Turkey armed forces says coup neutralised, military at command of state - NTV

An abandoned tank is guarded at Taksim Square in Istanbul, Turkey, July 17, 2016. REUTERS/Kemal Aslan

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - The coup that attempted to topple Turkey's government has been neutralised and the military is at the command of the state and Turkish people, Turkish broadcaster NTV cited the armed forces as saying in a statement on Sunday. The Turkish people had played the biggest role in obstructing the coup, the statement added, according to NTV. A faction within Turkey's military attempted to overthrow the government on Friday night, using tanks and helicopters, and taking control of bridges in Istanbul, but their efforts were thwarted when government supporters answered a call from President Tayyip Erdogan and took to the streets in defiance. (Reporting by Ayla Jean Yackley; Writing by David Dolan)