UN Security Council demands end to Darfur city siege

The UN Security Council on Thursday demanded an end to the siege of El-Fasher in Sudan's Darfur region, where fighting between government and paramilitary forces has provoked a humanitarian crisis.

War has raged for more than a year between the regular military under army chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces led by his former deputy Mohamed Hamdan Daglo.

The Security Council resolution, which was prepared by Britain and received 14 votes in favor with Russia abstaining, "demands that the Rapid Support Forces halt the siege of El-Fasher."

It calls for "an immediate halt to the fighting" and "withdrawal of all fighters that threaten the safety and security of civilians."

El-Fasher in North Darfur is the only state capital in the vast western region not under RSF control, and was previously a key humanitarian hub for an area now on the brink of famine.

"The adoption of this resolution sends a clear message," said Britain's UN ambassador Barbara Woodward.

It aims to help "secure a localised ceasefire around El-Fasher -- and create the wider conditions to support de-escalation across the country and ultimately, save lives," she said.

The resolution calls on all parties to allow civilians who wish to leave El-Fasher to do so.

The text also asks UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to make recommendations for improvements in the protection of civilians.

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UN Security Council demands immediate end to siege of Sudan's El Fasher
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