Univision Asked Biden What The 'Primary Threat To Freedom’ Is And He Didn't Hold Back

Univision’s Enrique Acevedo asked President Joe Biden what he believes “constitutes the primary threat to freedom and democracy” in the United States.

Biden had a simple answer.

“Donald Trump,” the president replied in a lengthy interview that the Spanish language network aired Tuesday.

“Seriously,” he added.

Biden then pulled few punches as he tore into his predecessor’s use of authoritarian rhetoric, support of the violent mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and derogatory comments about minority populations.

The four-times-indicted presumptive GOP nominee “uses phrases like, ‘you’re going to eviscerate the Constitution,’ he’s gonna be a dictator on day one,” Biden noted.

“The idea that he would sit […] off the Oval Office and watch for hours the attack on the Capitol, and the destruction and the mayhem and people were killed, the police officers who died, and call them political heroes, to call them patriots, and say that if he gets elected he’s going to free them all, because they’re being held illegally?” he added.

“I can’t think of any other time in my lifetime, in history that’s occurred, that you’ve had somebody who’s had this kind of attitude,” said Biden. “He says he’s going to be a dictator on day one? No one doesn’t believe him.”

Watch the exchange here:
