Variety Programs Feat. Food That You Should Be Watching


Youth Over Flowers Season 1

In this first season, Lee Juck, Yoon Sang and Yoo Hee Yeol take a trip to Peru! On the way to Machu Pichu, the trio drop by Cuzco where they take in local sights, clothes and local fare! They try anticucho (skewers), golasong (blood cakes) and an interesting burger topped with fried potato pieces.

Watch the trio devour the food on Youth Over Flowers


Three Meals a Day Season 1

This program is for people who love the calm and serenity. Lee Seo Jin and Taecyeon bring you along to a little rural village in Jeongseon, Gangwon Province where they spend most of their day cooking! From Korean style soups to cakes to American breakfasts, the production team challenge the two men to try something new and unconventional every following week!

See them sweat it out in Three Meals a Day


Baek Jong Won’s Top 3 Chef King

Baek Jong Won, a renowned chef in Korea, goes all around Korea to search for the top 3 of each food category. Expect to see mouth watering pork belly meat, black bean noodles, pastries, bread, sweet sour pork and so much more!

Salivate your way through the episodes of Baek Jong Won’s Top 3 Chef King