Veteran French journalist ‘pushed out’ of India by denial of work permit

A French journalist announced on Thursday that he had left India after over 13 years because his work permit was denied, describing the decision as an act of "incomprehensible censorship". Sebastien Farcis worked for Radio France Internationale and other major French-language media outlets.

Critics say that media freedom in the world's most populous democracy is increasingly under attack, with journalists who touch on sensitive topics often subjected to government rebuke.

Farcis said he had left India earlier this week after having been informed in March that his routine journalist permit extension had been denied.

"This work ban comes as a big shock," he said in a statement issued in Paris.

"It was communicated to me on the eve of the Indian general elections, the largest democratic elections in the world, which I was hence forbidden to cover. This appeared to me as an incomprehensible censorship."

'No reason'

He said that no reason had been provided "despite formal and repeated requests", and that he had applied for a new work permit.

But until that was granted, the refusal prevented him from "practising my profession", obliging him to leave India, he added.

Without "work nor income, my family has been pushed out of India without explanation", he said.

Farcis is married to an Indian national and has Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) status, which allows him to live and work in the country but requires a special permit for missionary activities, mountaineering or journalism.

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