Two brothers punched woman in face in petty row over child kicking ball at car

Shahid Alam, 44, and Tuhidul Alam, 47, knocked their victim to the floor and left her with a split lip during the “long assault”.

Two brothers punched a woman in the face after a petty row about football marks on a car. Shahid Alam, 44, and Tuhidul Alam, 47, turned up at the house in Withington after one of their children was accused of kicking a ball against their neighbour's car.

Shahid marched to the house and knocked on the door. He stormed in and a fight erupted.

Several family members got involved in the melee, which caught the attention of Tuhidul, of School Grove, as he drove by. He too joined in the scrap, Manchester Crown Court heard.

Once the fight had calmed down, Shahid approached the neighbour - a 59-year-old woman - and punched her in the face in an unprovoked attack. She was knocked to the floor and left with a split lip.
Several family members were dragged into the brawl, which started over a football being kicked at a car. (MEN Media)

Two brothers who punched a woman in the face after one of their children was accused of scuffing a car with a football have avoided jail.

Shahid Alam, 44, and Tuhidul Alam, 47, knocked their victim to the floor and left her with a split lip during the “long assault”.

Their children were seen to be encouraging the attack, while another neighbour bravely tried to intervene, Manchester Crown Court heard.

In June 2018, an argument broke out after one of the defendants’ children was accused of kicking a ball against their neighbours’ car and leaving a scuff mark, the court was told.

Shahid marched to the house, knocked on the door and stormed in, resulting in a fight involving several family members.

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Two brothers punched a woman in the face after a petty row about football marks on a car. Shahid Alam, 44, and Tuhidul Alam, 47, turned up at the house in Withington after one of their children was accused of kicking a ball against their neighbour's car.

Shahid marched to the house and knocked on the door. He stormed in and a fight erupted.

Several family members got involved in the melee, which caught the attention of Tuhidul, of School Grove, as he drove by. He too joined in the scrap, Manchester Crown Court heard.

Once the fight had calmed down, Shahid approached the neighbour - a 59-year-old woman - and punched her in the face in an unprovoked attack. She was knocked to the floor and left with a split lip.
Tuhidul Alam, 47, joined in the brawl after driving past the scene. (MEN Media)

During the clash in Withington, Manchester, Shahid was punched in the face and pushed backwards.

The brawl caught the attention of Tuhidul, who was driving past the scene in School Grove and decided to get involved.

As they fought, the 59-year-old mother of the two male victims came out of the house, but was pushed backwards amid the melee.

The court heard how once the fight calmed down, Shahid approached her, punched her in the face and knocked her to the floor in an unprovoked attack.'

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“Clearly, there was bad feeling between the two,” prosecutor Joe Boyd told the court.

“There were punches being thrown, they were ripping hair out and punching the elderly woman,” he said.

Shahid and Tuhidul Alam, who both punched the woman in the face, pleaded guilty to affray, while Shahid admitted a further offence of assault.

“The children were seen to encourage the assault, and there were many people present” Mr Boyd said.

Two brothers punched a woman in the face after a petty row about football marks on a car. Shahid Alam, 44, and Tuhidul Alam, 47, turned up at the house in Withington after one of their children was accused of kicking a ball against their neighbour's car.

Shahid marched to the house and knocked on the door. He stormed in and a fight erupted.

Several family members got involved in the melee, which caught the attention of Tuhidul, of School Grove, as he drove by. He too joined in the scrap, Manchester Crown Court heard.

Once the fight had calmed down, Shahid approached the neighbour - a 59-year-old woman - and punched her in the face in an unprovoked attack. She was knocked to the floor and left with a split lip.
The judge said the two brothers should be 'ashamed' for the 'disgraceful' incident. (MEN Media)

Mitigating for Shahid Alam, Hunter Grey said his client had “lost his temper” and has since moved away from the area.

He told the court: “When he arrived at home that day he received a complaint from the children about the victim’s family behaviour.

“We say the footage showed they launched themselves at my client and he is the victim.

“He went too far, he didn’t let go, the assault continued, and he accepted his actions went far below self-defence. His actions towards the mother are disgraceful - there is no excuse.”

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He added that his client suffers from a degenerative spine condition, which he was diagnosed with before the incident, but has since deteriorated.

Defending Tuhidul Alam, Brendan O’Leary said his client initially went to the house to protect his brother but he too went “beyond sensible self defence”.

“He accepts he struck twice at the woman,” Mr O’Leary said.

“He became visibly upset in his interview when discussing the events and the impact on the victims. He said he was deeply remorseful, ashamed and embarrassed of his actions.”

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Judge Alan Conrad KC described the incident as “disgraceful” and said the brothers should be “ashamed” of punching a woman much older than them.

Shahid Alam, of Stanley Street, Manchester, was handed 27 weeks imprisonment which was suspended for 18 months.

He must abide by an electronically monitored curfew for four months between the hours of 9pm and 6am and must complete 15 days of rehabilitation activity requirements.

Tudihul Alam, of School Grove, was sentenced to a two-year community order, 200 hours unpaid work and 15 days of rehabilitation activity requirements.

Shahid was also ordered to pay £200 court costs, and Tuhidul must pay £500.