U.S. Army colonel says Hyten made false statements about sexually assaulting her

Air Force Gen. John E. Hyten speaks at a Senate Armed Services hearing on the proposal to establish a U.S. Space Force, in Washington

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. Army Colonel on Tuesday maintained the sexual assault accusations she had leveled against President Donald Trump's nominee for second-highest ranking military officer, and accused General John Hyten of making false statements in front of a Senate panel earlier in the day when he denied the charges.

"You just had a four-star general get up in front of the American people and in open testimony, in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and make false official statements under oath, he lied about a myriad of items," Colonel Kathryn Spletstoser told reporters. She spoke after Hyten categorically denied her allegations.

"The bottom line is he lied about sexually assaulting me. He did it, he did it multiple times," Spletstoser said.

(Reporting by Idrees Ali; Editing by David Gregorio)