A Ukrainian artillery commander said there's a 'competition' between brigades to see who can kill the most Russians

  • A Ukrainian artillery commander said brigades compete to kill the most Russian soldiers.

  • Russians advancing to northern Avdiivka must travel through areas vulnerable to artillery fire.

  • Fighting has continued around the eastern Ukrainian city as Russian forces attempt to capture it.

A Ukrainian artillery commander said that brigades compete to see who can kill the most Russian soldiers as they attempt to cross a heavy-artillery zone in Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine.

Fighting has been raging around the small city in the Donetsk oblast as Russian forces have been repeatedly attempting to capture it despite suffering heavy personnel and equipment losses.

"I'll even reveal a secret," Arty Green, a Ukrainian artillery commander, told Ukrainian media in an interview published on Monday in Forbes. "There's a competition between our brigades. We strike one target, then we see a neighboring brigade doing the same, then another one."

Forbes reported that as Russian forces try to reach the north of the city, they must cross miles of roads and fields exposed to Ukrainian artillery fire.

"Each column that advances along this direction is within firing range from several of our brigades," Green said. "They are within striking distance of mortars and brigade-level tactical artillery."

Russia is throwing waves of men like a 'zombie movie'

Three vehicles burning on a brown field in aerial footage
Ukrainian footage captured in October of vehicles burning near Avdiivka.110th Separate Mechanized Brigade.

Ukrainian officials said Tuesday that Russia appeared to be committing fewer troops to Avdiivka, Reuters reported.

But conflicting reports cite other Ukrainian officials saying that Russia was increasing the number of assault operations near the city.

Oleksandr, a deputy in the 47th Mechanized Brigade, told the AFP news agency that Russia was sending "waves" of men to battle for the city to exhaust Ukrainian lines and compared it to a "zombie movie."

Neither Russia nor Ukraine has made significant gains in six weeks. In October, the UK Ministry of Defence said Russian losses in the Avdiivka offensive were likely among the worst of the year.

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