Turkey urges adherence to U.N. report's recommendations on Khashoggi murder

Turkish President Erdogan speaks during a ceremony in Istanbul

ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey's foreign ministry on Wednesday called on all U.N. member states and international institutions to insist on carrying out the recommendations made in a report by a U.N. rights investigator on the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Earlier on Wednesday, Agnes Callamard, the United Nations' special rapporteur on extrajudicial executions, said evidence suggests Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and other senior Saudi officials were liable for Khashoggi's murder.

In a statement late on Wednesday, the foreign ministry said the report confirmed the findings by Turkish authorities, while also determining that the premeditated killing was in violation of international laws and principles.

(Reporting by Tuvan Gumrukcu; Editing by Tom Brown)