Tucker Carlson's Attempt At Revenge On Jon Stewart Backfires Spectacularly

Fox News host Tucker Carlson is apparently still stinging from an encounter he had with Jon Stewart nearly 20 years ago in which Stewart called him a “dick” and urged him to go to journalism school on his own show.

On Thursday night, Carlson fired off a series of highly personal and deeply weird insults at Stewart for his advocacy of healthcare for U.S. veterans. Stewart, Carlson said, looks “like a guy who lives in the men’s room at your public library, eating imaginary insects out of the air” and “a homeless mental patient.”

“He’s shrieking and disheveled and very short,” Carlson said. “Really short. Too short to date. Was he always that short?”

Stewart fired back with a reminder of Carlson’s cozy affection for the far-right authoritarian leader of Hungary, Viktor Orbán:

Many were reminded of the now-legendary 2004 encounter between the two on CNN’s “Crossfire,” hosted at the time by Carlson and Paul Begala.

Stewart said the two were “hurting America.”

“You have a responsibility to the public discourse, and you’ve failed miserably,” he said.

“You need to get a job at a journalism school,” Carlson told Stewart.

“You need to go to one,” Stewart shot back.

Later in the segment, Carlson said Stewart was more fun on his own show.

“You know what’s interesting, though?” Stewart replied. “You’re as big a dick on your show as you are on any show.”

Stewart eventually apologized ― to dicks.

Twitter users reacted to the latest round in the feud:

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.