UK Labour peers could hold no-confidence vote in leader Corbyn: source

FILE PHOTO: Britain's opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn leaves his home in London

LONDON (Reuters) - Opposition Labour Party members in Britain's upper house of parliament will consider holding a symbolic vote of no confidence in leader Jeremy Corbyn, a party source with knowledge of the move said on Thursday.

Labour's representatives in the House of Lords will hold an emergency meeting on Monday to consider a motion which, if approved, would lead to a symbolic vote of no-confidence in Corbyn early next week.

The move comes after Corbyn sacked a senior spokeswoman in the Lords for remarks which reportedly compared his team's approach to handling criticism to that depicted in a fictional film of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler's final days.

The sacking added to unhappiness with Corbyn's leadership among Labour members of the Lords - an unelected legislative body which shapes and revises new laws.

If held and subsequently passed, the vote of no-confidence in Corbyn would not trigger any formal procedure to unseat him.

On Wednesday, more than 60 Labour members of the Lords signed a statement in a newspaper accusing Corbyn of failing "the test of leadership" over anti-Semitism in the party.

(Reporting by Costas Pitas and William James; editing by Elizabeth Piper)