U.S. says air strike killed 20 militants in Somalia

NAIROBI (Reuters) - A U.S. air strike in central Somalia on Monday killed 20 al Shabaab fighters, the U.S. Africa Command said on Tuesday.

The United States carries out regular air strikes in Somalia in support of a United Nations-backed government there, which has been fighting against an al Shabaab insurgency for years.

The Africa Command (Africom) said U.S. forces targeted an al Shabaab training camp near Shebeeley, Hiran Region, that was used to stage attacks.

"It is assessed this airstrike killed 20 terrorists and destroyed one vehicle," it said.

No independent confirmation was available.

While the pace of strikes has increased recently, it is unclear what lasting impact, if any, the strikes are having on the militant group.

Al Shabaab wants to overthrow the weak, U.N.-backed Somali government and impose strict Islamic law.

(Reporting by Omar Mohammed; Editing by Angus MacSwan)