UK May's Conservatives on 47 pct, lead narrows slightly - Panelbase

Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May speaks at a campaign event at Tech Pixies, a digital marketing company in Oxford, May 15, 2017. REUTERS/Justin Tallis/Pool

LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservatives have seen their large lead over the Labour opposition narrow slightly after details of Labour's policy programme were published last week, an opinion poll from Panelbase showed on Tuesday. Ahead of a national election on June 8, the market research firm also said voters were supportive of Labour's plans to nationalise the railways and set up regional state power firms to compete with private utilities. But there was stronger support for the Conservatives' promises of cutting net migration to under 100,000 people a year and capping energy prices for households, Panelbase said. Panelbase said support for the Conservatives fell by 1 percentage point to 47 percent compared with a poll it conducted last week, while backing for Labour rose 2 points to 33 percent. May has enjoyed similar double-digit leads over Labour in a wide range of polls since she called a snap election in April. May has said she wants support from voters before going into tough negotiations about Britain's exit from the European Union. Panelbase said support for the Liberal Democrats edged down by 1 percentage point to 7 percent, and the UK Independence Party's support remained unchanged at 5 percent. Panelbase conducted its poll online between May 12 and 15, and the results were based on a sample of 1,026 adults. (Writing by William Schomberg; editing by Michael Holden)