Turkish military strikes Islamic State targets in northern Syria - army

ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish warplanes pounded 28 Islamic State targets in northern Syria while another 157 targets were hit by artillery and other weaponry in the latest attacks, the army said on Tuesday. The jets hit shelters, vehicles mounted with guns, ammunition depots and other targets in the strikes on Monday in the al-Bab and Bzagah regions of northern Syria, the military said in a statement. The strikes in northern Syria are part of Ankara's almost four-month-old "Euphrates Shield" operation with Turkish-backed rebels, which aims to push the jihadists and Kurdish militia fighters away from the Syrian border region. The Turkish air force has stepped up its air strikes in Syria in recent days as the rebels it supports close in on al-Bab, an Islamic State-held city which Kurdish-dominated militias have also been trying to take from the jihadists. (Reporting by Orhan Coskun; Writing by Tuvan Gumrukcu; Editing by David Dolan)