Vaughan Gething announces Welsh government cabinet - including top job for leadership rival

Wales's new first minister Vaughan Gething has announced his cabinet, including a top job for his leadership rival.

Mr Gething was confirmed as Wales's first minister on Wednesday after Mark Drakeford officially stepped aside.

His leadership rival, former education minister Jeremy Miles, will now serve as cabinet secretary for the economy, energy and Welsh language.

Ken Skates returns to cabinet for the first time since 2021 as cabinet secretary for North Wales and transport.

Lynne Neagle, who has been a member of the Senedd since it first sat in 1999, has been appointed Wales's new education minister.

While Huw Irranca Davies takes on the role of cabinet secretary for climate change and rural affairs, returning to cabinet for the first time in six years.

Former rural affairs minister Lesley Griffiths has been announced as the new culture and social justice cabinet secretary.

Mick Antoniw remains as counsel general, the government's top legal job, while Eluned Morgan, Rebecca Evans and Julie James keep the health, finance and housing briefs respectively.

Jane Hutt also remains chief whip and becomes the Trefnydd - a similar role to the leader of the House of Commons.

Hannah Blythyn and Dawn Bowden also stay on in cabinet, with Hannah Blythyn remaining as minister for social partnership and Dawn Bowden getting a new role as minister for social care.

Jayne Bryant also joins the cabinet for the first time as minister for mental health and early years.

Former deputy minister for social services Julie Morgan, has left the cabinet, as has former deputy climate change minister Lee Waters.