Turkey's Erdogan to revise cabinet, party official says - NTV

FILE PHOTO: Turkish President Erdogan announces economic reforms in Istanbul

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan will adjust his cabinet of ministers in coming days, a deputy head of his ruling AK Party Mahir Unal was reported as saying by broadcaster NTV on Tuesday, after recent media expectation of a reshuffle.

Unal's comments came amid financial market turmoil after Erdogan dismissed the central bank governor on Saturday, two days after he raised rates to curb inflation. Erdogan appointed a critic of tight monetary policy in his place.

Asked about the anticipation of a reshuffle, Unal said: "When talk begins of change, inevitably when one part changes, there is a movement throughout the system". He alluded to parliamentary and presidential elections in 2023.

"With a view to 2023, not just to the party, there will be a new adjustment in the team. We will see this in the coming days," he added.

Speculation over reshuffle grew in November when Erdogan sacked the previous central bank governor and when the finance minister, his son-in-law Berat Albayrak, quit. At the time Erdogan said reshuffle rumours were unfounded.

(Reporting by Halilcan Soran; Writing by Daren Butler; Editing by Jonathan Spicer)