Turkish-backed rebels enter Islamic State-held Syrian town of Jarablus - rebel sources

BEIRUT/KARKAMIS, Turkey (Reuters) - Turkish-backed Syrian rebels entered the Islamic State-held town of Jarablus in northern Syria on Wednesday in an operation supported by Turkish tanks, special forces units and U.S.-led coalition warplanes, rebel sources said. A rebel commander with the Failaq al Sham group, who requested anonymity, told Reuters that most of the Islamic State fighters in Jarablus had pulled out, some of them surrendering. Another commander estimated up to 50 percent of the town was now under the control of the Turkish-backed rebels. "Daesh (Islamic State) fighters have withdrawn from several villages on the outskirts of Jarablus and are heading south towards the city of al Bab," the Failaq al Sham commander said. (Reporting by Suleiman Al-Khalidi in Beirut and Humeyra Pamuk in Karkamis; Writing by Nick Tattersall)