UK does not want to go beyond two years in Brexit talks - May's spokesman

Article 50 of the EU's Lisbon Treaty that deals with the mechanism for departure is pictured near an EU flag following Britain's referendum results to leave the European Union, in this photo illustration taken in Brussels, Belgium, June 24, 2016. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir/Illustration/File Photo

LONDON (Reuters) - The British government does not want its Brexit negotiations to go beyond the two-year limit set under Article 50 of the EU's Lisbon Treaty, a spokesman for Prime Minister Theresa May said on Tuesday. Earlier, the EU's chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, said in Brussels that the divorce talks would have to be completed within 18 months so the deal could be ratified by March 2019. "There is a two-year time frame on that process. We have been clear that we are not seeking to extend that process. In terms of how long the actual negotiations take place, clearly that is a matter that will resolve itself as a result of the negotiations," he told reporters. He also said Britain was going into the talks with goodwill and was seeing that reflected by its EU partners. (Reporting by Kylie MacLellan, editing by Elizabeth Piper)