Turns out Morbius is hiding in plain sight in Marvel's Spider-Man

 Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered
Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered

Morbius is technically present in Marvel's Spider-Man, and now fans want to see more of him in the sequel.

As highlighted by Twitter user @SpikeDaHedgehog, Morbius has actually been present in Insomniac's Spider-Man universe for quite some time now. If you've played Marvel's Spider-Man, you'll already be familiar with scientist Morgan Michaels who is working on Devil's Breath. It's probably not a coincidence that Dr. Michaels just so happens to have the same name as Dr. Micheal Morbius' alias in the Amazing Spider-Man comics.

Although we do get to see Dr. Michaels in Marvel's Spider-Man, he's clearly not Morbius the vampire that we've come to associate with that name now. Since discovering the connection, fans have been sharing their excitement at the possibility of seeing a new take on Morbius in Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

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"Imagine if he actually becomes a vampire in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2," one Twitter user shares. "Maybe they’ll take Morbius in a totally monstrous direction in Spider-Man 2. Like just totally make him like this straight up bat human hybrid thing," another writes. Plenty of other fans have also theorized that the Morbius reference may be left at just that as the character hasn't been taken as seriously by fans since the release of the 2022 Morbius film.

Still, it'll be interesting to see if Insomniac does decide to develop the character. Jared Leto aside, Morbius is just as iconic as the other Spidey villains we've seen in the game so far including the likes of Kingpin, Mister Negative, Rhino, and soon Venom. There's definitely a lot of potential for Insomniac to bring the vampire to its Spider-Man universe, but we'll have to wait and see if this actually ends up being the case.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is set to release exclusively on PS5 on October 20, 2023.

While we wait to reunite with Peter Parker and Miles Morales, take a look at our upcoming Marvel games to see what else we've got to look forward to.