UK PM May's Brexit deal should face public vote if passed - Labour spokesman

FILE PHOTO: Keir Starmer, Labour Party's Shadow Secretary of State for Departing the European Union, is seen during Jeremy Corbyn's speech on Brexit in Wakefield, Britain, January 10, 2019. REUTERS/Phil Noble/File Photo

LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal should be put to a second referendum if it is passed by parliament, the Brexit spokesman for the opposition Labour Party Keir Starmer said on Tuesday.

On Monday, Labour said it would back calls for a second plebiscite on Brexit if lawmakers rejected its alternative plan for leaving the European Union.

Starmer said the second vote would be between remaining in the EU and the option of a "credible leave deal", one that had parliament's backing.

"If the prime minister's deal gets through, that deal should be subject to the lock, if you like, of a public vote," Starmer told BBC radio.

(Reporting by Michael Holden; editing by Guy Faulconbridge)