Tunisia puts suspected returning jihadists under house arrest

A sanitary service worker cleans the scene of a suicide bomb attack in Tunis, Tunisia November 25, 2015. REUTERS/Zoubeir Souissi

TUNIS (Reuters) - Tunisian authorities arrested dozens of people raids and put scores more under house arrest on suspicion that they were militants returning from Syria and Iraq, the Interior Ministry said on Friday, three days after a bus attack which killed 12 presidential guards. The ministry said 40 people were arrested in the raids, and another 92 placed under house arrest. Islamic State has claimed the bombing, the third major militant attack in Tunisia this year following assaults on a beach resort at Sousse and the Bardo museum in the capital, both of which targeted foreign visitors. The suspects subjected to house arrest had returned "from places in disarray and classified dangerous by security forces", the ministry said. (Reporting By Tarek Amara; Editing by Dominic Evans)