U.S. calls death sentence for former Egyptian president 'unjust'

Former Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi reacts behind bars with other Muslim Brotherhood members at a court in the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt May 16, 2015. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States believes the death sentence for former Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi is "unjust and undermines confidence in the rule of law," the State Department said on Monday. State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said Washington was also deeply concerned about "yet another mass death sentence" delivered by an Egyptian court. The ruling against Mursi is not final until June 2. All capital sentences are referred to Egypt's top religious authority, the Grand Mufti, for a non-binding opinion, and are also subject to legal appeal. (Reporting by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Eric Beech)