Trump's Latest Rant: FBI Photo Made Me Look 'Like A Slob'

As you might expect, Donald Trump is not happy that the FBI photographed all those classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, but the reason he’s angry seems a little bizarre ― even for him.

No, he wasn’t angry he might face charges related to failing to return the documents. What really pissed him off ― he claims ― is that the FBI wanted to make him look “like a slob.”

In a Thursday interview with conservative digital outlet Real America’s Voice — a segment that Mediaite appropriately called ‘rage-tastic’ — the former president suggested the worst part about the damning photo is that it gives the impression he is slovenly.

“They went to an area and that area is my office, I presume,” Trump told “Outside the Beltway” host John Fredericks. “That area is very neat. I’m a very neat person. Everything is clean. Everything’s buttoned up and they took documents and they put them all over the floor.”

Although the photo documented evidence that could be used as the FBI investigates whether Trump violated federal laws related to classified records, the former president is really miffed that it gives the impression he’s a messy Marvin.

“People think that when you walk into my office, I have confidential documents or whatever it may be ― all declassified ― but I have confidential documents spread out all over my floor, like a slob, like I’m sitting there reading these documents all day long or somebody else would be,” Trump said.

The New York Times noted that the picture of the documents placed on the floor “appears to be in keeping with standard” federal protocols for when officials document and collect materials in a search.

You can hear Trump’s rant below.

Many Twitter users found Trump’s legal argument sloppier than the way he claims the documents were laid out in the photo.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
