UK PM Johnson says Tusk will be known as 'Mr No Deal' if agreement not changed

G7 summit in Biarritz

BIARRITZ, France (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has warned European Council President Donald Tusk that unless he agrees to change the Brexit divorce deal, Tusk will be known as "Mr No Deal".

Johnson was responding to Tusk's earlier comments that he would not cooperate in preparing for on a no-deal Brexit.

The prime minister wants the EU to drop the so-called Irish backstop, which is an insurance policy designed to prevent the return of a hard border between the Irish Republic and the British province of Northern Ireland.

"I would say to our friends in the EU if they don't want a no deal Brexit then we've got to get rid of the backstop from the treaty. If Donald Tusk doesn't want to go down as Mr No Deal then I hope that point will be borne in mind by him too," Johnson told reporters.

(Reporting by William James; Editing by Andrew Heavens)