UsagiMan Review: what happens when Spiderman has an obsession with rabbits

UsagiMan, UsagiMan, does whatever a spider wearing a rabbit costume can. OK, so this is a weird one, but it was just too much fun not to review. Shogo Shuzuki’s UsagiMan for iOS and Android devices, is an epic cross of Spiderman and Megaman where the hero dawns a pink rabbit costume and takes on a whole slew of absurd villains.

Just watch.

UsagiMan, which could be translated as RabbitMan, simply places you at the start of a dungeon with little to no explanation of what you should or can do. As you touch the screen you soon realize that UsagiMan, like Spiderman, can shoot some kind of web to move around. You will soon be slinging UsagiMan all over the screen to avoid obstacles, baddies, and make your way to the boss’s lair.

The game looks and plays a lot like Megaman. The lab-like areas swarming with robotic bad guys to blast, and of course the boss at the end who suddenly appears and freezes time to display its health. UsagiMan is a beautiful tribute to the classic series, but there is are some key differences that make UsagiMan stand out as not a clone.

Other than the web slinging, UsagiMan can also shoot off a cannon as one of his primary attacks. All you need to do is simply tap the enemy when there are crosshairs on it. Simple enough, but the web slinging is also controlled by a tapping the screen. Whenever you shoot at an enemy, you are also sending yourself right at it. To counter this, UsagiMan can kick whenever an enemy gets too close, but it’s not always enough. You have to constantly be ready to change the trajectory by shooting out another web.


The game is challenging but never frustrating. The bosses can be tough, but, much like Megaman once you do beat them you obtain their powers. On top of getting new guns from the bosses, you can also power up UsagiMan in the in-game shop that takes in-game currency, not your actual cash. This game doesn’t use a stamina system, nor does it force you to use real money. It just allows you to enjoy the game and play. Sure there are ads in the corners, but they are so small I mostly forgot they were there.

Like mentioned before, this game looks a lot like your classic Megaman, and that is a good thing. The classic SNES styling makes for a very old school feel, which is nice. The SNES feel doesn’t end with the look, but also can be found in the sound. Each level has a nice fast paced beat to it which fits in very naturally with the game. Even the sound effects are reminiscent of SNES Megaman, which is a really nice touch.

The game is short, only 5 levels, but with in-game powerups and rank modes there is certainly enough fun to be had for a couple hours. UsagiMan might be slightly bizarre, but nevertheless it is worth checking out. Be sure to pick up this free game at the Apple Store or Google Play.

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The post UsagiMan Review: what happens when Spiderman has an obsession with rabbits appeared first on Games in Asia.

The post UsagiMan Review: what happens when Spiderman has an obsession with rabbits appeared first on Games in Asia.