, ABC News reports.

The employee is believed to have perjured himself during a May appearance before the federal grand jury hearing evidence in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents probe.

When reached on Thursday by ABC News, the employee declined to answer questions about the possible target letter and his discussions with investigators.

He said only: “It's none of your business.”

The network says the letter (which was described to ABC News) signals Mr Smith’s growing interest in the Trump Organization’s handling of the surveillance footage and potential efforts to avoid sharing it with investigators.

Watch: McCarthy says Crane comments ‘not acceptable’, believes he misspoke

17:07 , Oliver O'Connell

Fox News analyst under fire for speculating about Biden death in second term

17:00 , Oliver O'Connell

Fox News has been criticised for speculating on the likelihood of President Joe Biden dying during a second term in office.

At the age of 80, Mr Biden is the oldest serving president and would beat his own record for the oldest person to be elected president if he is successful in the 2024 election.

Fox News medical analyst Marc Siegel said Mr Biden’s age by the end of a second term (86) would put him at risk of falls, while other health issues suggested there was a 50 per cent chance he “wouldn’t survive”.

Read on...

Fox News analyst under fire for speculating probability of Biden dying in second term

Rep Crane ‘deeply regrets’ using racist term on House floor

16:42 , Oliver O'Connell

Olivia Beavers of Politico reports that Rep Eli Crane deeply regrets using the term “coloured people” on the House floor on Thursday.

He says he misspoke and is mad at himself.

Geraldo Rivera grilled about friendship with ‘crazy, racist, misogynistic’ Trump

16:40 , Oliver O'Connell

Former Fox News host Geraldo Rivera faced a grilling from panelists on The View about his past friendship with “crazy”, “racist” and “misogynistic” Donald Trump.

Mr Rivera appeared on the talk show on Thursday – just weeks after he revealed in a Twitter video that he had been fired from Fox News’ show The Five after 23 years with the right-wing network.

Rachel Sharp reports.

Ex-Fox News host grilled about friendship with ‘crazy, racist, misogynistic’ Trump

Biden 2024 campaign raised twice as much Trump in 2Q 2023

16:20 , Oliver O'Connell

A furious Truth Social post might be emanating from Bedminster, New Jersey, sometime soon, because [say it in a Biden whisper]:

The $72m brought in by the president’s re-election campaign is more than double the $35m raised by former president Donald Trump’s campaign during the full 90-day period running from 1 April to 30 June, and more than triple what Mr Trump’s closest primary rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, raised during the second quarter.

Reporting from Washington, DC, Andrew Feinberg has the details:

Biden campaign raised twice as much as Trump in 2nd quarter of 2023

‘You are exhausting!’: Democratic lawmaker loses his cool with Matt Gaetz

16:00 , Oliver O'Connell

Thinking back to the 15 rounds of voting to make Kevin McCarthy speaker of the House, it’s possible this sentiment would be echoed by a portion of Mr Gaetz’s own party.

Rachel Sharp has the story.

Democratic lawmaker screams at ‘exhausting’ Matt Gaetz on House floor

‘Racist and repugnant’: Republican sparks outrage with ‘coloured people’ remark on House floor

15:40 , Oliver O'Connell

Is this 1953 or 2023?


Republican sparks outrage with ‘racist and repugnant’ remark on House floor

Lincoln Project airs new ad calling Tuberville 'a traitor’

15:31 , Oliver O'Connell

Anti-Trump Republican group The Lincoln Project has blasted Senator Tommy Tuberville for blocking Senate confirmations of all senior military officers to protest a Defense Department policy that pays for travel when a service member has to go out of state to get an abortion or other reproductive care.

Thanks to the senator, the US Marine Corps is without a leader for the first time in 150 years. In a new ad by the group, the Lincoln Project says the Marines’ proud legacy is being tarnished by Mr Tuberville, labelling him a “domestic enemy and a “traitor”.

Watch the ad below:

Report: Jared Kushner and Hope Hicks have testified in front of grand jury investigating Jan 6

15:20 , Oliver O'Connell

Federal prosecutors investigating Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results have questioned his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, among other witnesses to see if the former president acknowledged he had lost.

Mr Kushner testified to a grand jury in Washington DC last month, according to a report from The New York Times.

Ariana Baio has the details.

Jared Kushner has testified in front of grand jury investigating Jan 6, reports say

Warning of potential for violence, Hunter Biden lawyers tell Trump to end attacks

15:00 , Oliver O'Connell

Lawyers for the president’s son Hunter Biden sent Donald Trump a cease-and-desist letter on Thursday, alleging that the former president’s frequent hostile comments about Mr Biden are defamatory and likely to inspire violence.

“We are just one such social media message away from another incident,” the letter, obtained by Law360, claims, citing the violent attack on former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband as a cautionary tale of the dangers of online rhetoric.

Josh Marcus reports.

Hunter Biden demands end to Trump attacks and says they may inspire violence

In-depth: He was a loyal Fox News viewer before he starred in a conspiracy theory. Now Ray Epps is suing

14:36 , Oliver O'Connell

Alex Woodward spoke with attorneys representing Ray Epps about how the ongoing right-wing conspiracy theories about their clients have led to a defamation case against Fox News for helping amplify those claims.

He was a loyal Fox viewer before he starred in a conspiracy theory. Now he’s suing

Report: Arizona prosecutors probing GOP efforts to overturn 2020 election

14:05 , Oliver O'Connell

Arizona’s chief law enforcement officer has tasked a team of attorneys with looking into alleged efforts by GOP figures to reverse the results of the 2020 election in the state after Donald Trump became the first Republican in decades to lose Arizona’s electoral votes.

Citing two sources familiar with the probe, The Washington Post reported that Attorney General Kris Mayes assigned a team of prosecutors and investigators to the case two months ago, with the prosecutors already having spoken to a number of pro-Trump figures as part of the investigation.

Andrew Feinberg reports.

Arizona prosecutors probing GOP efforts to overturn 2020 election, report says

Voices: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s antics show that the 2024 election will be about America’s role in the world

13:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Eric Garcia writes:

Politics very rarely offers a symmetric split-screen image between Democrats and Republicans. But this week provided a perfect contrast in how Democrats and Republicans approach international affairs, with President Joe Biden preaching the virtues of the liberal international order while the loudest voices in the GOP talked about America retreating from the world.


Marjorie Taylor Greene’s antics add another wrinkle to 2024

Cruz proposes bill to help detect if your house is spying on you

13:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is attempting to rally support for a bill that would reveal to Americans if their household devices are spying on them.

Mr Cruz took to the Senate floor on Tuesday to rally support for the Informing Consumers about the Smart Devices Act — warning that as more and more Americans bring smart devices into their homes, the result could be a loss of privacy.

Abe Asher reports.

Ted Cruz proposes bill to help detect if your house is spying on you

Senators take another run at barring future US withdrawal from Nato

12:45 , Oliver O'Connell

A bipartisan group of US senators is pushing for legislation that would prevent any US president from pulling America out of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation without approval from the upper chamber.

Andrew Feinberg explains how they’re doing it.

Senators renew effort to bar future US withdrawal from Nato

Secret Service ends White House cocaine probe

12:00 , Oliver O'Connell

The US Secret Service ended its investigation into the source of cocaine that was found at the White House after no fingerprints or DNA were found on the small bag, CNN reported.

Eric Garcia reports from Washington, DC.

Secret Service ends probe into mysterious bag of cocaine found in White House

Jim Jordan attempts to explain why he ‘drew a blank’ on Fox News

11:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Rep Jim Jordan paused in the middle of a sentence and began spouting an incomprehensible statement: “The decision the – when it came to the, the decision with Mr–”

Here’s what he says happened:

Jim Jordan blames earpiece for stumbling over words in Fox interview

Biden calls out Tuberville’s ‘ridiculous’ block on military promotions

10:15 , Oliver O'Connell

President Joe Biden on Thursday hit out at Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville’s monthslong effort to block the upper chamber from advancing hundreds of promotions for military officers and nominations for key positions in the US armed services, calling the Republican lawmaker’s position “ridiculous” and a threat to national security.


Biden calls out GOP senator’s ‘ridiculous’ block on military promotions

Amid threats from the GOP, Biden says US and Nato will ‘stay connected’

08:45 , Oliver O'Connell

President Joe Biden on Thursday said the US will remain a part of the Nato alliance in the future despite the threat of a second term in the White House for Donald Trump, who has reportedly expressed a desire to pull America out of the transatlantic alliance.

Speaking along Sauli Niinistö at the Finnish presidential palace in Helsinki, Mr Biden was asked by a Finnish reporter about the US Senate’s failure to pass legislation barring US presidents from ordering a unilateral withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty.

Pressed on what actions he will take to assure Finns that America would remain a reliable member of the alliance, he replied: “I absolutely guarantee it. There is no question”.

Andrew Feinberg reports.

Biden says US and Nato will ‘stay connected’ amid threats from GOP

In-depth: How conservatives turned Ray Epps into a Capitol riot scapegoat

06:45 , Oliver O'Connell

When Ray Epps, now 61, arrived in Washington DC in early January, 2021, he believed he was answering the call of his president.

Mr Epps was one of the thousands of MAGA loyalists who believed former President Donald Trump‘s lie that the 2020 election had been stolen. He also thought he and a throng of conservative allies would protest the election’s certification.

The night before the Capitol riot on Jan 6, Mr Epps told a crowd of fellow Trump supporters that they should enter the Capitol. This exchange was caught on video. He did not call for violence, and later claimed that he was encouraging a peaceful protest inside the building.

Nearly 900 people have been arrested for their participation in the failed insurrection that occurred the following day. Though Mr Epps is not among that number, he has nonetheless become the focus of a MAGA-world conspiracy theory placing the blame for the entire debacle squarely on his shoulders.

Graig Graziosi explains how Mr Epps came to be at the centre of a conspiracy theory.

How conservatives turned Ray Epps into a Capitol riot scapegoat

DoJ challenges prison sentences for Oath Keepers convicted on January 6 charges

04:45 , Oliver O'Connell

The US Department of Justice appears to be seeking longer prison sentences for eight members of a far-right anti-government militia group convicted of treason-related charges in connection with the January 6 attack.

Federal prosecutors have filed brief documents in the cases of Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes and other members of the group whose prison sentences were set below what the government asked a judge to impose.

Alex Woodward reports.

Justice Department challenges length of prison sentences for Oath Keepers

RFK Jr press dinner screaming match over climate crisis ends... well, you’ll see...

03:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Arguments at a press dinner for Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign became – literally and figuratively – explosive.

Kelly Rissman has the story.

RFK Jr press dinner screaming match over climate crisis ends with host farting

Glitter, it just gets everywhere...

02:45 , Oliver O'Connell

A Republican lawmaker has a bizarre new label for Hunter Biden – glitter.

Speaking at a House Judiciary Committee hearing with FBI Director Christopher Wray on Wednesday, Rep Wesley Hunt compared President Joe Biden’s son to the sparkly stuff.

“Hunter Biden to me, is like glitter. He is on everything and you cannot get rid of him,” he fumed.

Any readers out there who have spent time with drag queens will know this to be a fact.

Rachel Sharp reports.

GOP lawmaker compares Hunter Biden to glitter: ‘You cannot get rid of him’

Hunter Biden lawyers tell Trump to end attacks warning they’re ‘one social message away’ from causing violence

02:10 , Graeme Massie

Letter from Hunter Biden’s lawyers mentions Paul Pelosi attack.

Hunter Biden demands end to Trump attacks and says they may inspire violence

Hunter Biden’s lawyer warns Trump of “inciting violence"

02:01 , Graeme Massie

Hunter Biden’s lawyer has given Donald Trump a cease-and-desist warning, telling him to not “incite” violence against the president’s son on social media.

Abbe Lowell sent Mr Trump’s lawyers a letter which warned that his rhetoric against Hunter Biden could lead to another Paul Pelosi-style attack, saying “We are just one such social media message away from another incident.”

Broadway actor cleared over Jan 6 role

01:45 , Oliver O'Connell

A former actor and Broadway star has been cleared of all charges related to his involvement in the Jan 6 Capitol riots.

James Beeks, a member of the Oath Keepers, was facing charges of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding and civil disorder.

He was acquitted of both charges on Wednesday, but his co-defendant Donovan Crowl was convicted on both counts.

Maroosha Muzaffar has the story.

Broadway star cleared over Jan 6 role after his own lawyer argues he was a ‘wannabe’

Fox News host fondly recalls one of the diplomatic low points of the Trump administration

01:00 , Oliver O'Connell

Fox News’s Jesse Watters longs for a simpler time when the world watched in astonishment and horror as a grown man shoved an allied leader out of the way during a photo op.

Shweta Sharma reports.

Fox host complains Biden doesn’t push other world leaders out of the way like Trump

Weak GOP midterm showing and recent court ruling put House majority in play in 2024

Friday 14 July 2023 00:15 , Oliver O'Connell

After an anemic showing in the midterms, Republicans have virtually no cushion in their quest to retain control of the House, which was made all the more complicated by a surprise US Supreme Court decision last month that will likely bring two new safely Democratic districts. Democrats need to pick up just five seats to control the House.


The US House majority is in play next year after a weak GOP midterm showing and recent court ruling

Report: Special counsel has interviewed senior state official in Michigan in Trump probe

Thursday 13 July 2023 23:30 , Oliver O'Connell

Justice Department investigators have interviewed Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson as part of their investigation into Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Ms Benson’s meeting with prosecutors working for special counsel Jack Smith took place last month and lasted for “several hours”, a source told CNN.

Eric Garcia has the story.

Special counsel has interviewed senior state official in Michigan in Trump probe

Kari Lake claims Arizona brewery is getting death threats for hosting her event

Thursday 13 July 2023 23:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Kari Lake has claimed that an Arizona brewery has received death threats after it hosted her book event.

The far-right Republican attended the event at the Firetruck Brewing Company venue in Tucson to promote her book, Unafraid: Just Getting Started.

Graeme Massie has the details.

Kari Lake claims Arizona brewery is getting death threats after hosting her event

Complaint filed in Arizona against No Labels over donor secrecy

Thursday 13 July 2023 23:00 , Oliver O'Connell

The Arizona Democratic Party is looking to force new political party No Labels to disclose its donors or lose its status as a political party, an escalation of Democrats’ efforts to block a group they worry will boost Donald Trump‘s chances of returning to the White House.

Read more:

Arizona Democrats file complaint against No Labels over donor secrecy

Prosecutors: No reason to delay Trump trial in documents case

Thursday 13 July 2023 22:51 , Oliver O'Connell

Prosecutors working under the supervision of Special Counsel Jack Smith have urged Judge Aileen Cannon to reject former president Donald Trump’s request to indefinitely postpone his trial on charges that he allegedly unlawfully retained national defence information and conspired with his aide Walt Nauta to obstruct justice.

Andrew Feinberg has the details on the 11-page filing submitted to the court today.

No reason to delay Trump trial in documents case, prosecutors say

Full story: Jared Kushner and Hope Hicks have testified in front of grand jury investigating Trump, reports say

Thursday 13 July 2023 22:50 , Oliver O'Connell

Federal prosecutors investigating Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election results have questioned his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, among other witnesses to see if the former president acknowledged he had lost.

Ariana Baio has the story.

Jared Kushner has testified in front of grand jury investigating Trump, reports say

Voices: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s antics show that the 2024 election will be about America’s role in the world

Thursday 13 July 2023 22:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Eric Garcia writes:

Politics very rarely offers a symmetric split-screen image between Democrats and Republicans. But this week provided a perfect contrast in how Democrats and Republicans approach international affairs, with President Joe Biden preaching the virtues of the liberal international order while the loudest voices in the GOP talked about America retreating from the world.


Marjorie Taylor Greene’s antics add another wrinkle to 2024

Growing number of Trump admin figures have testified to Jan 6 grand jury

Thursday 13 July 2023 22:23 , Oliver O'Connell

A growing number of Trump administration figures have been confirmed as having testified before the Special Counsel grand jury investigation the January 6 attack on the US Capitol.

The list of names now includes Jared Kushner, Alyssa Farah Griffin, and Hope Hicks.

Melania Trump was paid $155,000 in 2021 by Trump-linked Super PAC

Thursday 13 July 2023 22:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Former president Donald Trump’s most recent financial disclosure form shows that a super PAC linked to him made a $155,000 payment to his wife, Melania Trump, in December 2021.

The disclosure form listed the 2 December 2021 payment to Ms Trump as compensation for a speaking engagement from the Make America Great Again, Again political action committee, which was the main super PAC connected to his political operation until last year.

Andrew Feinberg reports.

Trump-linked Super PAC paid Melania Trump $155,000 in 2021

Report: Arizona prosecutors probing GOP efforts to overturn 2020 election

Thursday 13 July 2023 22:00 , Oliver O'Connell

Arizona’s chief law enforcement officer has tasked a team of attorneys with looking into alleged efforts by GOP figures to reverse the results of the 2020 election in the state after Donald Trump became the first Republican in decades to lose Arizona’s electoral votes.

Citing two sources familiar with the probe, The Washington Post reported that Attorney General Kris Mayes assigned a team of prosecutors and investigators to the case two months ago, with the prosecutors already having spoken to a number of pro-Trump figures as part of the investigation.

Andrew Feinberg reports.

Arizona prosecutors probing GOP efforts to overturn 2020 election, report says

Trump weighs into White House cocaine scandal and makes it all about him

Thursday 13 July 2023 21:41 , Oliver O'Connell

Former president Donald Trump has once again weighed in on the investigation into the cocaine found in the White House, once again making it about himself. Though at least this time he didn’t suggest the sitting president is a “crackhead”.

Here’s what he wrote this afternoon:

It has just been announced that the “investigation” of Cocaine in the White House has ended. Despite all of the cameras pointing directly at the “scene of the crime,” and the greatest forensics anywhere in the World, they just can’t figure it out? They know the answer, and so does everyone else! In the meantime, they continue to target and investigate me, for years, in what has been called the greatest Witch Hunt of all time - Over NOTHING!!! ELECTION INTERFERENCE & a Two Tier Level of Justice.

First Amendment group sues Greg Abbott over the Texas TikTok ban on official devices

Thursday 13 July 2023 21:30 , Oliver O'Connell

A First Amendment group sued Texas Governor Greg Abbott and others on Thursday over the state’s TikTok ban on official devices, arguing the prohibition – which extends to public universities – is unconstitutional and impedes academic freedom.

The complaint was filed by The Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, a free speech group in New York that’s suing on behalf a coalition of academics and researchers who study technology’s impact on society.


First Amendment group sues Texas Governor and others over the state's TikTok ban on official devices

Senators renew effort to stop US withdrawal from Nato in future

Thursday 13 July 2023 21:00 , Oliver O'Connell

A bipartisan group of US senators is pushing for legislation that would prevent any US president from pulling America out of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation without approval from the upper chamber.

Andrew Feinberg has the details.

Senators renew effort to bar future US withdrawal from Nato

Ted Cruz proposes bill to help detect if your house is spying on you

Thursday 13 July 2023 20:30 , Oliver O'Connell

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is attempting to rally support for a bill that would reveal to Americans if their household devices are spying on them.

Mr Cruz took to the Senate floor on Tuesday to rally support for the Informing Consumers about the Smart Devices Act — warning that as more and more Americans bring smart devices into their homes, the result could be a loss of privacy.

Abe Asher reports.

Ted Cruz proposes bill to help detect if your house is spying on you

Damning court papers show Giuliani knew claims about Georgia election workers were false

Thursday 13 July 2023 20:15 , Oliver O'Connell

A court filing from the mother-and-daughter pair of Georgia election workers who are suing ex-New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani for defaming them, shows that Mr Giuliani had no evidence that either woman was involved in any manner of election fraud when he passed surveillance footage of them to former president Donald Trump’s advisers as they scrambled to justify claiming the election had been stolen from the then-president.

Andrew Feinberg reports from Washington, DC.

Damning court documents reveal Giuliani knew claims about election workers were false

‘I drew a blank’

Thursday 13 July 2023 20:00 , Oliver O'Connell

Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) stumbled over his words during a rant on Fox News’ show Hannity on Wednesday evening creating a discombobulated sentence.

Mr Jordan began by commenting on Christopher Wray, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, testifying to the House Judiciary Committee.

Ariana Baio reports on what he attempted to say.

Jim Jordan blames earpiece for stumbling over words in Fox interview

This lunchtime on Truth Social

Thursday 13 July 2023 19:39 , Oliver O'Connell

Donald Trump spent his lunchtime lashing out at Ron DeSantis as “cold as ice” and spelling out the central tenets of Trumpism on Truth Social.

He began:

Financial Times wrote a story, “The great Ron DeSantis campaign train wreck.” Actually, they’re being nice by comparison to how he really campaigns!

Ouch. Next up:

“TRUMPISM,” as some call AMERICA FIRST, is very simple: Low Taxes and Regulations, the most powerful Military, Tariffs & Taxes on other countries who have taken advantage of the United States and which will make the USA rich and debt free again (if countries want to “take” from the U.S., they must pay for the privilege!), protection of our under siege 2nd Amendment, GREAT Healthcare, Low Energy Prices through Energy Independence, PARENTAL POWER on School Boards, “LIFE,” STRONG Borders, & more!

Should we be analysing his use of the CAPS lock to show his campaign priorities?

He then wrote:

DeSanctimonious Polls are getting worse & worse as the public gets to know him. The Democrats would have a field day with Ron. He’s cold as ICE, and only hurting the Republican Party. We have a 49 Point Lead, and should be getting even better than that!!!

He didn’t forget the actual opponents in the 2024 election:

I’m beating Biden in the Polls by the biggest margins ever. I assume that means there’ll be another Indictment & Arrest coming down the tracks very soon. These Radical Left Democrats, Communists, Marxists, and Fascists are destroying our Country but, have no fear, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

If only it wasn’t for those “sick government ‘thugs’”...

I never thought I would say that, as the leading political opponent of Crooked Joe Biden, getting Indicted and Arrested by sick government “Thugs” would be my great honor. I am doing it for our Country, to show how evil and sinister a place it has become. MAGA!!!

Biden calls out GOP senator’s ‘ridiculous’ block on military promotions

Thursday 13 July 2023 19:30 , Oliver O'Connell

President Biden on Thursday hit out at Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville’s monthslong effort to block the upper chamber from advancing hundreds of promotions for military officers and nominations for key positions in the US armed services, calling the Republican lawmaker’s position “ridiculous” and a threat to national security.

Andrew Feinberg has the details.

Biden calls out GOP senator’s ‘ridiculous’ block on military promotions

‘No fingerprints or DNA’ on bag of cocaine found in White House

Thursday 13 July 2023 19:00 , Oliver O'Connell

The US Secret Service ended its investigation around a bag of cocaine that was found at the White House after no fingerprints or DNA were found on the bag, CNN reported.

The Secret Service reportedly looked through the visitor logs and surveillance footage to see who entered the White House on the days leading up to the discovery. But the agency ultimately could not identify a suspect, a source told CNN.

Eric Garcia has the story.

‘No fingerprints or DNA’ on bag of cocaine found in White House as probe ends

Amid threats from GOP, Biden says US and Nato will ‘stay connected’

Thursday 13 July 2023 18:30 , Oliver O'Connell

President Joe Biden on Thursday said the US will remain a part of the Nato alliance in the future despite the threat of a second term in the White House for Donald Trump, who has reportedly expressed a desire to pull America out of the transatlantic alliance.

Speaking along Sauli Niinistö at the Finnish presidential palace in Helsinki, Mr Biden was asked by a Finnish reporter about the US Senate’s failure to pass legislation barring US presidents from ordering a unilateral withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty.

Andrew Feinberg reports.

Biden says US and Nato will ‘stay connected’ amid threats from GOP

Watch: Biden says Tuberville being ‘irresponsible’ over block on military promotions

Thursday 13 July 2023 18:15 , Oliver O'Connell

RFK Jr dinner gets explosive

Thursday 13 July 2023 18:00 , Oliver O'Connell

Arguments at a press dinner for Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign became – literally and figuratively – explosive.

The dinner, held at Tony’s in New York City, descended into a screaming match when a guest asked the Democratic hopeful about the environment, Page Six reported. Mr Kennedy served as the former senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council and founded the Waterkeeper Alliance, a network of environmental organisations aiming to protect the world’s water.

You’ll want to read what happens next:

RFK Jr press dinner screaming match over climate crisis ends with host farting

Trump to host screening of child-trafficking movie ‘Sound of Freedom’

Thursday 13 July 2023 17:44 , Oliver O'Connell

Donald Trump will host a screening of the controversial, QAnon-linked movie Sound of Freedom at his Bedminster golf club.

Here’s our coverage of the movie, purported to be based on a true story.

The controversial child trafficking movie that’s become summer’s unlikely hit

Biden ‘serious’ about Russia prisoner exchange for Wall Street Journal reporter

Thursday 13 July 2023 17:30 , Oliver O'Connell

President Joe Biden says he is seriously considering a prisoner exchange with Russia for jailed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich.

Mr Biden said efforts were underway to free Mr Gershkovich, who has been detained for more than 100 days on bogus espionage charges, at a joint press conference with Finnish president Sauli Niinistö in Helsinki on Thursday.

Bevan Hurley reports.

Biden says he’s ‘serious’ about prisoner exchange for Wall Street Journal reporter

Biden heads home after Europe trip and Nato summit

Thursday 13 July 2023 17:25 , Oliver O'Connell

DoJ challenges prison sentences for Oath Keepers convicted on January 6 charges

Thursday 13 July 2023 17:00 , Oliver O'Connell

The US Department of Justice appears to be seeking longer prison sentences for eight members of a far-right anti-government militia group convicted of treason-related charges in connection with the January 6 attack.

Federal prosecutors have filed brief documents in the cases of Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes and other members of the group whose prison sentences were set below what the government asked a judge to impose.\

Alex Woodward has the details.

Justice Department challenges length of prison sentences for Oath Keepers

What you need to knwo about know about Ray Epps, the man conservatives blame for the Capitol riot

Thursday 13 July 2023 16:40 , Oliver O'Connell

When Ray Epps, now 61, arrived in Washington DC in early January, 2021, he believed he was answering the call of his president.

Mr Epps was one of the thousands of MAGA loyalists who believed former President Donald Trump‘s lie that the 2020 election had been stolen. He also thought he and a throng of conservative allies would protest the election’s certification.

The night before the Capitol riot on Jan 6, Mr Epps told a crowd of fellow Trump supporters that they should enter the Capitol. This exchange was caught on video. He did not call for violence and later claimed that he was encouraging a peaceful protest inside the building.

Nearly 900 people have been arrested for their participation in the failed insurrection that occurred the following day. Though Mr Epps is not among that number, he has nonetheless become the focus of a MAGA-world conspiracy theory placing the blame for the entire debacle squarely on his shoulders.

Read on...

How conservatives turned Ray Epps into a Capitol riot scapegoat

Glitter, it just gets everywhere...

Thursday 13 July 2023 16:20 , Oliver O'Connell

A Republican lawmaker has a bizarre new label for Hunter Biden – glitter.

Speaking at a House Judiciary Committee hearing with FBI Director Christopher Wray on Wednesday, Rep Wesley Hunt compared President Joe Biden’s son to the sparkly stuff.

“Hunter Biden to me, is like glitter. He is on everything and you cannot get rid of him,” he fumed.

Any readers out there who have spent time with drag queens will know this to be a fact.

Rachel Sharp reports.

GOP lawmaker compares Hunter Biden to glitter: ‘You cannot get rid of him’

Secret Service narrow ID of West Wing cocaine king to 500 people

Thursday 13 July 2023 16:03 , Oliver O'Connell

Annie Grayer of CNN reports Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene as saying that the Secret Service narrowed its list of suspects in the West Wing cocaine scandal down to 500 people who were present over the weekend (the Bidens were out of town).

Rep Lauren Boebert adds that the 500 includes a mixture of staffers and people on tours of the executive complex.

Cassidy Hutchinson, a key witness at Jan 6 hearings, has a book deal

Thursday 13 July 2023 16:00 , Oliver O'Connell

A former White House aide to President Donald Trump who became a prominent congressional witness against him and his allies in the wake of the January 6 siege of the U.S. Capitol has a book deal.

Cassidy Hutchinson‘s Enough will be released 26 September by Simon & Schuster.

Former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, a key witness at Jan. 6 hearings, has a book deal

Secret Service ends White House cocaine probe with no suspect, report says

Thursday 13 July 2023 15:45 , Oliver O'Connell

CNN reports that the Secret Service has concluded its investigation into the small bag of cocaine found at the White House and has been unable to identify a suspect.

The network cites two sources familiar with the investigation.

Secret Service officials examined visitor logs and surveillance footage of hundreds of individuals who entered the West Wing in the days preceding the discovery but could not identify a suspect, one of the sources said.

Further, they were also unable to identify the specific moment or even day when the baggie was left inside the cubby near the lower level West Wing entrance where it was discovered.

The second source told CNN that the leading theory is that it was left by one of the hundreds of visitors who entered the West Wing that weekend for tours and were asked to leave their phones and other devices in those cubbyholes.

The Associated Press adds that no fingerprints or DNA were found on the bag.

Broadway actor cleared over Jan 6 role

Thursday 13 July 2023 15:40 , Oliver O'Connell

A former actor and Broadway star has been cleared of all charges related to his involvement in the Jan 6 Capitol riots.

James Beeks, a member of the Oath Keepers, was facing charges of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding and civil disorder.

He was acquitted of both charges on Wednesday, but his co-defendant Donovan Crowl was convicted on both counts.

Maroosha Muzaffar has the story.

Broadway star cleared over Jan 6 role after his own lawyer argues he was a ‘wannabe’