Turkish PM talks to U.S. Vice President Biden over Iraq soldiers row - prime ministry sources

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (L) chats with Turkey's Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu during an Atlantic Council summit in Istanbul November 22, 2014. REUTERS/Murad Sezer

ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey's Prime Minister on Thursday evening told U.S. Vice President Joe Biden by telephone that Turkey respects Iraq's sovereignty, amid a row over Turkish troops deployed in Iraqi territory, prime ministry sources said. U.S. officials requested the call, the sources said, in which Davutoglu emphasised that Ankara stands alongside Baghdad in its struggle against Islamic State. A letter expressing these sentiments was also being delivered to the Iraqi PM by a high level Turkish delegation. (Reporting by Jonny Hogg and Ercan Gurses; Editing by Toby Chopra)