Twitter Users Have Questions About Trump's Jan. 6 Pardon Plan: 'Isn’t That Sedition?'

Donald Trump’s admission that he’s “looking very strongly” at pardoning Jan. 6 defendants if he runs for the presidency again had a lot of Twitter users asking questions.

Mainly: How legal is that?

On Thursday, the former president told Pennsylvania-based conservative broadcaster Wendy Bell that he will “look very, very favorably about full pardons” if he decides to run and actually wins.

“I will be looking very, very strongly about pardons. Full pardons,” Trump said, adding that those “full pardons” would come with an apology.

He also claimed he was “financially supporting” some Jan. 6 insurrectionists.

That’s potentially good news for Trump supporters who participated in the Capitol riots, but Trump is a notorious liar; he’s previously promised to pay the legal fees of his more aggressive supporters, only to reverse course.

Here’s what Twitter users had to say about Trump’s plan:

One person thought the issue was serious enough that all Republican candidates should be pressed on their own possible pardon plans.

And another Twitter user suggested things are so bad for Trump that it’s unlikely he’ll ever have a chance to pardon the Jan. 6 rioters.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
