UK underlines support for Turkey's government, urges calm

Britain's Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson waves as he leaves the Foreign Office in central London, July 15, 2016. REUTERS/Neil Hall

LONDON (Reuters) - British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson said on Saturday he had spoken to his counterpart in Turkey to underline the UK's support for the country's democratically elected government following an attempted military coup there. The former mayor of London, who became foreign minister under the new government of Prime Minister Theresa May this week, also called for calm after monitoring the situation through the night. "(We) remain very concerned about what's been going on there," he told broadcasters on Saturday. "First thing to say obviously is we want to urge calm, the avoidance of any further bloodshed and it is crucial that we support the democratic institutions of Turkey." Forces loyal to the Turkish government were fighting on Saturday to crush the remnants of a military coup attempt which crumbled after crowds answered President Tayyip Erdogan's call to take to the streets. Johnson said he had spoken to his counterpart in Turkey, Mevlut Cavusoglu, to reassure him of Britain's support for the government and the country's institutions. "He was very grateful for UK support at the UN and elsewhere," Johnson said. (Reporting by Kate Holton; Editing by Elaine Hardcastle)