UK government will face votes on Brexit alternatives before final approval ballot

Demonstrators protest against Brexit outside the Houses of Parliament in London, Britain, November 28, 2018. REUTERS/Henry Nicholls

LONDON (Reuters) - The British parliament will vote on attempts to alter or thwart Brexit before Prime Minister Theresa May's own exit deal is put to a must-win ballot of lawmakers, the government's parliamentary spokeswoman, Andrea Leadsom, said on Thursday.

The government announced the schedule and format for a five-day debate on May's Brexit deal late on Wednesday and stated that opponents would have the chance to amend the government's motion that would approve the agreement.

Leadsom confirmed on Thursday that amendments would be voted upon first, before the final vote on whether to approve May's deal. Ministers have previously voiced concerns that if any amendment were passed, it could prevent the deal from being ratified.

(Reporting by William James, editing by Elizabeth Piper)