U.N. calls North Korea's missile test 'extremely troubling'

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - North Korea's submarine-launched ballistic missile test is "extremely troubling" and the United Nations urges Pyongyang to "cease any further provocative action," U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said on Monday. North Korea said the missile test it conducted on Saturday was a "great success" that provided "one more means for powerful nuclear attack." The U.N. Security Council on Sunday condemned the test and expressed serious concern that such activities contributed to North Korea's development of nuclear weapons delivery systems. The submarine-launched ballistic missile test was the latest in a string of recent demonstrations of military might that began in January with North Korea's fourth nuclear test and included the launch of a long-range rocket in February. The tests have increased tension on the Korean peninsula and angered North Korea's ally China. In March, the 15-member Security Council imposed harsh new sanctions on North Korea to starve it of money for its nuclear weapons program. Dujarric told reporters the missile test was "extremely troubling as it constitutes another violation of relevant Security Council resolutions." "We would urge the DPRK (North Korea) to cease any further provocative action," he said. (Reporting by Michelle Nichols; Editing by Will Dunham)