U.S.-led forces target Islamic State with 12 air strikes in Iraq, Syria - U.S. military

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S.-led forces have launched nine air strikes in Iraq and three in Syria against Islamic State militants since Wednesday, the American military said on Thursday. The Combined Joint Task Force said the strikes in Syria hit near Kobani, the border city recently recaptured by Kurdish forces fighting the Islamist militant group. The air strikes hit three tactical units around Kobani, it said in a statement. The strikes in Iraq were concentrated in the oil-producing north, targeting militants near seven cities including Kirkuk, Fallujah, Mosul and Baiji, the task force said. The strikes destroyed a warehouse and a dozen vehicles belonging to Islamic State, hit a bulldozer and several tactical units and "denied ISIL key terrain" near Tal Afar, the statement said, using an acronym for the group. (Writing by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Lisa Lambert)