Ukraine news: Putin visits Belarus as Russia ‘recruits poorly-trained convicts’

Russian president Vladimir Putin is visiting Minsk, Belarus along with his defence and foreign ministers, worsening fears that he intends to pressure his ex-Soviet ally to join the war against Ukraine.

Mr Putin is meeting with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenkow, and the trip comes as the UK’s Ministry of Defence reports that Russia is recruiting “poorly-trained convicts” to fight, treating them as “expendable” and likely threatening them with “summary execution”.

Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelensky has also said Russian aggression “must fail” as he urged European leaders, including prime minister Rishi Sunak, to supply more weaponry to his country.

Addressing a meeting of the Joint Expeditionary Force on Monday, Mr Zelensky said: “Russian aggression can and must fail. The task now is to make sure it happens faster. I call upon you to do everything to accelerate the defeat of the occupiers."

It comes after Ukrainian officials said Russia unleashed 35 “kamikaze” drones in the early hours of Monday, hitting critical infrastructure in and around Kyiv in Moscow’s third air attack on the Ukrainian capital in six days.

Key Points

  • Russia unleashes ‘kamikaze’ drone strikes on Kyiv

  • At least 30 drones shot down in Russian attack this morning, says Ukraine

  • Kyiv’s ‘critical infrastructure’ hit in Russian attack - Ukrainian authorities

  • Russia’s proxy Wagner troops threatened with execution if they deviate from military assault - MoD

  • Putin flying to Belarus for talks with Lukashenko

03:35 , Arpan Rai

Good morning, welcome to our coverage of the Ukraine war on Monday, 19 December.

Loud explosions heard in Kyiv

04:29 , Arpan Rai

Several explosions have been reported in the early hours today in Kyiv and its surrounding region in the Ukrainian capital.

The region came under drone attack, governor of the Kyiv region Oleksiy Kuleba said.

“Just woke up at 4.30am here in central Kyiv to the sound of an explosion — unsure what it was. We’re in an air raid alert that began at 1.57am,” said Nolan Peterson, war reporter in Ukraine.

In a subsequent tweet, he said: “Seeing reports of another Russian attack using Iranian-made exploding drones. Ukrainian air defences working. Striking on early Monday morning has become Moscow’s modus operandi. Also — power is still on where I live.”

Nine Iranian Shahed drones downed in Kyiv’s airspace

04:29 , Arpan Rai

Ukrainian air defences took down nine Iranian-made Shahed drones in the early hours, Kyiv’s military administration said today on the Telegram messaging app.

"The enemy is attacking the capital with ‘Shahed’ barrage ammunition," the administration said on the Telegram messaging app.

The air defences were operating “due to a Russian attack,” Kyiv oblast governor Oleksiy Kuleba immediately confirmed after air raid alerts were sounded.

Mr Kuleba asked the local residents to take shelter as the “drone attack continues”.

There are no immediate reports of casualties.

However, a fire broke out in Kyiv central district Shevchenkivskyi due to the attack.

Air raid siren have been blaring constantly since early hours for Kyiv and other regions around with another fresh alert sounded at 5.25am local time (0725 GMT).

Russian soldiers sent to Belarus in October set to begin military exercises - report

05:13 , Arpan Rai

Russian soldiers training in regional formation in Belarus in October are set to start battalion tactical exercises, Moscow’s defence ministry said today.

“The final assessment of the combat capability and combat readiness of the units will be given by the command at the final stage of coordination - after the battalion tactical exercises have been conducted,” the ministry said, reported the Russian Interfax news agency.

In October, 9,000 Russian troops were sent to Belarus as part of a “regional grouping” of forces to protect their borders, the Belarusian defence ministry had said.

It is not immediately clear when and where in Belarus the exercises will be conducted.

War raging in Bakhmut key focus – Zelensky

05:15 , Arpan Rai

Volodymyr Zelensky says that he has examined the war situation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, which have been witnessing heavy fighting for over a month now with Russian forces concentrating a majority of their might to capture the separatist regions.

“The situation in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions was examined in great detail. The Bakhmut direction is key,” he said.

The cities are still under Ukrainian control, he said, adding that the Russian soldiers are “doing everything so that not a single undamaged wall remains there.”

“The Zaporizhzhia region, the Kherson region, the south in general – we are gradually reducing the potential of the occupiers. Minus ammunition dumps, minus logistics of the Russian army,” he said in his nightly address.

Mr Zelensky reiterated that air defence is a constant priority of the Ukrainian army and asked Ukraine’s allies to provide them with “more modern air defence systems in sufficient numbers, you can deprive the terrorist state of its main instrument of terror.”

“This will be one of the most powerful steps that will bring the end of aggression closer. Russia will have to follow the path of cessation of aggression, when it can no longer follow the path of missile strikes,” he said.

The Ukrainian war-time president said that protection of the border with both Russia and Belarus is also a constant priority. We are preparing for all possible defence scenarios, he said.

Putin flying to Belarus for talks with Lukashenko

05:31 , Arpan Rai

Vladimir Putin is headed to Belarus today to hold talks with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukanshenko in a first trip to Minsk since 2019.

All talks between Mr Putin and Mr Lukashenko were being held in Moscow since the invasion of Ukraine began.

The Russian president’s visit comes amid fears that he intends to bring Belarusian forces to join a fresh military offensive against Ukraine and reopen a new gateway.

Ukrainian joint forces commander Serhiy Nayev speculated that during these talks, “questions will be worked out for further aggression against Ukraine” and “the broader involvement of the Belarusian armed forces in the operation against Ukraine, in particular, in our opinion, also on the ground.”

Additionally, Russian soldiers training in regional formation in Belarus in October are set to start battalion tactical exercises, Moscow’s defence ministry said today.

“The final assessment of the combat capability and combat readiness of the units will be given by the command at the final stage of coordination - after the battalion tactical exercises have been conducted,” the ministry said, reported the Russian Interfax news agency.

Kyiv’s ‘critical infrastructure’ hit in Russian attack - Ukrainian authorities

05:53 , Arpan Rai

The flurry of Russian attacks on Kyiv and its surrounding regions this morning have struck "critical infrastructure" in Kyiv and private houses, officials said,

The air defence systems also shot down about 15 drones directed at Kyiv, they added,

More than 20 drones targeted Kyiv in a renewed drone attack by Russian forces, its military administration said.

There are no deaths or injuries reported from the attack so far, Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko said, adding that the medics are deployed at the sites of the Russian attacks in the Solomyanskyi and Shevchenkivskyi districts of the capital.

Authorities: Kyiv targeted in early morning drone attack

Rishi Sunak to urge allies to stand firm behind Ukraine in Baltic trip

06:03 , Arpan Rai

Rishi Sunak is going to urge fellow leaders to stand firm in their support for Ukraine during his Baltic trip as he pledges a new stream of defensive aid to guard against Russian aggression.

First jetting off to a meeting of northern European allies in Latvia, Mr Sunak will call on his counterparts to sustain or boost their current offers.

The prime minister will then travel to Estonia to meet British troops and sign a new technology digital partnership with the nation’s prime minister.

It comes as the UK has announced a fresh supply of hundreds of thousands of rounds of artillery ammunition as part of its package of defensive aid for 2023, under a £250m contract.

Read the full story here:

Rishi Sunak to urge allies to stand firm behind Ukraine in Baltic trip

Russia’s proxy Wagner troops threatened with execution if they deviate from military assault - MoD

06:20 , Arpan Rai

Russia’s proxy military fighter group Wagner has devised a new offensive tactic to send convict conscripts in the raging war in Bakhmut likely to preserve its highly experienced forces, the British defence ministry said today.

“Russian military proxy group Wagner continues to take a major role in attritional combat around the Donetsk Oblast town of Bakhmut. In recent months, it has developed offensive tactics to make use of the large number of poorly trained convicts it has recruited,” the ministry said in its latest intelligence update.

It added that Wagner’s individual fighters are “likely issued a smartphone or tablet which shows the individual’s designated axis of advance and assault objective superimposed on commercial satellite imagery.”

“At platoon level and above, commanders likely remain in cover and give orders over radios, informed by video feeds from small uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs),” the ministry’s intelligence report on the war said.

These individuals and sections are then “ordered to proceed on the pre planned route, often with fire-support, but less often alongside armoured vehicles.”

“Wagner operatives who deviate from their assault routes without authorisation are likely being threatened with summary execution,” the ministry said.

“These brutal tactics aim to conserve Wagner’s rare assets of experienced commanders and armoured vehicles, at the expense of the more readily available convict-recruits, which the organisation assesses as expendable,” the MoD said.

At least 30 drones shot down in Russian attack, says Ukraine

06:42 , Arpan Rai

Ukraine’s air force downed 30 drones today after Russia renewed its attacks to step up the military offensive.

These were Iranian-made Kamikaze drones, the air force confirmed.

The drones were launched from the eastern coast of the Sea of Azov, of which at least 15 were directed at Kyiv, officials said.

Russia and China to hold joint naval drills this week

07:35 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Russia and China will hold joint naval drills between December 21-27, Russia‘s defence ministry said on Monday.

The joint naval exercises, which have taken place annually since 2012, will involve missile and artillery firing in the East China Sea, Russia‘s defence ministry said.

“The main purpose of the exercises is to strengthen naval cooperation between Russia and China, and maintain peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.”

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February, Moscow has sought to increase its political, security and economic links with Beijing and sees China’s leader Xi Jinping as a key ally in an anti-West alliance.

The two countries signed a “no limits” strategic partnership just days before Moscow launched the biggest land invasion in Europe since World War Two in February, but Beijing has since expressed

concerns over Russia‘s actions in Ukraine.

Russia said four of its vessels would take part in the drills - including the Varyag missile cruiser - while six Chinese vessels would take part, along with aircraft and helicopters from both sides.

Russian ships set sail on Monday from the Far Eastern port of Vladivostok to take part in the week-long exercises, which start on Wednesday.

07:53 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

President Volodymyr Zelensky has called for a global peace summit to help resolve the conflict, and had hoped to broadcast a message ahead of the soccer World Cup final.

That request had been declined by soccer officials, he said, but the world still had heard his call for peace.

In his remarks, Zelensky also issued the latest of many calls for Western nations to beef up Ukraine‘s air defences after weeks of Russian air strikes on the country’s energy network.

Zelensky said power had been restored to three million more Ukrainians in the past 24 hours following last Friday’s mass missile attack on electricity infrastructure that killed three people and damaged nine power facilities.

“Electricity supplies have been restored to a further three million Ukrainians,” he said. “Plus six million yesterday. That means after the terrorist strikes on Friday, we have results already for nine million of our people.”

The conflict has killed tens of thousands of people and driven millions from their homes.

Zelensky told Ukrainians the armed forces were holding firm in the town of Bakhmut - scene of the fiercest fighting in the country for many weeks as Russia attempts to advance in eastern Ukraine‘s Donetsk region.

“The battlefield in Bakhmut is critical,” he said. “We control the town even though the occupiers are doing everything so that no undamaged wall will remain standing.”

Denis Pushilin, Russian-installed administrator of the portion of the Donetsk region controlled by Moscow, said that Ukrainian forces shelled a hospital in the Donetsk city, killing one person and injuring several others.

Reuters could not independently verify the battlefield accounts.

Rishi Sunak to urge allies to stand firm behind Ukraine in Baltic trip

08:15 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The prime minister will use a trip to the Baltic region to urge fellow leaders to stand firm in their support for Ukraine as he pledges a new stream of defensive aid to guard against Russian aggression.

First jetting off to a meeting of northern European allies in Latvia, Rishi Sunak will call on his counterparts to sustain or boost their current offers.

The prime minister will then travel to Estonia to meet British troops and sign a new technology digital partnership with the nation’s prime minister.

It comes as the UK has announced a fresh supply of hundreds of thousands of rounds of artillery ammunition as part of its package of defensive aid for 2023, under a £250m contract.

Read more here:

Rishi Sunak to urge allies to stand firm behind Ukraine in Baltic trip

Watch Zelensky’s message for world peace that Fifa ‘refused to show’ ahead of World Cup final

08:33 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky called for a global peace summit this winter, in a video message Kyiv hoped would be shown before the World Cup final.

Officials in the Ukrainian government urged Fifa to show the clip, which showed Mr Zelensky calling to “unite all nations of the world”.

Posting the message on Twitter as Argentina and France prepared to clash in Qatar, Kyiv’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote that “there is still time for Fifa to show the video before the game that unites people and symbolises fairplay”.

The message added: “Don’t be afraid that the world will hear the words of peace.”

Liam James has more:

Watch Zelensky’s message for world peace Fifa ‘refused to show’ at World Cup final

EU unity over Russia sanctions falters as Europe's economy wilts

08:50 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

European Union unity over sanctions on Russia has started to falter as jitters about the impact on Europe’s own stumbling economy weakens resolve to punish Moscow for war in Ukraine.

EU leaders agreed on Thursday to a ninth package of sanctions but talks were acrimonious, with Poland and the Baltic states that neighbour Russia campaigning for tougher measures, while states further west, such as Germany, were more hesitant.

Some, such as Belgium and Greece, as well as Hungary which still relies heavily on Russian energy imports, pushed back against further sweeping measures, EU diplomats told Reuters.

“It is becoming increasingly difficult to impose sanctions that hit Russia hard enough, without excessive collateral damage to the EU,” a spokesperson for Belgium’s government said ahead of the deal at the EU leaders’ summit.

After this week’s talks, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis described the latest sanctions deal as a “missed opportunity”, saying he was disappointing that EU states spent more time discussing exemptions than tougher steps.

The latest measures targeted entities connected to Russia‘s military, clamped down on drones and froze assets of two Russian banks among other curbs.

But strains were felt during talks. Lithuania and others objected to moves to secure carve outs to exempt a handful of Russian oligarchs involved with agriculture and fertilisers, although that dispute was defused in the end, sources said.

Poland and the Baltic states, closer to the frontline, circulated a proposal in recent weeks for more far-reaching sanctions, including on Russian gas and its nuclear industry, and arguing against exemptions, such as on sales of Russian steel and diamonds.

In pictures: Russia unleashes ‘kamikaze’ drone strikes on Kyiv

09:15 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Russia unleashed 35 “kamikaze” drones on Ukraine in the early hours of Monday as many people slept, hitting critical infrastructure in and around Kyiv in Moscow’s third air attack on the Ukrainian capital in six days.

The Ukrainian Air Force said its air defences shot down 30 incoming drones, the latest in a series of Russian missile and drone attacks since October that have targeted the Ukrainian power grid causing sweeping blackouts in winter.

 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)

Ukraine estimates 98,000 Russian troops killed

09:50 , Furvah Shah

More than 98,800 Russian troops have been killed during the ongoing war against Ukraine, according to the Ukrainian military.

Over 10,000 Russian APVs, vehicles and tanks have also been destroyed as well as some 500 planes, helicopters and boats.

Rishi Sunak arrives in Riga, Latvia

10:15 , Furvah Shah

Rishi Sunak has arrived in the Latvian capital of Riga to meet with northern European allies and discuss countering Russian aggression in Ukraine.

The Prime Minister will urge fellow leaders of the Joint Expeditionary Force to continue to support Ukraine after announcing a major new artillery package for the nation.

He will continue his whistlestop tour by flying to Estonia later on Monday, where he will meet British troops and sign a new technology partnership.

Ukraine announces Eurovision 2023 contestant live from Kyiv bomb shelter

10:45 , Furvah Shah

Ukraine has announced its submission for 2023’s Eurovision song contest live from a bomb shelter in Kyiv.

Electro duo TVORCHI will compete for their country, who won this year, in next year’s competition.

The programme was broadcast live from a metro station in Kyiv, which doubled as a bomb shelter, on Saturday (17 November).

Nicole Vassell has more.

Ukraine announces Eurovision 2023 contestant live from bomb shelter in Kyiv

Volodymyr Zelensky asks European leaders for weaponry to fight Russia

11:15 , Furvah Shah

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has asked European leaders, including British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, to supply a range of weapons systems to the country to fight against Russia.

“I ask you to increase the possibility of supplying air defence systems to our country, and to help speed up the relevant decisions to be taken by our partners,” Zelenksy said via video link during a meeting of countries in Riga, Latvia.

The Joint Expeditionary Force, led by Britain and made to respond rapidly to crises in the Northern Europe, includes Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden.

Volodymyr Zelensky says Russian aggression “must fail”

11:20 , Furvah Shah

Volodymyr Zelensky says Russian aggression “must fail” and has asked the leaders of northern European nations supply weaponry to his country.

Addressing a meeting of the Joint Expeditionary Force via video link on Monday, the Ukrainian president said: “Russian aggression can and must fail. The task now is to make sure it happens faster.

“I call upon you to do everything to accelerate the defeat of the occupiers.”

He added that millions were left without heat and water after Russia launched further drone attacks last night.

Mr Zelensky said: “May I ask you to increase the possibility of supplying air defence systems to our country

“100 per cent air shield for Ukraine, that would be one of the most successful steps against Russian aggression and this step is required right now.”

Russia is using “poorly-trained convicts” to boost assault on Ukraine, says MoD

12:00 , Furvah Shah

Russia is using “poorly-trained convicts” to boost its assault on Ukraine, says the British Ministry of Defence.

Russian military proxy group, Wagner, is continuing to play a major role in attacks in Bakhmut, eastern Ukraine and are often supplied with little protective equipment.

The group’s recruits are treated as “expendable” and are “likely being threatened with summary execution,” says the MoD in its latest update.

Rishi Sunak urges European leaders to ignore Moscow’s calls for ceasefire

12:30 , Furvah Shah

Rishi Sunak has urged fellow European leaders to ignore any calls by Moscow for a ceasefire until it withdraws from its conquered territories in Ukraine.

At a meeting in Riga, Latvia of the Joint Expeditionary Force, the Prime Minister said allies must deliver for military aid and weaponry as well as ignore “meaningless” calls for ceasefire.

“We must be clear that any unilateral call for a ceasefire by Russia is completely meaningless in the current context,” said Sunak.

“I think it would be a false call, it would be used by Russia to regroup, to reinforce their troops. And until they have withdrawn from conquered territory there can and should be no real negotiation.

“But what we can do is think about that time now, think about what will do with regard to security assurances.”

He added that the alliance must continue to focus on “degrading Russia’s capability to regroup and resupply”.

This involves “going after its supply chains and removing the international support”, in particular being “strong” in critical about Iran for supplying drones to Moscow.

Russian actress and poet Vera Polozkova brands Putin the ‘main maniac of 21st century’

13:00 , Furvah Shah

Russian president Vladimir Putin has been branded the “main maniac of the 21st century” by a leading Russian actress as his war on Ukraine enters its tenth month.

Vera Polozkova, 36, expressed her feeling of “crazy pain and shame” over Russia’s self-styled special military operation in Ukraine, and urged her fellow citizens to prepare to acknowledge, repent and atone for Moscow’s “crimes”.

Emily Atkinson has more.

Russian actress brands Putin the ‘main maniac of 21st century’

Downing Street denies Rishi Sunak preparing to ‘water down’ support for Ukraine

13:30 , Furvah Shah

Downing Street has rejected suggestions Rishi Sunak is preparing to water down Britain’s support for Ukraine as “categorically untrue”.

The prime minister is in Riga, Latvia meeting other European leaders to discuss the war-torn country, but earlier reports suggested he has asked for an assessment of the progress of the war and how UK military supplies.

On Monday, his official spokesman said: “Certainly any suggestion of watered down support for Ukraine is categorically untrue.

“The UK and this prime minister always backed President Zelensky and the people of Ukraine and will continue to do so.”

Kate Devlin has more.

Downing Street denies Rishi Sunak preparing to ‘water down’ support for Ukraine

Putin visits Belarus worsening fears for Ukraine

14:00 , Furvah Shah

Russian President Vladimir Putin is visiting Minsk, Belarus along with his defence and foreign ministers, worsening fears that he intends to pressure his ex-Soviet ally to join the war against Ukraine.

This will be his first trip since 2019 and comes as he takes a more public role in the war, after visting his operation headquarters on Friday to sound out military commanders.

Putin will meet with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, who has previously allowed Russia to use his country as a platform to send Russian troops and war jets into Ukraine.

In pictures: Putin arrives in Minsk, Belarus

14:30 , Furvah Shah

Russian president Vladimir Putin has arrived in Minsk, Belarus for talks with president Alexander Lukashenko.

 (via REUTERS)
 (via REUTERS)

Rishi Sunak says it’s “incredibly important” for Europe to reaffirm support for Ukraine

15:00 , Furvah Shah

Rishi Sunak has urged fellow European leaders to reaffirm their support for Ukraine by ramping up their supplies of weaponry and ignoring calls for ceasefire from Russia until it withdraws from conquered regions in Ukraine.

The prime minister said it was an “incredibly important” time for the Joint Expeditionary Force as Russian President Vladimir Putin escalates attacks with “appalling” consequences Ukraine.

Leaders of the UK-led alliance met in Riga, Latvia on Monday to discuss the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine.

After the stop in the Latvian capital, Sunak will visit Estonia on Monday, where he will meet British troops and sign a new technology partnership.

In pictures: Vladimir Putin and Belarus’ Alexander Lukashenko meet in Minsk

15:30 , Furvah Shah

Russian president Vladimir Putin and Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko are in Minsk, Belarus for talks, worsening fears that the ex-Soviet allies will join in an assault against Ukraine.

The leaders met and shook hands at the Palace of Independence in the capital city before their talk on Monday.

 (via REUTERS)

In pictures: Russia unleashes ‘kamikaze’ drone strikes on Kyiv

16:00 , Furvah Shah

Russia unleashed 35 “kamikaze” drones strikes on Ukraine in the early hours of Monday, hitting critical infrastructure in and around Kyiv in Moscow’s third air attack on the Ukrainian capital in six days.

The Ukrainian Air Force said its air defences shot down 30 incoming drones, the latest in a series of Russian missile and drone attacks since October that have targeted the Ukrainian power grid causing sweeping blackouts in winter.

 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)

European Union nations’ energy ministers agree gas price cap

16:15 , Furvah Shah

European Union nations’ energy ministers have agreed a gas price cap, a spokesperson for the Czech Republic said on Twitter on Monday.

The deal follows weeks of talks on the emergency measure that has split opinion as it seeks to tame the energy crisis.

The Czech Republic holds the EU’s rotating presidency and chaired the negotiations, with spokesperson for the Czech presidency of the EU, Dmitrij Cernikov, confirming the cap.

16:29 , Chris Stevenson

A spokesman for the German government, Steffen Hebestreit, has told reporters that Germany has “concerns” over Vladimir Putin’s visit to Belarus, Ukraine’s state-run news agency Ukrinform has reported.

“Of course, there are concerns about what this visit might entail: whether the role of Belarus in Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine will once again change or be modified,” Hebestreit said.

Russia has missiles for four more Ukraine attacks before running out, says defence secretary

16:45 , Chris Stevenson

Russia has missiles for three to four more mass attacks before running out, says Ukraine.

“They have already passed the limit [of rockets’ amount] that according to the regulations they should have kept,” said national security and defense council secretary Oleksii Danilov.

Danilov added that exhausting the missile supplies is “unacceptable” for the military as they “may have completely different challenges, and they have to leave at least some reserve.”

Ukraine’s power grid operator says country is in “difficult” situation

17:00 , Furvah Shah

Ukraine’s power grid operator, Ukrenergo has described outages throughout the country as “difficult” and said the Dnipropetrovsk region and areas in the centre and east of the country were the worst affected.

Emergency power outages affected several locations, including the capital of Kyiv, the surrounding region and the regions of Kharkiv, Sumy, Poltava and Zaporizhzhia on Monday.