UK's Hammond tells Trump: U.S. and UK share interest in stable world trading system - source

Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond speaks at the launch of a report, by living standards think tank the Resolution Foundation, on the impact of the higher minimum wage at the Resolution Foundation offices in London

LONDON (Reuters) - British finance minister Philip Hammond told U.S. President Donald Trump that their two countries had a shared interest in maintaining the stability of the world's trading systems, a source close to him said on Tuesday.

Hammond joined Trump, British Prime Minister Theresa May and American and British business leaders at a meeting on the second day of the president's state visit to Britain.

"His message at the business roundtable is that the UK and US economies are closely interlinked, and have a shared interest in maintaining the stability of the world's trading system," the source said.

(Reporting by William James; editing by Kate Holton)