Twitter Mourns PR, Social Media Enthusiast Surekha Pillai's Demise

Surekha Pillai, a PR consultant and one of the early people to join Twitter, passed away recently. #Surekha trended on Twitter on Friday, 11 June, as her friends, acquaintances and followers united to celebrate the warm and loving person she was.

Columnist and author Nilanjana Roy tweeted, "I never imagined I'd have to write this. She was the best of almost all of us, true and funny, warm and real, and she took her blazing anger at injustice and turned it into solid, unflinching kindness. Surekha Pillai. How hard it is to accept this loss of losses".

Here how other people remembered Surekha Pillai:

In a piece by BlogAdda, Surekha Pillai had written that she became a PR consultant by 'accident'. "I wanted to be a truck when I grew up. I believed kids grew up to be objects of their desire."

“I continued to learn many things about PR, the toughest of which was the often inexplicable rudeness of journalists. Despite all the heart burn PR has given me, if given a chance to go back 17 years, I would flip those yellow pages all over again".

. Read more on Social Buzz by The Quint.Twitter Mourns PR, Social Media Enthusiast Surekha Pillai's DemiseCong’s Sachin Pilot in Delhi After Rejecting Claims of Joining BJP . Read more on Social Buzz by The Quint.