Ukraine war – live news: Kyiv troops ‘sent to death’ in Bakhmut as Putin suffers ‘heavy losses’

Ukrainian troops have told of being “sent to their death” in Bakhmut – the small eastern city at the centre of Russia’s winter campaign.

Amid reports of heavy losses within Moscow’s ranks, Kyiv forces have spoken of their own desperate fight for survival against Russia’s “infinite” stocks of artillery and personnel.

It comes as Russian-US relations continue to deteriorate, after an American drone was downed after an incident with one of Moscow’s fighter jets.

Russian forces reached the site of the downed surveillance drone in the Black Sea on Wednesday, US officials told CNN, as the Kremlin vowed to recover it from deep water around 70 miles from Crimea.

And in a separate incident, a Russian aircraft was intercepted by RAF and German fighter jets near Estonian airspace in the first joint exercise between the two Nato allies.

Two British and German Typhoon jets were scrambled on Tuesday when a Russian air-to-air refuelling aircraft failed to communicate with Estonian air traffic control.

The UK Ministry of Defence stressed the “routine” nature of the mission, but it comes amid tensions between the West and Russia over the invasion of Ukraine.

Key points

  • RAF and German air force intercept Russian aircraft in ‘routine’ Nato mission

  • Drone crash incident a provocation, says Russia’s ambassador to US

  • US surveillance drone crashes into Black Sea after ‘Russian intercept’

  • Putin ‘recruiting soldiers from women’s prison’ to make up for heavy losses

  • Wagner group ‘recruiting in schools’

  • Russia moves to push conscription age back

The Ukrainian troops being ‘sent to death’ in Bakhmut

Wednesday 15 March 2023 15:21 , Emily Atkinson

Ukrainian troops have told of being “sent to death” in Bakhmut – the small eastern city at the centre of Russia’s ever-intensifying winter campaign.

Amid reports of ”heavy losses” within Moscow’s ranks, Kyiv forces have spoken of their own desperate fight for survival against Russia’s “infinite” stocks of artillery and personnel.

“When they drive us to Bakhmut, I already know I’m being sent to death,” one Ukrainian soldier told The Kyiv Independent during a short stay in nearby Kramatorsk, some 25km west of the front line.


“(The Russians) keep firing at us, but we don’t have artillery – so we have nothing to attack them back with,” said Volodymyr, whose surname was withheld to protect his identity. “I don’t know if I will return or not. We are just getting killed.”

Russia’s advance has relied heavily on members of the Wagner group – often referred to as Vladimir Putin’s “private army” — who have made slow gains in Bakhmut, but at an immense cost.

Moscow first attempted to win the brutal conflict with a “human wave” of assaults using battalions of convicts, before sending in elite mercenary troops.

It comes after president Volodymyr Zelensky and his top military command agreed to continue to defend Bakhmut.


“It’s a pity that probably 90 per cent of our losses are from artillery – or tanks and aviation. And much less (casualties) from shooting battles,” Valeriy, another solider, told the news site a few hours after leaving Bakhmut.

He said “only a few” of the original 27 members of his platoon got out of the city with him, but explained that most of them were wounded, not killed.

“The Russians have so many weapons, and there are so many of them,” Valeriy said. “They are firing at us all the time. Sometimes, you hear an incoming (shell) every second.”

Russian forces reach US drone crash site in Black Sea, say reports

Wednesday 15 March 2023 23:57 , Graeme Massie

Kremlin has vowed to recover drone after it crashed in international waters.

Russian forces reach US drone crash site in Black Sea according to reports

Russia warns drone flights near Crimea ‘could lead to escalation'

Wednesday 15 March 2023 23:50

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu told his U.S. counterpart Lloyd Austin on Wednesday that operating drone flights near Crimea was provocative and could lead to an escalation, the Russian Defence Ministry said.

“It was noted that flights by American strategic lethal drones by the Crimea coastline were provocative in nature and created pre-conditions for an escalation of the situation in the Black Sea zone,” a ministry statement said of Shoigu’s telephone conversation with Defense Secretary Austin.

Russia, the statement said, “had no interest in such a development but will in future react in due proportion”.

US says drone crash ‘likely unintentional'

Wednesday 15 March 2023 22:45 , Sam Rkaina

A US military surveillance drone’s crash into the Black Sea after being intercepted by Russian jets was likely an unintentional act from Russia’s side, US State Department spokesperson Ned Price said on Wednesday.

Moscow has warned Washington to keep well away from its air space after the incident from a day earlier,

which took place in international air space near territory Russia claims to have annexed from Ukraine.

“I think the best assessment right now is that it probably was unintentional. It probably was the result of profound incompetence on the part of one of these Russian pilots,” Price said in an interview on MSNBC.

“This incident demonstrates a lack of competence, in addition to being unsafe and unprofessional,” Price added.

The U.S military MQ-9 surveillance drone crashed into the Black Sea on Tuesday after a Russian Su-27 jet struck its propeller, the Pentagon said, the first such incident since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine over a year ago.

Russia has denied that any contact was made and says the drone crashed after “sharp maneuvering”.

The US State Department spokesperson also confirmed there is surveillance video of the incident and that the Department of Defense was determining whether to release it to the public.

The Russian and US defence ministers held a phone call on Wednesday, the Russian defense ministry said. Russia has said it will try to retrieve the remains of the drone while White House spokesman John Kirby said the drone may never be recovered.


Ransomware could impact Ukraine’s supply lines

Wednesday 15 March 2023 21:50 , Sam Rkaina

Microsoft found that a particularly sophisticated Russian hacking team, known within the cyber security research community as Sandworm, was testing additional ransomware-style capabilities that could be used in destructive attacks on organizations outside Ukraine that serve key functions in Ukraine’s supply lines.

A ransomware attack typically involves hackers penetrating an organization, encrypting their data and extorting them for payment to regain access.

Historically, ransomware has also been used as cover for more malicious cyber activity, including so-called wipers that simply destroy data.

Since January 2022, Microsoft said it had discovered at least nine different wipers and two types of ransomware variants used against more than 100 Ukrainian organizations.

These developments have been paired with a growth in more stealthy Russian cyber operations designed to directly compromise organizations in countries allied to Ukraine, according to the report.

“In nations throughout the Americas and Europe, especially Ukraine’s neighbors, Russian threat actors have sought access to government and commercial organizations involved in efforts to support Ukraine,” said Clint Watts, general manager for Microsoft’s Digital Threat Analysis Center.

Microsoft warns of new Russian cyber attack on Ukraine

Wednesday 15 March 2023 20:55 , Sam Rkaina

Russian hackers appear to be preparing a renewed wave of cyber attacks against Ukraine, including a “ransomware-style” threat to organizations serving Ukraine’s supply lines, a research report by Microsoft said on Wednesday.

The report, authored by the tech giant’s cyber security research and analysis team, outlines a series of new discoveries about how Russian hackers have operated during the Ukraine conflict and what may come next.

“Since January 2023, Microsoft has observed Russian cyber threat activity adjusting to boost destructive and intelligence gathering capacity on Ukraine and its partners’ civilian and military assets,” the report reads. “One group appears to be preparing for a renewed destructive campaign.”

The findings come as Russia has been introducing new troops to the battlefield in eastern Ukraine, according to Western security officials. Ukraine Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov last month warned that Russia could accelerate its military activities surrounding the February 24 anniversary of its invasion.

Experts say the tactic of combining physical military operations with cyber techniques mirrors prior Russian activity.

“Pairing kinetic attacks with efforts to disrupt or deny defenders’ ability to coordinate and to use cyber-dependent technology is not a new strategic approach,” said Emma Schroeder, associate director of the Atlantic Council’s Cyber Statecraft Initiative.

Zelensky thanks British journalists for ‘vital support’ in Ukraine’s war against Russia

Wednesday 15 March 2023 20:00 , Sam Rkaina

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said the country “needs the world’s attention even more than before” as he thanked British journalists for their “vital support” in the war against Russia.

In a keynote address to the Society of Editors Media Freedom Conference in London on Wednesday, Mr Zelensky urged more reporters to travel to the country to “spread the truth about the Russian aggression, support our defence, and give Ukrainian life worth”.

He told representatives of the British media that the country had issued over 15,000 accreditations to foreign journalists since the beginning of the conflict.

Speaking in a pre-recorded address, Mr Zelensky said: “Now that Russia’s full-scale war has been going on more than a year, Ukraine needs the world’s attention even more than before.”

Click here for the full story.

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Latest on US drone incident from today

Wednesday 15 March 2023 19:15 , Sam Rkaina

* The U.S. military surveillance drone that crashed into the Black Sea after being intercepted by Russian fighter jets may never be recovered, White House spokesman John Kirby said. Russia said it would try to retrieve the remains of the drone.

* Russia’s ambassador to the United States said he had told Washington that Russia would “no longer allow anybody to violate our waters”, the TASS news agency reported.

* The incident shows that Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to expand the Ukraine-Russia conflict zone, a senior Ukrainian security official said.

Oscar stirs criticism of Navalny from Ukrainians

Wednesday 15 March 2023 18:30 , Sam Rkaina

Kremlin critics were cheered this week when a Western documentary about jailed opposition politician Alexei Navalny won an Oscar, but his political movement is in turmoil and some Ukrainian politicians say the award is undeserved.

Navalny, President Vladimir Putin’s most high-profile domestic critic, is serving 11-1/2 years in jail in Russia after being convicted of fraud in two cases he and the West say were trumped up to silence him, and his anti-corruption organisation has been banned as extremist.

His supporters cast him as a Russian version of Nelson Mandela who survived an assassination attempt and will one day be freed from unjust imprisonment to lead Russia. The lawyer-turned-activist remains a fierce Kremlin critic, releasing regular statements via his lawyers from behind bars.

But his Anti-Corruption Foundation (ACF), which now operates outside Russia, is reeling after his Chief of Staff Leonid Volkov admitted he had - without his colleagues’ knowledge - lobbied the European Union to lift sanctions on Mikhail Fridman, one of Russia’s richest men.

Volkov apologised for what he said was “a big political mistake” and said he was taking a break from his role as chairman of the ACF.

Yet some fellow opposition members were furious, saying the ACF should be trying to hasten Putin’s political demise rather than helping wealthy businessmen.

Vladimir Milov, a Navalny ally and a former deputy energy minister, said some in the opposition had shown themselves to be “super-naive” in seeking the lifting of sanctions on Fridman, whom he described as Russia’s “champion corporate raider”.

“It inflicts colossal damage on the image of the Russian opposition,” said Milov. “After this it will be necessary to restore the reputation of the Russian opposition in the West.”

 (Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
(Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

Russia’s weekly consumer prices rise ahead of rates decision

Wednesday 15 March 2023 17:45 , Sam Rkaina

Russia’s weekly consumer prices rose marginally, data from the state statistics service Rosstat showed on Wednesday, reinforcing analysts’ expectations for the central bank to hold rates at 7.5% Friday.

The Bank of Russia has become more hawkish this year, warning as it held its key rate at 7.5% last month that further widening of the budget deficit may compel it to raise the cost of borrowing. Analysts polled by Reuters expect a hold.

Consumer prices rose 0.02% in the week to March 13, Rosstat said, compared with no change in the previous week and a slight drop the week before.

Since the start of the year, prices have risen 1.32%, a slower pace than in the same period of 2022, Rosstat said.

Separately, the economy ministry said inflation was running at an annualised rate of 7.65% as of March 13, slowing from 9.43% a week earlier.

Inflationary pressure, though elevated, is showing signs of easing. Inflationary expectations for the year ahead among Russian households, an indicator the central bank watches closely, dropped to 10.7% in March, data showed on Wednesday, down from 12.2% in February.

“Such figures two days before the Bank of Russia’s board of directors meeting effectively remove the question of a possible rate hike from the agenda,” said CentroCreditBank economist Evgeny Suvorov. “The main intrigue now is - will the central bank soften its rhetoric?”

Russia’s annual inflation rate in 2022 was 11.9%, almost three times the government’s official 4% target. The central bank forecasts inflation will be 5%-7% this year, falling to the 4% target in 2024.

Russian households regularly cite inflation as a key concern, with many having no savings after a decade of economic crises. Rising prices have dragged living standards down.

EU lawmakers ask UEFA to ban Belarus from Euro 2024

Wednesday 15 March 2023 17:15 , Emily Atkinson

A group of more than 100 European Union lawmakers is urging European soccer’s governing body to ban Belarus from qualifying for the 2024 European Championship.

MEPs from across the political spectrum wrote in a letter sent to UEFA president Alexander Ceferin that the Belarusian national team should not be able to compete because of the country’s terrible human rights record.

“These are not only UEFA values at stake, but also UEFA’s reputation and image within democratic societies and international community,” they said.

More on this story here:

EU lawmakers ask UEFA to ban Belarus from Euro 2024

US drone may not be recovered from Black Sea

Wednesday 15 March 2023 16:51 , Emily Atkinson

The US military surveillance drone that crashed into the Black Sea after being intercepted by Russian fighter jets may never be recovered, White House spokesman John Kirby has said.

In the first such incident since the Ukraine war began, Russian Su-27 jets struck the propeller of the unmanned drone, making it inoperable, the Pentagon said, worsening already tense relations between Washington and Moscow.


“It has not been recovered. And I’m not sure that we’re going to be able to recover it,” Kirby said in an interview with CNN. “Where it fell into the Black Sea — very, very deep water. So we’re still assessing whether there can be any kind of recovery effort. There may not be.”

If the Russians recover the craft, US authorities have taken precautions to ensure that their ability to draw useful intelligence from it will be limited, Kirby told ABC.

“That said, it’s our property,” Kirby added, and US authorities will continue to explore recovery options.

Latest images from embattled eastern Ukraine

Wednesday 15 March 2023 16:26 , Emily Atkinson

 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)
 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)
 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)

Russia says US relations are ‘lamentable’ after downing of American drone

Wednesday 15 March 2023 16:05 , Emily Atkinson

The Kremlin said on Wednesday that Russia’s relationship with the United States was in a “lamentable state” after it downed a US drone over the Black Sea, Reuters reported.

The US military said that a Russian fighter plane had clipped the propeller of one of its drones over the Black Sea as it flew over international waters. Russia denied that the downing was intentional, saying the crash happened because of “sharp manoeuvring.”

Dmitry Peskov, the spokesman for the Kremlin, said that Russia had no high-level contact with Washington about the crash.

Eric Garcia has more:

Russia says US relations are ‘lamentable’ after downing of American drone

Syria's Assad offers Putin support in Ukraine conflict

Wednesday 15 March 2023 15:45 , Emily Atkinson

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has offered Russian president Vladimir Putin his support in the conflict in Ukraine.

In a televised meeting with Putin in the Kremlin, Assad said Russia was fighting neo-Nazis and “old Nazis” in Ukraine, according to a Russian translation.

Without offering evidence, Assad said the West had taken in “old Nazis”, and was now giving them support.

 (SPUTNIK/AFP via Getty Images)
(SPUTNIK/AFP via Getty Images)

Kyiv and the West say Russian accusations that Ukraine has become a hotbed of Nazism and “Russophobia” are a baseless pretext for an unprovoked war of aggression in Ukraine.

Russia’s military support for Assad helped him to turn the tide in a ruinous civil war that began in 2011 as a pro-democracy movement.

German arms industry seeks clarity on Ukraine weapons orders

Wednesday 15 March 2023 14:50 , Emily Atkinson

Germany’s defence industry says it stands ready to ramp up its output, including the kinds of arms and ammunition needed by Ukraine, but needs clarity about what governments want before investing in further production capacity.

Ukraine became the world’s third largest importer of arms in 2022 after Russia’s invasion triggered a big flow of military aid to Kyiv from the United States and Europe, according to Swedish think tank SIPRI.

More on this story here:

German arms industry seeks clarity on Ukraine weapons orders

Russia accuses US of ‘direct participation in war’ after drone collision

Wednesday 15 March 2023 14:30 , Emily Atkinson

Russia says it will try to retrieve the remains of a US military surveillance drone that fell into the Black Sea after an incident involving Russian fighter planes, accusing Washington of “directly participating” in the war in Ukraine.

Kremlin security council secretary Nikolai Patrushev told the Rossiya-1 TV channel: “I don’t know whether we will be able to retrieve it or not, but that it has to be done. And we’ll certainly work on it. I hope, of course, successfully.”

“Secondly, regarding the drone - the Americans keep saying they’re not taking part in military operations. This is the latest confirmation that they are directly participating in these activities - in the war,” he said.

Latest pictures from the area of the heaviest battles in Bakhmut

Wednesday 15 March 2023 14:20 , Emily Atkinson


World should move on from Ukraine war, says India’s G20 negotiator

Wednesday 15 March 2023 13:57 , Emily Atkinson

Russia’s war in Ukraine has brought the world to a standstill when urgent action is needed to address growing global poverty, India’s G20 summit negotiator Amitabh Kant said on Wednesday.

Kant’s comments follow two back-to-back G20 ministerial meetings in India in the last three weeks overshadowed by the war, which entered its second year last month.

India, which holds the bloc’s presidency this year, has sought to highlight the economic impact of the conflict as well as issues such as climate change and poorer countries’ debt.

“Europe cannot bring growth, poverty, global debt, all developmental issues to a standstill across the world,” Kant told reporters.


“Especially when the south is suffering, especially when 75 countries are suffering from global debt, especially when one-third of the world is in recession, especially when 200 million people have gone below poverty line. Can that one war bring the entire world to a standstill?”

“Nutrition has been impacted, health outcomes have been impacted, learning outcomes have been impacted, people have become stunted and wasted and we are just concerned with one Russia and Ukraine war,” Kant said. “The world needs to move on and Europe needs to find a solution to its challenges.”

Putin set to host Syrian leader Assad at the Kremlin

Wednesday 15 March 2023 13:30 , Emily Atkinson

Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to host Syrian leader Bashar Assad for talks in the Kremlin on Wednesday that are expected to focus on rebuilding Syria after a devastating civil war.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the two leaders would talk about “postwar reconstruction and the continuation of the peace process in all of its aspects with an emphasis on the absolute priority of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

More from the AP here:

Putin set to host Syrian leader Assad at the Kremlin

£11bn boost for defence budget over the next five years, says UK chancellor

Wednesday 15 March 2023 13:07 , Emily Atkinson

British chancellor Jeremy Hunt has confirmed the government would add £11bn to the defence budget over the next five years.

Jeremy Hunt said: “Today, following representations from our persuasive defence secretary, I confirm that we will add a total of £11bn to our defence budget over the next five years and it will be nearly 2.25 per cent of GDP by 2025.

“We were the first large European country to commit to 2 per cent of GDP for defence and will raise that to 2.5 per cent as soon as fiscal and economic circumstances allow.”

 (PA Wire)
(PA Wire)

Erdogan indicates he will ratify Finland’s Nato bid

Wednesday 15 March 2023 12:45 , Emily Atkinson

Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan has indicated that he would send ratification of Finland’s Nato membership to parliament soon, saying that he would “keep his promise”.

“Mr President (Niinisto) will come to Turkey on Friday and we will meet. After that, we will fulfil our promise,” Erdogan told reporters on Wednesday, when asked whether he would send ratification of Finland’s Nato bid to Turkish parliament next week.

Finland’s Niinisto is due to visit Istanbul on 16-17 March.

“Positive messages will be given to Finland’s president during his visit,” the second official said.

 (Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
(Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

Pope urges 'respect' for Orthodox monastery facing eviction in Kyiv

Wednesday 15 March 2023 12:23 , Emily Atkinson

Pope Francis has called for “respect” of religious sites in Ukraine, as he mentioned the monastery from which the Russian-aligned Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) is facing eviction.

Ukrainian authorities have given the UOC a 29 March deadline to vacate its headquarters in the historic Kyiv Pechersk Lavra complex, in the latest move against a denomination the government says is pro-Russian and collaborating with Moscow.

 (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
(Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

Referring specifically to the Lavra monastery, Francis asked “the warring parties [in Ukraine] to respect religious sites”, and praised people who devote their lives to prayer, “be they of whatever denomination”.

The pope made the remarks during his weekly address to crowds in St Peter’s Square. In an apparent slip up, he referred to the “nuns” of the monastery, which is actually home to male Orthodox priests.

In pictures: Azovstal defenders remembered

Wednesday 15 March 2023 12:02 , Emily Atkinson

Members of the Association of Azovstal Defenders' Families and activists hold posters during a rally to commemorate the fallen soldiers and prisoners of war.


Ukrainian fighters of Mariupol's Azovstal steel works, who spent months defending the steel plant, surrendered in May last year during the Russian siege.


Drone crash shows Putin ready to expand conflict zone, Ukrainian official says

Wednesday 15 March 2023 11:46 , Emily Atkinson

An incident involving a US spy drone and a Russian fighter jet is a signal that Russian president Vladimir Putin is ready to expand the Ukraine-Russia conflict zone, a senior Ukrainian security official said on Wednesday.

The Ukrainian presidency and government did not immediately offer any official comment on the incident but Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of Ukraine‘s National Security and Defence Council, voiced concern on Twitter.

“The incident with the American MQ-9 Reaper UAV, provoked by Russia in the Black Sea, is Putin’s signal of readiness to expand the conflict zone with the involvement of other parties,” he wrote.

He said Russia had a tactic of going all-out with a “constant raising of the stakes” in the hope of turning round what he described as the “conditions of a strategic defeat” for Russia.

Zelensky hails 'decisive victory' in Russian Eurobond case

Wednesday 15 March 2023 11:27 , Emily Atkinson

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky hailed a “decisive victory” against Russia in a $3bn Eurobond case in the UK Supreme Court on Wednesday.

“Today Ukraine secured another decisive victory against the aggressor,” Zelensky wrote on Twitter. “The Court has ruled that Ukraine‘s defence based on Russia’s threats of aggression will have a full public trial. Justice will be ours.”

Kremlin says relations with US at ‘lowest level'

Wednesday 15 March 2023 11:13 , Emily Atkinson

The Kremlin has said that relations with the United States are in a “lamentable state” and at their lowest level, after Washington accused Russia of downing one of its reconnaissance drones over the Black Sea.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters that there had been no high-level contact with Washington over the incident, but said Russia would never refuse to engage in constructive dialogue.


The US military said on Tuesday that a Russian fighter plane had clipped the propeller of one of its spy drones as it flew over the Black Sea in international air space, causing it to fall into the water.

Russia denied this, suggesting it had crashed due to “sharp manoeuvring”.

Zelensky thanks Denmark for new support fund

Wednesday 15 March 2023 11:00 , Emily Atkinson

President Volodymyr Zelensky has thanked Denmark for establishing a new support fund for Ukraine.

He tweeted: “Sincerely grateful to @folketinget, PM @Statsmin and Government for establishing Support Fund. More than $1 billion in military, humanitarian & economic aid to Ukraine is a guarantee of bringing our common victory over the aggressor and the return of peace to Europe closer!”

Ukraine can defend $3bn Russian Eurobond case, UK court rules

Wednesday 15 March 2023 10:47 , Emily Atkinson

Ukraine can defend a £3bn Eurobond lawsuit brought by Russia on the basis it was forced to assume the debt in 2013 because of threats of force by Moscow, the UK Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday.

The long-awaited ruling on the lawsuit, which was brought in 2016 and long predates Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, paves the way for a full trial of Ukraine’s case that it had to accept the money in the face of Russian aggression.

Turkey 'following closely US drone incident in Black Sea’

Wednesday 15 March 2023 10:30 , Emily Atkinson

Turkey is monitoring closely the incident in which a US military drone crashed in the Black Sea after being intercepted by Russian jets, Turkish defence minister Hulusi Akar is reported as saying by Demiroren news agency.

Akar also said they have made several contacts about the incident without giving further details, the agency reported.


Watch: Russian fighter jet hitting American drone was 'reckless and unprofessional', US says

Wednesday 15 March 2023 10:15 , Emily Atkinson

China 'to conduct maritime drills with Iran and Russia’

Wednesday 15 March 2023 09:55 , Emily Atkinson

China, Iran and Russia are conducting joint maritime drills in the Gulf of Oman from 15-19 March, the Chinese defence ministry said on Wednesday.

The drills will help “deepen practical cooperation among the navies of participating countries,” the ministry said.

Turkey ‘could ratify Finland’s Nato bid ahead of May elections’

Wednesday 15 March 2023 09:35 , Emily Atkinson

Turkey is planning to approve Finland’s Nato bid, independently from Sweden’s, ahead of parliamentary and presidential elections that will take place on 14 May, two Turkish officials told Reuters on Wednesday.

Turkish parliament is highly likely to ratify Finland’s Nato membership before it closes mid-April for elections, the officials said.

Finland’s president Sauli Niinisto will visit Turkey on Friday to discuss his country’s bid to join Nato with Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan.

In pictures: Kyiv’s forces take part in military exercises in Zaporizhzhia region

Wednesday 15 March 2023 09:15 , Emily Atkinson


Spare a thought for people living with seemingly endless air raid sirens’

Wednesday 15 March 2023 08:55 , Emily Atkinson

The British ambassador to Ukraine has told of how relentless air raid alerts across the nation are a test of resilience for the population.

Tweeting this morning, Melinda Simmons said: “Spare a thought for people living with seemingly endless air raid sirens right now. Sirens alone are enough to cause stress. Trying to carry on as normal while diving in and out of hard cover tests anyone’s resilience.”

Russia forces ‘increasingly disaffected’ officials to forfeit passports

Wednesday 15 March 2023 08:29 , Emily Atkinson

Russia is forcing its “increasingly disaffected” officials to forfeit their passports in a Soviet-era move to prevent possible flight or defection, UK intelligence suggests.

In its latest update, the Ministry of Defence claimed that employees closer to the centre of power in Moscow “face more severe restrictions”, with Kremlin officials “banned from all international leisure travel.”

“Since the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Russian public officials and workers have been subject to increasingly severe foreign travel restrictions. Some officials have likely had to forfeit their passports to the Federal Security Service,” ” the MoD said.

“This is a widening of existing measures which date from the Soviet era. Travel restrictions were tightened after the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014.

“There is a realistic possibility that as the securitisation of the Russian state continues, travel restrictions will be tightened for an increasing number of public sector employees.”

What is an MQ-9 Reaper?

Wednesday 15 March 2023 08:10 , Emily Atkinson

According to the US air force, the Reaper is “employed primarily as an intelligence-collection asset and secondarily against dynamic execution targets”.

“Given its significant loiter time, wide-range sensors, multi-mode communications suite, and precision weapons, it provides a unique capability to perform strike, coordination, and reconnaissance against high-value, fleeting, and time-sensitive targets,” the air force says.


“Reapers can also perform the following missions and tasks: intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, close air support, combat search and rescue, precision strike, buddy-lase, convoy and raid overwatch, route clearance, target development, and terminal air guidance.

“The MQ-9’s capabilities make it uniquely qualified to conduct irregular warfare operations in support of combatant commander objectives.”

Wednesday 15 March 2023 07:55 , Emily Atkinson

A nationwide air raid alert has been declared across Ukraine.

See live updates here:

RAF and German air force intercept Russian aircraft in ‘routine’ Nato mission

Wednesday 15 March 2023 07:50 , Emily Atkinson

A Russian aircraft was intercepted by RAF and German fighter jets near Estonian airspace in the first joint exercise between the two Nato allies.

Two British and German Typhoon jets were scrambled on Tuesday when a Russian air-to-air refuelling aircraft failed to communicate with Estonian air traffic control.

It comes as the UK prepares take over from Germany to lead the Nato mission in Estonia, which borders Russia.

More on this story here:

RAF and German air force intercept Russian aircraft in ‘routine’ Nato mission

Russia calls on US to halt 'hostile' flights after collision

Wednesday 15 March 2023 07:29 , Emily Atkinson

Moscow has called on the US to halt “hostile” flights after a Russian fighter collided with a US Reaper drone, forcing it down into the Black Sea.

Russian news agency TASS cites Moscow’s ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov as saying: “We are concerned about the unacceptable activity of the US military in the immediate vicinity of our borders. We are well aware of the purpose for which such unmanned reconnaissance and strike vehicles are used.

“What are they doing thousands of kilometres from the US? The answer is obvious: they are collecting intelligence information, which is subsequently used by the Kyiv regime to strike at our armed forces and territory.

“Let us ask ourselves a rhetorical question: if, for example, a Russian strike drone appeared near New York or San Francisco, what would be the reaction of the US air force and navy? I am sure that the actions of the US military would be uncompromising in nature, not allowing a “breakthrough” its air or maritime space.

“We presume that the United States will refrain from further speculation in the media space and will stop flying near Russian borders.”

Ukraine’s ‘future being decided’ in the east, says Zelensky

Wednesday 15 March 2023 07:01 , Andy Gregory

Ukraine’s “future is being decided” in battles in the east, including Bakhmut, president Volodymyr Zelensky has said, adding: “It is very tough in the east, very painful. We have to destroy the enemy’s military power. And we shall destroy it.”

Mr Zelensky and his military chiefs agreed on Tuesday to keep defending Bakhmut despite concerns among some military analysts that the losses Ukraine is suffering could undermine its ability to mount a planned counter-offensive when the weather improves.

“It is key to the stability of the defence of the entire front,” said General Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Further north on the frontline near Kreminna, one Ukrainian commander said Russian assaults were still relentless despite having claimed little ground there.

“They are pushing hard. They are lobbing mortar bombs at us,” Oleksandr told Reuters, describing Russian units advancing in three-man fire teams, with another wave behind them sent to replace them when they are killed.

“At night they always attack on foot and we sit, looking through our thermal goggles, and shooting them.”

US and Russia clashes in Black Sea: Not the first time

Wednesday 15 March 2023 06:35 , Arpan Rai

This is not the first time Russian aircraft have flown so close to US aircraft in the Black Sea, prompting the Pentagon to publicly condemn the incident for putting the crews at risk.

In 2020, Russian jets crossed in front of a B-52 bomber that was flying over the Black Sea, and flew as close as 100 feet in front of the bomber’s nose, causing turbulence.

Russian jets have also buzzed US warships during exercises in the Black Sea. In 2021, Russian warplanes buzzed the USS Donald Cook, a Navy destroyer, which had been taking part in a major exercise.

Until Russia’s invasion last year of Ukraine, US warships had established more frequent deployments to the Black Sea in response to Russia’s 2014 attack on Crimea.

Read the full story here:

What's known — and not — about US-Russia military air crash

MPs urge government to ‘get serious’ about enforcing Russian sanctions

Wednesday 15 March 2023 05:56 , PA

MPs have urged Rishi Sunak’s government to “get serious” about enforcing sanctions against Russian oligarchs as they complained only two fines have so far been issued, report Martina Bet, David Lynch and Ben Hatton.

Parliamentarians used a backbench business debate on the seizure of Russian assets in the Commons to criticise the government for its poor enforcement of the sanctions regime.

Labour former minister Liam Byrne said he had discovered there were 147 reports of a breach of the sanctions regime in 2022, after requesting information from the Treasury’s Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation.

“Of 147 reports of a breach, there have been the grand total of two monetary fines, both to fintech companies,” the Birmingham Hodge Hill MP said.

He went on: “Despite the scale of sanctions enforcement, we have just two fines that total £86,000. Well, I tell the House this, £86,000 in fines is not going to do much to help us rebuild Ukraine.”

Ron DeSantis dismisses Ukraine war as ‘territorial dispute’

Wednesday 15 March 2023 05:51 , Arpan Rai

Florida governor Ron DeSantis told Fox News host Tucker Carlson that supporting Ukraine as it defends itself from Russia’s assault on its sovereignty was not in the United States’ national interest.

“While the US has many vital national interests – securing our borders, addressing the crisis of readiness within our military, achieving energy security and independence, and checking the economic, cultural, and military power of the Chinese Communist Party – becoming further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia is not one of them,” Mr DeSantis said in response to Mr Carlson’s question.

Read the full story here:

Ron DeSantis dismisses Ukraine war as ‘territorial dispute’

Zelensky’s fighters told to ‘inflict maximum possible damage’ on Russian forces

Wednesday 15 March 2023 05:38 , Arpan Rai

Volodymyr Zelensky has said that the Ukrainian forces have been asked to inflict as much attrition as possible to increase pressure on the Russian forces.

His remarks came after he held a meeting with the armed forces staff, including the commander-in-chief, intelligence, and commanders of directions.

“The main focus is on the Khortytsia operational and strategic group of troops and Bakhmut. There is a clear position of the entire Staff: to reinforce this direction, to inflict maximum possible damage upon the occupier,” Mr Zelensky said.

He added that Ukrainian General Tarnavsky then reported on the Tavria, which is part of the Donetsk and southern directions.“General Moskaliov reported on the situation for the Odesa operational and strategic group of troops. General Nayev reported on the North,” he added.

“Of course, we are constantly considering the supply of ammunition and weapons at the staff’s meetings. We are constantly working with our partners to increase pressure on Russia,” the war-time president said.

US summons Russian ambassador over drone incident

Wednesday 15 March 2023 04:42 , Andy Gregory

The United States has summoned Russia’s ambassador to Washington after a US surveillance drone fell into the Black Sea after being intercepted by Russian fighter jets.

While Moscow denied that its jets had come into contact with the drone, State Department spokesperson Ned Price said that diplomat Anatoly Antonov had been summoned for a meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

The US ambassador to Moscow has conveyed a strong message to Russia's foreign affairs ministry, while and U. officials have briefed allies and partners about the incident, Mr Price told reporters.

“We are engaging directly with the Russians, again at senior levels, to convey our strong objections to this unsafe, unprofessional intercept, which caused the downing of the unmanned US aircraft,” Mr Price said.

Drone crash incident a provocation, says Russia’s ambassador to US

Wednesday 15 March 2023 04:37 , Arpan Rai

Russia views the incident involving one of its Su-27 fighter jet and a US military drone over the Black Sea as provocation, its ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said today.

“The American UAV deliberately and provocatively was moving towards Russian territory with transponders turned off,” Mr Antonov said in remarks posted on his embassy’s website, referring to the drone as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).

“We view this incident as a provocation,” he told Russian agencies yesterday after being summoned by the US State Department.

Moscow has also denied any contact with the drone and says that the aerial vehicle crashed after “sharp maneuvering”.

“The unacceptable activity of the US military in the close proximity to our borders is a cause for concern,” Mr Antonov said.

He added: “They are collecting intelligence, which is subsequently used by the Kyiv regime to strike at our armed forces and territory.”

Russia says US drone crash due to ‘sharp maneuver'

Wednesday 15 March 2023 04:16 , Arpan Rai

The Russian defence ministry said the US drone was flying near the Russian border and intruded in an area that was declared off limits by Russian authorities.

It claimed that “as a result of sharp maneuver, the US drone went into uncontrollable flight with a loss of altitude and collided with water surface” amid reports that Russian military scrambled fighters to intercept the American drone.

Russia has declared broad areas near Crimea off limits to flights.

The ministry said the Russian aircraft were scrambled to intercept the drone but did not use weapons on it or impact it.

Nations routinely operate in international airspace and waters, and no country can claim limits on territory outside of its own border.

What’s known – and not – about US-Russia military air crash

Wednesday 15 March 2023 03:40 , Arpan Rai

When a Russian fighter jet collided with a large US surveillance drone over the Black Sea yesterday, it was a rare but serious incident that triggered a US diplomatic protest and raised concerns about the possibility Russia could recover sensitive technology.

The US and Russian officials had conflicting accounts of the collision between the MQ-9 Reaper drone and the Russian Su-27 fighter jet — each blaming the other. But a Pentagon spokesperson raised the possibility that the defence department could eventually declassify and release video it has of the collision.

Read the full story here:

What's known — and not — about US-Russia military air crash

Kyiv ambassador Dame Melinda Simmons pays tribute to Ukraine during investiture

Wednesday 15 March 2023 03:31 , PA

The UK’s ambassador to Ukraine said she was “channelling” the beleaguered nation by wearing blue and yellow at Buckingham Palace where she was made a dame, reports Ted Hennessey.

Melinda Simmons, the ambassador in Kyiv, said it was “extraordinary” to receive her honour from the King and an opportunity to highlight the ongoing Russian invasion.

Dame Melinda spoke to King Charles on Tuesday about the bravery of the Ukrainian people as she received her damehood for services to British foreign policy.

Kyiv ambassador Dame Melinda Simmons pays tribute to Ukraine during investiture

Russia should respect international airspace after US drone crash, says Wallace

Wednesday 15 March 2023 03:17 , Arpan Rai

British defence secretary Ben Wallace has urged Moscow to respect international airspace, after the United States said that Russia had caused one of its drones to crash into the Black Sea yesterday.

“The key here is that all parties respect international air space and we urge the Russians to do so,” Mr Wallace said.

He added: “The Americans have said they think it is unprofessional.”

A Russian Su-27 fighter jet fighter plane and a US military MQ-9 drone collided over Black Sea, making this the first such direct encounter between the two powers since Russia invaded Ukraine over a year ago and risks deepening tensions between Washington and Moscow.

Russia has dubbed the incident as provocation.

Russia denies its fighter jets came into contact with US drone

Wednesday 15 March 2023 02:22 , Andy Gregory

Russia has denied that its aircraft came into contact with a US drone which fell into the Black Sea.

According to US Air Force General James Hecker, the surveillance drone “was conducting routine operations in international airspace when it was intercepted and hit by a Russian aircraft”.

But Russia's defence ministry said the drone went into the water as a result of its own “sharp maneuvering”, adding: “The Russian fighters did not use their onboard weapons, did not come into contact with the UAV, and returned safely to their home airfield.”

Wednesday 15 March 2023 01:14 , Andy Gregory

Russia’s renewed invasion of Ukraine could cause higher deaths in East Africa than in the conflict zone, MPs have heard.

Concerns over disruption on grain supplies and price increases caused by the war were raised in the House of Commons by Tory former minister Sir James Duddridge, as aid organisations warn that parts of East Africa are on the brink of famine – with millions facing food shortages after several failed rainy seasons.

Foreign Office minister Andrew Mitchell acknowledged the Horn of Africa is facing an “immense crisis of extraordinary proportions” and insisted the UK is offering help, pointing to £156m allocated for humanitarian support during crises in East Africa.

But Labour MP Mike Kane warned the aid support is “five times less” than what the UK government provided six years ago for a “milder crisis”.

MPs hear fears Ukraine war disruption could cause higher deaths in East Africa

‘Disgraceful’ to compare Gary Lineker row to Putin’s Russia, says minister

Wednesday 15 March 2023 00:04 , Ben Hatton

Labour has been criticised after claiming Gary Lineker being taken off air at the BBC for tweeting something “the government doesn’t like” sounds like “Putin’s Russia”.

Shadow culture secretary Lucy Powell’s remarks were branded “distasteful” by culture minister Julia Lopez, who also labelled it a “disgraceful comparison” given Russian president Vladimir Putin’s actions.

‘Disgraceful’ to compare Gary Lineker row to Putin’s Russia, says minister

Hungary to delay vote on NATO membership for Sweden and Finland

Tuesday 14 March 2023 23:30 , Liam James

A long-delayed vote in Hungary's parliament on ratifying the Nato accession bids of Sweden and Finland will likely be postponed again following a proposal from a senior government official.

In a letter published Tuesday by Hungarian news website, deputy prime minister Zsolt Semjen requested that a parliamentary session scheduled to begin on 20 March – during which politicians were expected to vote on the two Nordic countries joining Nato – be postponed to a week later.

Mr Semjen cited Hungary's ongoing negotiations with the European Union’s executive branch over Budapest’s alleged breaches of the bloc’s rule-of-law requirements as the reason for the delay. The speaker of Hungary's parliament, himself a member of Mr Semjen’s ruling coalition, must approve the request for a postponement.

Hungary remains the only Nato member country – besides Turkey – which is yet to approve Sweden and Finland’s bids to join the alliance. The delay is the second in two weeks and only the latest of many that have come in succession since July 2022.

Hungary to delay vote on NATO membership for Sweden, Finland

Brazil’s Lula says he will not visit Russia or Ukraine due to war

Tuesday 14 March 2023 23:04 , Andy Gregory

Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has announced that he will not visit Russia or Ukraine due to the ongoing hostilities.

The newly reinstated leftist leader said he will nonetheless work for peace and an end to the war.

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva met with US president Joe Biden at the White House in February (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva met with US president Joe Biden at the White House in February (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

US drone incident a ‘provocation’, says Russia

Tuesday 14 March 2023 22:35 , Liam James

Moscow views the incident involving a Russian Su-27 fighter jet and a US military drone over the Black Sea as provocation, Russia‘s RIA state news agency cited Anatoly Antonov, the Russian ambassador to the United States, as saying on Tuesday.

“We view this incident as a provocation,” Mr Antonov said after Washington said that the fighter jet downed the US drone. Russia has denied doing so.

Mr Antonov has been summoned to Washington.

US summons Russian ambassador over drone hit

Tuesday 14 March 2023 22:15 , Liam James

The United States has summoned Russia’s ambassador to Washington after a Russian Su-27 fighter jet downed a US military drone over the Black Sea, State Department spokesperson Ned Price said.

The US ambassador to Moscow has conveyed a strong message to Russia’s foreign affairs ministry and US officials had briefed allies and partners about the incident, Mr Price told reporters on a phone briefing.

“We are engaging directly with the Russians, again at senior levels, to convey our strong objections to this unsafe, unprofessional intercept, which caused the downing of the unmanned US aircraft,” Mr Price said.

“We are summoning the Russian ambassador to the department where we will convey this message.”

The meeting of Russian ambassador Anatoly Antonov with senior US officials at the State Department will take place this afternoon, Mr Price said, without saying who from the US side he would be meeting.

File photo shows MQ-9 Reaper drone in 2013 (EPA)
File photo shows MQ-9 Reaper drone in 2013 (EPA)

Pentagon says Russia to blame for downing US drone

Tuesday 14 March 2023 21:44 , Liam James

The Pentagon blamed a Russian fighter jet for the crash of a US spy drone into the Black Sea on Tuesday while Moscow denied any collision.

The encounter reflected a risk of direct confrontation between Russia and the United States due to the Ukraine war.

Two Russian Su-27 jets carried out what the U.S. military described as a reckless intercept of the MQ-9 “Reaper” drone in international airspace before one of them collided with it at 7.03am, causing the drone to crash into the sea.

Several times before the collision, the Russian fighter jets dumped fuel on the MQ-9, possibly trying to blind or damage it, and flew in front of the unmanned drone in unsafe manoeuvres, the US military said.

Russia has not recovered the drone and the jet was likely damaged, the Pentagon said.

Syrian president Assad arrives in Moscow to meet Putin

Tuesday 14 March 2023 20:57 , Andy Gregory

Syrian president Bashar Assad has arrived in Moscow, where he is scheduled to meet Vladimir Putin.

Moscow is a main backer of Mr Assad and has a broad presence in Syria, playing a pivotal role in fighting back armed opposition groups trying to topple the regime through military support – and has also aggressively backed Damascus against opponents at the United Nations.

The Kremlin said in a statement that “further development of Russian-Syrian cooperation in the political, trade, economic and humanitarian spheres, as well as the prospects for a comprehensive settlement of the situation in and around Syria” will be on the agenda at the meeting.

Syrian president Assad arrives in Moscow, set to meet Putin

Refugees returning to Ukraine due to unaffordable UK homes, MPs told

Tuesday 14 March 2023 19:52 , Andy Gregory

Ukrainian refugees have been forced to return to the war-torn country as homes in the UK are unaffordable, MPs have been told.

Concerns were also raised that hundreds more Ukrainian households in England are at risk of needing support for being homeless.

The House of Commons has approved a non-binding motion which called on the government to work with partner organisations and local authorities to ensure refugees facing and experiencing homelessness are supported during their time living in the UK.

Conservative MP Bob Blackman shared testimonies from Ukrainian refugees in Britain, alongside figures showing that 4,630 Ukrainian households received “urgent homelessness assistance” from their local authority in England between February 2022 and February 2023.

He added 1,216 refugees have presented themselves as homeless in London, but noted these figures raised were only a “partial picture of the true scale of homelessness faced by this refugee community”.

Watch: Ukrainian 'kamikaze drone' targets Russian tank in Kharkiv Oblast

Tuesday 14 March 2023 19:00 , Emily Atkinson

Kyiv ambassador Dame Melinda Simmons pays tribute to Ukraine during investiture

Tuesday 14 March 2023 18:30 , Emily Atkinson

The UK’s ambassador to Ukraine said she was “channelling” the beleaguered nation by wearing blue and yellow at Buckingham Palace where she was made a dame.

Melinda Simmons, the ambassador in Kyiv, said it was “extraordinary” to receive her honour from the King and an opportunity to highlight the ongoing Russian invasion.

Dame Melinda spoke to Charles on Tuesday about the bravery of the Ukrainian people as she received her damehood for services to British foreign policy.

Kyiv ambassador Dame Melinda Simmons pays tribute to Ukraine during investiture

Netherlands to give Ukraine minesweepers and drone radars

Tuesday 14 March 2023 18:00 , Emily Atkinson

The Netherlands will give Ukraine minesweepers, drone radars and an M3 system to quickly build bridges, the defence ministry said.

Breaking: ‘Reckless’ Russian fighter jet forces down US Air Force drone flying over Black Sea

Tuesday 14 March 2023 17:33 , Andy Gregory

A Russian fighter jet has forced a US drone flying over international waters in the Black Sea out of the sky, according to US officials, my colleague Josh Marcus reports.

US Air Force General James B Hecker of the branch’s Europe command told CNN in a statement that a Russian Su-27 aircraft performed a “reckless, environmentally unsound and unprofessional” set of maneuvers, dumping fuel and damaging the propeller of a US Air Force MQ-9 “Reaper” drone, forcing US officials to bring the craft down.

Aircraft from both countries have operated over the Black Sea, which borders Russian and Ukraine, since the former fully invaded the latter in February 2022.

You can refresh our breaking story below for updates:

‘Reckless’ Russian fighter jet forces down US Air Force drone flying over Black Sea

Ron DeSantis dismisses Ukraine war as ‘territorial dispute’ as he downplays need for US aid

Tuesday 14 March 2023 17:30 , Emily Atkinson

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis told Fox News host Tucker Carlson that supporting Ukraine as it defends itself from Russia’s assault on its sovereignty was not in the United States’ national interest.

The Fox News host, who has frequently criticised US support for Ukraine, sent a questionnaire to multiple Republican candidates for president and potential candidates for president.

“While the U.S. has many vital national interests – securing our borders, addressing the crisis of readiness within our military, achieving energy security and independence, and checking the economic, cultural, and military power of the Chinese Communist Party – becoming further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia is not one of them,” Mr DeSantis said in response to Mr Carlson’s question.

Eric Garcia reports:

Ron DeSantis dismisses Ukraine war as ‘territorial dispute’

Labour comparison to government handling of the BBC to the Putin regime ‘disgraceful,’ says minister

Tuesday 14 March 2023 17:00 , Emily Atkinson

Labour’s comparison of the government’s handling of the BBC to the Putin regime is “disgraceful”, culture minister Julia Lopez said.

Conservative former minister Andrew Percy told the Commons: “I hope that the shadow secretary of state will reflect on her comparison of this Government to the Putin regime which, of course, is engaged in war crimes and the murder of men, women, and children in Ukraine. That was beneath her.”

Mr Percy, a vice chair of the antisemitism all-party parliamentary group, also called on Gary Lineker to apologise for comparing the Government’s immigration policy to the language of 1930s Germany, describing it as “disgusting”.

He added: “As somebody who grew up surrounded by people who had their lives turned on their head by the Nazi regime in Germany, I hope that the minister will comment on his references to 1930s Germany.”

Culture minister Ms Lopez replied: “I also think it was distasteful to compare the Government’s actions or otherwise to the Putin regime, I think it is a disgraceful comparison to make, and I think it is way off the mark.”

Two more countries join Core Group on Special Tribunal, says Kyiv

Tuesday 14 March 2023 16:30 , Emily Atkinson

Two more countries have joined the Core Group on the Special Tribunal for the Russian crime of aggression against Ukraine, according to foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba.

“Thirty-two states are now working together to hold Russia’s top political and military leadership accountable. Putin and his associates will stand trial,” Kuleba said on Twitter.

He did not specify which two states had joined the group.

Volodymyr Zelensky awards highest military honour to soldier executed on video

Tuesday 14 March 2023 16:00 , Emily Atkinson

Volodymyr Zelensky awarded a top military honour to the Ukrainian sniper and prisoner of war Oleksandr Matsiyevsky who was shot down by Russian-speaking forces as captured in a widely circulated video.

My colleague Arpan Rai reports:

Volodymyr Zelensky awards highest military honour to soldier executed on video

Kyiv urges world leaders to ‘follow’ Lithuania in labelling Wagner group a 'terrorist organisation’

Tuesday 14 March 2023 15:40 , Emily Atkinson

The head of the office of the Ukrainian presidency has thanked Lithuania’s parliament for labelling a Russian mercenary group a “terrorist organisation”.

Tweeting this afternoon, Andriy Yermak said: “Thanks to the Lithuanian Seimas for passing a resolution designating the Russian “Wagner” PMC as a terrorist organisation. Others should follow suit. Should call culprits culprits.”

MPs hear fears Ukraine war disruption could cause higher deaths in East Africa

Tuesday 14 March 2023 15:20 , Emily Atkinson

Russia’s renewed invasion of Ukraine could cause higher deaths in East Africa than in the conflict zone, MPs have heard.

Concerns over disruption on grain supplies and price increases caused by the war were raised in the House of Commons by Conservative former minister Sir James Duddridge.

Foreign Office minister Andrew Mitchell acknowledged the Horn of Africa is facing an “immense crisis of extraordinary proportions” and insisted the UK is offering help.

Richard Wheeler reports:

MPs hear fears Ukraine war disruption could cause higher deaths in East Africa

Nato member Slovakia getting SAMP/T air defence system from Italy

Tuesday 14 March 2023 14:59 , Emily Atkinson

Italy is deploying the SAMP/T-MAMBA air defence system in Slovakia, replacing a US Patriot system in one of Nato’s eastern flank members, Slovakia’s defence ministry said on Tuesday.

The system, with more than 100 pieces of equipment, will be operated by up 150 Italian armed forces members, and the battery rotation will ensure “continuity of the strengthening Slovakia’s air defences”, the ministry said.

“I see this deployment as strong and unequivocal proof of the readiness and willingness of Nato member states to ensure our common defence and security,” Slovak defence minister Jaroslav Nad said in a statement.

The ministry said last month that Germany would donate two close-range MANTIS air defence systems.

Slovakia boosted its air defences with the help of several Patriot systems operated by Nato allies after donating its ageing S-300 system to Ukraine last year.

Zelensky and military command agree to continue Bakhmut defence

Tuesday 14 March 2023 14:40 , Emily Atkinson

President Volodymyr Zelensky and his top military command have agreed to continue to defend Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine, the president’s office said.

Following a meeting involving the president, top government officials and military commanders, Zelensky’s office said in a statement: “After considering the defensive operation in the Bakhmut direction, all members ... expressed a common position to continue holding and defending the city of Bakhmut.”

Here are some of the latest images from the embattled city:

 (Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
(Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
 (Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
(Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Putin says Russia is fighting for its very existence

Tuesday 14 March 2023 14:21 , Emily Atkinson

President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that what was at stake in Ukraine was Russia’s very existence as a state.

Speaking at length to workers at an aviation factory in Buryatia, some 4,400 km (2,750 miles) east of Moscow, Putin expanded on his familiar argument that the West was bent on pulling Russia apart.

“So for us this is not a geopolitical task, but a task of the survival of Russian statehood, creating conditions for the future development of the country and our children,” he said.

Putin has accused the West of using Ukraine as an tool to wage war against Russia and inflict on it a “strategic defeat”. The United States and its allies say they are helping Ukraine to defend itself from an imperial-style invasion that has destroyed Ukrainian cities, killed thousands of civilians and forced millions to flee their homes.


Putin said in a response to a question that he had been worried about the economy when the West imposed unprecedented waves of sanctions last year but it had proved stronger than expected.

“We have increased our economic sovereignty many times over. After all, what did our enemy count on? That we would collapse in 2-3 weeks or in a month,” he said.

He said the enemy had been expecting that factories would grind to a halt, the financial system would collapse, unemployment would rise, protesters would take to the streets, and Russia would “sway from within and collapse”.

“This did not happen,” Putin said. “It turned out, for many of us, and even more so for Western countries, that the fundamental foundations of Russia’s stability are much stronger than anyone thought.”

Casualties mount in battle for Bakhmut – as ICC ‘prepares first arrest warrants’ over Russia’s invasion

Tuesday 14 March 2023 14:05 , Emily Atkinson

Both Ukraine and Russia have reported inflicting heavy losses during fierce fighting around the eastern city of Bakhmut – while the International Criminal Court (ICC) is said to be planning to issue arrest warrants against a number of Russians.

Commanders on both sides have reported relentless fighting around Bakhmut, which has become the focus of a months-long campaign to take the city in the region of Donetsk which has led to some of the bloodiest fighting since Moscow’s invasion began.

Meanwhile, the prosecutor at the ICC is expected to ask pre-trial judges to approve arrest warrants against Russian individuals relating to the abduction of children from Ukraine to Russia and the targeting of civilian infrastructure in Ukraine, according to reports from Reuters and The New York Times. If successful, it will be the first time ICC warrants are issued in relation to Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

Chris Stevenson reports:

ICC ‘preparing first arrest warrants’ related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Russia says it shows 'goodwill’ in extending grain deal

Tuesday 14 March 2023 13:40 , Emily Atkinson

Russia said on Tuesday it had agreed out of “goodwill” to extend the Black Sea deal that facilitates Ukraine‘s grain exports, but a key part of the agreement was still not being implemented to Moscow’s satisfaction.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov criticised the West for not doing enough to remove obstacles to Russia’s own agricultural and fertiliser exports and said contacts over the deal would continue.

Asked why Russia had extended the deal for 60 days - as opposed to the 120-day extension period set out in the agreement - Peskov said Moscow’s decision was “a gesture of goodwill ... in the hope that after such a long time, the obligations that have been assumed will be fulfilled.”

He added: “It is obvious that the second part of the deal, which concerns us, has not yet been fulfilled ... The deal cannot stand on (only) one leg.”

Russia says Western countries committed to lifting restrictions which hamper Russia’s own agricultural and fertiliser exports, but have not met those commitments.

“We appreciate the efforts that have been made by the United Nations, including personally by the Secretary-General,” Peskov said on Tuesday.

“But, despite this, unfortunately, Mr. (Antonio) Guterres has failed to break through the collective West’s wall. The conditions that were agreed upon as an integral part of the deal have not been fulfilled.”

Sunak rejects calls for defence spending to increase to 3% of GDP

Tuesday 14 March 2023 12:55 , Emily Atkinson

Rishi Sunak has rejected pleas to increase defence spending to 3% of the size of the economy despite acknowledging the growing challenges posed by China and Russia.

David Hughes reports:

Sunak rejects calls for defence spending to increase to 3% of GDP

German military in worse shape than before Russia’s invasion - official

Tuesday 14 March 2023 12:33 , Emily Atkinson

The German military is suffering from a greater shortage of weapons and equipment than before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a year ago, the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces said in her annual report on Tuesday.

“The Bundeswehr has too little of everything, and it has even less since (Russia’s invasion on) Feb. 24, 2022,” Eva Hoegl, who acts as an advocate defending the rights of the troops, told reporters in Berlin.

She denounced the government for being slow not only in spending the 100 billion euro special fund set up last year to bring the forces back up to scratch, but also in replenishing the military’s stocks after rushing arms to Kyiv.

“Our troops welcome the support for Ukraine although it tears big holes (into their stocks) when howitzers, multiple rocket launchers or Leopard tanks are handed over to Kyiv,” Hoegl said, demanding orders to be placed more swiftly.

“It must be clear that the moment (a howitzer) is handed over to Ukraine, the process of ordering a replacement must be launched,” she said.

Poland could give Ukraine MIG fighter jets in coming 4-6 weeks, says PM

Tuesday 14 March 2023 12:07 , Emily Atkinson

Poland could give Ukraine MIG fighter jets in coming 4-6 weeks, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Tuesday.

Putin ‘to recruit soldiers from women’s prison’ to make up for heavy losses

Tuesday 14 March 2023 11:52 , Emily Atkinson

Vladimir Putin has resorted to seeking new recruits for his beleaguered army in women’s prisons to make up for heavy losses in Ukraine, reports say.

According to Ukrainian officials, Moscow has likely been using female inmates to support its advance in Kyiv since at least the end of last year.

“Last week, a train with sleeping cars for the transfer of prisoners was spotted moving towards the Donetsk region. One of the cars [had] female convicts [in it],” Ukraine’s defence ministry said in an update published on Monday.

Olga Romanova, co-founder of prisoners’ rights organisation Russia Behind Bars, corroborated the ministry’s claims, telling iStories: “They were taken from penal colonies in southern Russia. I don’t know the exact ones, but they worked in Kushchevka [in the southern Krasnodar region].”

Ms Romanova believes at least 100 female prisoners have been sent to the frontline in Ukraine so far, though it is unclear whether the inmates signed up to the Russian military voluntarily or as a result of external pressures.

Russian missile strikes Kramatorsk flat building

Tuesday 14 March 2023 11:23 , Emily Atkinson

A Russian missile has struck a flat building in the centre of Kramatorsk, killing at least one person and wounding three others in one of Ukraine‘s major city strongholds in its eastern Donetsk region.

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky said that six apartment buildings were damaged in the blast and rescue efforts were continuing.


He posted a video showing gaping holes in the facade of the low-rise building that bore the brunt of the strike.

The Ukrainian general prosecutor’s office and regional governor Pavlo Kyrylenko also reported on the attack, posting photos of the building with mounds of rubble in front of it.


Russian parliament votes to censor criticism of mercenary groups

Tuesday 14 March 2023 11:11 , Emily Atkinson

Russia’s lower house of parliament, the State Duma, voted on Tuesday to approve an amendment that would punish those found guilty of discrediting “volunteer” groups fighting in Ukraine, extending a law that censors criticism of Russia’s armed forces.

The amendment is seen as a move to “protect” fighters working for the private Wagner Group, a mercenary force, which is leading Russia’s campaign for the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut.

Wagner founder Yevgeny Prigozhin has welcomed the proposals - an expansion of Russia’s wartime censorship measures introduced after Moscow invaded Ukraine.


Kremlin: Grain deal can't stand on one leg

Tuesday 14 March 2023 11:01 , Emily Atkinson

The Kremlin has said the Black Sea grain deal could not “stand on one leg” as Moscow criticised the West for not doing enough to remove obstacles to Russia’s own agricultural and fertiliser exports.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said contacts continued over the deal, and that “everybody agrees” an agreement to ease restrictions on Russia should be fulfilled.

Lithuania’s parliament designates Russia’s Wagner ‘a terrorist organisation’

Tuesday 14 March 2023 10:49 , Emily Atkinson

Lithuania’s parliament voted unanimously on Tuesday to designate Russia’s Wagner mercenary force “a terrorist organisation”, accusing it of “systematic, serious crimes of aggression” in Ukraine.

Wagner group ‘recruiting in schools’

Tuesday 14 March 2023 10:23 , Emily Atkinson

The Wagner mercenary group is giving “career talks” to Russian schoolchildren as part of a recruitment drive for more young soldiers to join the fight in Ukraine, UK intelligence suggests.

In its latest update, the Ministry of Defence said that questionnaires had been circulated in Russian schools by disguised members of the group, often referred to as Vladimir Putin’s private army.

“Since the start of March 2023, Wagner has set up outreach teams based in sports centres in at least 40 locations across Russia,” the MoD said.

“In recent days, masked Wagner recruiters also gave career talks in Moscow high schools, distributing questionnaires entitled ‘application of a young warrior’ to collect the contact details of interested pupils.

“About half of the prisoners Wagner has already deployed in Ukraine have likely become casualties and the new initiatives are unlikely to make up for the loss of the convict recruit pipeline.”

Bakhmut has been at the centre of Russia’s ever-intensifying winter campaign. The Wagner group has made slow gains in the small eastern city, but at an immense cost.

Moscow first attempted to win the brutal conflict with a “human wave” of assaults using battalions of convicts, followed by elite mercenary troops.

Consultations ongoing with all parties to Black Sea grain deal, says UN

Tuesday 14 March 2023 10:10 , Emily Atkinson

Informal dialogue between the United Nations and parties to the Black Sea grains deal continue over an extension, a UN spokesperson has said, adding that the in-person talks with Russia have already ended.

“The talks completed yesterday as agreed, but consultations continue with all parties,” a spokesperson for the humanitarian office of the United Nations led by Martin Griffiths said in an emailed response to Reuters questions.

Griffiths and top UN trade official Rebeca Grynspan met with Russian deputy foreign minister Sergei Vershinin in Geneva on Monday where the latter suggested renewing the deal for 60 days, or half the term of the last extension.

Latest images from Kharkiv

Tuesday 14 March 2023 09:50 , Emily Atkinson

 (Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
(Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
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(Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
 (Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
(Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
 (Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
(Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Turkey says talks continue on extension of Black Sea grain deal

Tuesday 14 March 2023 09:30 , Emily Atkinson

Turkey’s defence ministry has said that talks over the extension of a deal that allows the export of Ukrainian grain on the Black Sea is still continuing.

In a statement, the ministry cited Russia as agreeing to back a 60-day extension to the deal, brokered between Moscow and Kyiv in July by Turkey and the United Nations.

Russia said the deal had been extended for 60 days, but Ukraine said the agreement allows only a 120-day extension.

Kremlin says its goals in Ukraine can only be achieved by military force

Tuesday 14 March 2023 09:10 , Emily Atkinson

Kyiv’s position means Russia’s goals in Ukraine can only be achieved by military force, Russian state news agencies quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying.

“We have to achieve our goals. Right now this is only possible by military means due to the current position of the Kyiv regime,” Peskov said.

Moscow has blamed Kyiv for a breakdown in talks about a ceasefire, while Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has said he will only consider peace settlements after Russian troops leave Ukrainian territory.

 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)

Kremlin says Russia does not recognise ICC jurisdiction

Tuesday 14 March 2023 08:50 , Emily Atkinson

The Kremlin said on Tuesday it does not recognise the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in the Hague, the TASS news agency reported, citing Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

Peskov was asked about reports the International Criminal Court (ICC) was expected to seek its first arrest warrants against Russian individuals in relation to the conflict in Ukraine shortly.


Ukraine 'will stick to terms of previously signed 120-day grain export deal’

Tuesday 14 March 2023 08:35 , Emily Atkinson

Ukraine will stick to the terms of the previously signed agreement on a 120-day extension of the Black Sea grain export initiative, a senior Ukrainian government official said on Tuesday.

“We will follow the agreement strictly,” the official, who declined to be named, told Reuters.

Russia’s TASS news agency cited Russian deputy foreign minister Alexander Grushko as saying on Tuesday that the deal that facilitates Ukrainian agricultural exports had been extended on the previous conditions.

Wagner responsible for rise in migrants from Africa, says Italian government

Tuesday 14 March 2023 08:15 , Emily Atkinson

The Italian government has accused the Wagner mercenary group of aggravating a sudden rise in migrant boats trying to cross the central Mediterranean.

In a statement, defence minister Guido Crosetto said: “I think it is safe to say that the exponential increase in the migratory phenomenon departing from African shores is also part of a clear strategy of hybrid warfare that the Wagner division is implementing, using its considerable weight in some African countries.”

Interior ministry data shows that some 20,000 people have reached Italy so far this year, compared with 6,100 in the same period of 2022.

Calling on Nato allies to support Italy in tackling this increase, Crosetto went on: “The Atlantic alliance becomes stronger if the problems arising from collective choices are also shared, but it runs the risk of cracking if the countries most exposed to retaliation of various kinds are left alone.”

Ukraine: Objects of war become new normal in Kyiv scenery

Tuesday 14 March 2023 07:39 , Emily Atkinson

There are sandbags around the statues and anti-tank obstacles by the side of the streets, trenches in the nearby forests and land mine warnings in the woods. Signs painted on walls point to the nearest shelter, while air raid sirens occasionally wail across the city, which still sometimes comes under missile attack.

But against this backdrop of war, residents of the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, are living their lives as normally as they can while Russia’s invasion of their country continues into its second year.

Although many fled in the opening stages of the war, residents have gradually returned to their homes as Russian forces were pushed back from north of the city last year, and the conflict became centered mainly in the eastern and southern parts of Ukraine.

Read more here:

Ukraine: Objects of war become new normal in Kyiv scenery

Russia’s ammunition shortage worsened, punitive shell-rationing in force — MoD

Tuesday 14 March 2023 07:08 , Arpan Rai

The British defence ministry has said that the Russian artillery ammunition shortages have likely worsened in the recent weeks to the extent that extremely punitive shell-rationing is in force on many parts of the front.

“This has almost certainly been a key reason why no Russian formation has recently been able to generate operationally significant offensive action,” the ministry said.

Russia has almost certainly already resorted to issuing old munitions stock which were previously categorised as unfit for use, it added.

“A presidential decree of 3 March laid down measures for the ministry of trade and industry to bypass the authority of managers of defence industries who fail to meet their production goals,” the MoD said.

It added: “Russia is increasingly applying the principles of a command economy to its military industrial complex because it recognises that its defence manufacturing capacity is a key vulnerability in the increasingly attritional 'special military operation'.”

Casualties mount in battle for Bakhmut – as ICC ‘prepares first arrest warrants’ over Russia’s invasion

Tuesday 14 March 2023 07:00 , Liam James

Both Ukraine and Russia have reported inflicting heavy losses during fierce fighting around the eastern city of Bakhmut – while the International Criminal Court (ICC) is said to be planning to issue arrest warrants against a number of Russians (Chris Stevenson writes).

Commanders on both sides have reported relentless fighting around Bakhmut, which has become the focus of a months-long campaign to take the city in the region of Donetsk which has led to some of the bloodiest fighting since Moscow’s invasion began.

Meanwhile, the prosecutor at the ICC is expected to ask pre-trial judges to approve arrest warrants against Russian individuals relating to the abduction of children from Ukraine to Russia and the targeting of civilian infrastructure in Ukraine, according to reports from Reuters and the New York Times. If successful, it will be the first time ICC warrants are issued in relation to Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

ICC ‘preparing first arrest warrants’ related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

Putin and Wagner group reach ‘boiling point’ in Bakhmut rivalry

Tuesday 14 March 2023 06:00 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Tensions between the Russian ministry of defence and the rebel Wagner group has likely reached a “boiling point” in their rivalry over Bakhmut, the Institute of War has said.

The city in Donetsk Oblast, which has been the site of bloody contention for several weeks, serves as a symbolic stepping stone for Moscow to push forward in its invasion.

According to IoW analysis, the Russian MoD is trying to “deliberately expend both elite and convict Wagner forces in Bakhmut in an effort to weaken Prigozhin and derail his ambitions for greater influence in the Kremlin”.

The analysis continued: “The Russian MoD is currently prioritizing eliminating Wagner on the battlefields in Bakhmut, which is likely slowing down the rate of advance in the area.

“Prigozhin saw Bakhmut as an opportunity to gain leverage on the Russian MoD and likely in the Kremlin in pursuit of his own commercial and political aspirations.

“Putin used Wagner to protect his regime from detrimental societal ramifications of mobilization, which also continues to inhibit his war efforts in Ukraine.”

Ukraine counters more than 100 Russian attacks – officials

Tuesday 14 March 2023 05:58 , Arpan Rai

Ukrainian forces have repelled more than 100 Russian attacks over past 24 hours, the country’s general staff of armed forces said today.

It added that Russian forces are concentrating efforts on conducting offensives toward Lyman, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, Mariinka, and Shakhtarsk in Donetsk oblast, indicating that the battered mining city is still being fought for.

“Over the past 24 hours, Russia launched five missiles, targeting civilian infrastructure in Sumy and Donetsk regions, as well as 35 airstrikes and 76 MLRS attacks against Ukraine,” the official army front said.

Black Sea grain deal will be extended automatically if no objections, says Russia

Tuesday 14 March 2023 05:40 , Arpan Rai

The deal enabling safe export of grain from Ukraine’s Black Sea ports will be extended automatically after it expires on 18 March if no objections are raised from the involved parties, reported Russia’s TASS state news agency.

“If the parties have no objections, the deal will continue after March 18,” TASS reported citing a source.

The time length of the extension did not matter, the person said.

“If the deal is extended for 60 days, it will continue to operate after March 18, and after 60 days one of the parties may raise the issue of its termination,” they added.

The prices of corn and wheat have been under pressure on hopes of a deal renewal.

Man to walk London Marathon backwards in support of Ukrainians

Tuesday 14 March 2023 04:14 , Arpan Rai

A father who previously crawled the London Marathon dressed as a gorilla is to walk the famous event backwards this year as a means of “looking over my shoulder for Ukraine”.

Tom Harrison, who lives in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, and works in project management, told the PA news agency that there are several reasons behind his idea to walk the London Marathon – which takes place on April 23 – backwards.

“At school we had a motto which was in Latin and it translated to: Look forward and look back,” he said.

Read the full story here:

Man to walk London Marathon backwards in support of Ukrainians

Rishi Sunak is not America’s No 1 ally like I was, says Tony Blair

Tuesday 14 March 2023 04:00 , Liam James

Tony Blair has criticised Rishi Sunak’s lack of influence with Joe Biden - and said he backed the Iraq War to make sure he was the first person the White House phoned in a crisis.

In an interview to mark the upcoming 20th anniversary of the conflict, the former Prime Minister admitted he turned down a last minute offer from President George Bush for British troops not to take part in the war.

He said he was ‘uncomfortable’ about British troops joining the US invasion but went ahead because our special relationship with America would have been wrecked if we had let them fight alone.

Mr Blair defended his conduct, saying that when he was in Downing St he was always the first world leader called on the White House “hot line”.

Rishi Sunak is not America’s No 1 ally like I was, says Tony Blair

Click here to read the full blog on The Independent's website