Trump seeks to move ahead with big speech despite Pelosi shutdown concerns

By Richard Cowan and Jeff Mason

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday attempted to move ahead with planning for a State of the Union speech to the U.S. Congress on Jan. 29 despite pressure from Democrats to delay it due to the partial government shutdown.

Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he would bring up Trump's proposal for ending the shutdown - and getting funding for the president's promised border wall - for a vote on Thursday. The plan was unlikely to pass in the Senate and had even less chance in the Democratic-dominated House of Representatives.

Trump's cause was hurt on Tuesday by a U.S. Supreme Court ruling regarding "Dreamers," people brought illegally to the United States as children and who had been a key bargaining chip for the Republican president in his wall-funding battle.

No clear way was evident to end the shutdown, which began on Dec. 22, increasing the anxiety level of 800,000 federal workers who are furloughed with some struggling to make ends meet.

As the fight over the border wall and government funding raged, a sideshow over Trump's upcoming State of the Union speech also boiled over.

A Trump administration official said the president still intends to deliver that speech on Jan. 29, even though House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the top U.S. Democrat, had recommended he delay it, citing concerns about security for the event with some personnel furloughed during a monthlong shutdown.

An administration official said the White House sought to have pre-speech preparations completed on Capitol Hill.

The request seemed likely to set up another clash between Trump and Pelosi, days after Trump abruptly refused to let her use a U.S. military plane to go on an overseas trip hours before she was to depart.

Aides to Pelosi did not respond to requests for comment on whether Trump's invitation to speak would stand.

On Saturday, Trump proposed ending the government shutdown by fully funding the one-quarter of U.S. agencies that are affected. In return, he would get $5.7 billion toward building a southwestern border wall that Democrats oppose. Trump also is offering to restore temporary protections for the "Dreamer" immigrants.

In 2017, Trump moved to end the Dreamers' protections, triggering a court battle.

Democrats promptly rejected Trump's plan as insufficient, saying they would not trade a temporary restoration of the immigrants' protections in return for a permanent border wall that they view as ineffective.


Trump may have lost the Dreamer issue as his main negotiating point on Tuesday when the Supreme Court refused, at least for now, to consider an administration appeal of lower court rulings allowing continued temporary protections for the immigrant youths.

Instead, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program established by then-President Barack Obama in 2012 lives on with or without approval by Congress.

As the Senate debates Trump's proposal, House Democrats this week are pushing legislation that would end the partial shutdown of agencies including the departments of Justice, Homeland Security, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor and Interior.

While their legislation would contain new border security money, there would be nothing for a wall, ensuring Trump's opposition.

Once the government reopens, Democrats said, they would negotiate with Trump on further border security ideas.

"We were optimistic that he might be open up government so we could have this discussion,” Pelosi told reporters in comments carried by CNN. "But then we heard what the particulars were in it and it was a non-starter, unfortunately.”

Representative Jim Clyburn, the No. 3 House Democrat, welcomed any effort by the Republican-led Senate to debate and vote on legislation to reopen the government following that chamber's monthlong abstention.

"This gets us started," Clyburn told MSNBC in an interview.

There were no guarantees that votes by Congress this week actually would break the impasse, as Trump held firm on his $5.7 billion demand and Democrats said they would not talk about that until the government reopens.

The shutdown's impact was being felt at the Federal Bureau of Investigations with the FBI Agents Association saying investigations involving possible financial crimes, drugs and terrorism were being hindered by a lack of funds.

Many federal employees and contractors were turning to unemployment assistance, food banks and other support as the shutdown entered its second month. Others began seeking new jobs.

(Additional reporting by Susan Cornwell, Colette Luke and Sarah N. Lynch; Writing by Richard Cowan and Steve Holland; Editing by Bill Trott)