Twitter suspends ‘rage-baiting’ leftist Erica Marsh account amid claims it’s fake

Twitter has suspended Erica Marsh, a viral left-wing account whose profile claimed she was a “Former Field Organizer to elect President Biden” and Obama Foundation volunteer, after accusations that the account was not real.

Despite the fact that the Erica Marsh account had accumulated over 129,700 followers, the Washington Post wrote earlier this week that it seemed like Ms Marsh didn’t exist. The publication reported that there are no phone or voting records belonging to her, and both the Biden campaign and the Obama Foundation said they have no record of her employment.

Ms Marsh’s account frequently sparked rage from Republicans. One of the account’s most recent viral tweets pertained to the Supreme Court’s affirmative action ruling on 29 June was no exception.

“Today’s Supreme Court decision is a direct attack on Black people. No Black person will be able to succeed in a merit-based system which is exactly why affirmative-action based programs were needed. Today’s decision is a TRAVESTY!!!” Ms Marsh tweeted.

“I strongly disagree with this racist allegation,” Florida Republican Rep Matt Gaetz said in response to Ms Marsh’s tweet.

“I strongly suspect that this person doesn’t exist,” John Scott-Railton, a senior researcher at the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto, told the Post. “It’s as if she dropped from the moon and arrived fully formed with this narrative that makes liberals look like idiots.”

The Erica Marsh account was created in September 2022, shortly after Twitter admitted it was removing 1 million fake accounts per day from the platform.