Tucker Carlson Accuses NPR Of Scaring Its Audience Into Buying Guns. Ahem.

Tucker Carlson accused NPR Thursday of fearmongering so people will arm themselves. (Watch the video below.)

“It’s the same template always: Scare the crap out of your voters, tell them that their lives are at risk, encourage them to get guns,” the Fox News host said. “How do you think that ends?”

Carlson’s utter lack of self-awareness prompted the journalist who shared the clip, Rolling Stone politics reporter Nikki McCann Ramirez, to declare: “Irony found dead in a ditch.”

Critics of Carlson, who thrives on baiting his conservative demographic while railing against gun reform, mocked the prime-time personality on Twitter for his self-own.

“When pot met kettle,” one wrote.

In a long segment, Carlson distorted an NPR piece from last month about transgender people in New Hampshire who are taking a “rainbow reload” class to practice shooting for self-defense.

He accused the public radio outlet of promoting guns for trans people while attempting to deny firearms for everyone else. (The segment does not appear to advocate armed protection, but does show the desperation many trans people feel in light of heightened attacks.)

“Just to be clear: We are not against people — American citizens — carrying firearms,” Carlson said. “We support it — including trans people. It’s fine. But what you’re watching here is not the exercise of the Second Amendment. What you’re watching here is political hysteria — fear ginned up on purpose with maximum dishonesty in order to get people in a state of agitation. Armed people in a state of agitation. It doesn’t matter if they are trans or not, whatever that is.”

“We’re as for guns as you could possibly be, but this seems like an incitement,” Carlson added, per The Daily Beast.

Here are a few choice reactions on Twitter:
