Ukraine president signs law paving way for sanctions against Russia - Interfax

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko speaks during his visit to the Ilich Iron and Steel Works in the coastal town of Mariupol, September 8, 2014. REUTERS/Mykola Lazarenko/Ukrainian Presidential Press Service/Handout via Reuters

KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has signed a law paving the way for the imposition of economic sanctions against companies and individuals, Interfax news agency reported on Wednesday. The law, approved by Ukraine's parliament last month, is expected to target companies and individuals in Russia suspected of supporting and financing pro-Russian separatists battling Ukrainian forces in eastern Ukraine. The government has already prepared a list of 172 citizens of Russia and other countries, and of 65 Russian companies, including gas export giant Gazprom GAZP.MM, on whom they could impose sanctions "for financing terrorism". (Reporting by Gareth Jones and Pavel Polityuk)