Voices: Pay attention, Harry Styles: Chris Pine’s poker face is a masterclass in acting

I don’t know what the beef is between Chris Pine and Harry Styles, but there is beef – apparently (even if it’s curated: but more on that later).

It’s such obvious, eye-watering beef that it makes you cringe to look at it, even if (like, err, me) you have to Google what exactly some of them are famous for (Pine: made his feature film debut as Lord Devereaux in The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement, and there we have it), because it’s written so clearly all over their faces. Well, one of their faces. Chris Pine’s face, to be exact.

The moment Harry Styles opens his mouth, Pine’s visage becomes the Japanese Noh mask of steadfast fixed expression; his “I will not let my emotions give away” poker face the masterclass in acting Styles badly needs, if reviews of his performance in Don’t Worry Darling are to be believed. And it seems to keep happening every time the two of them are together.

So, where does this all come from? I did a deep dive because – frankly – I have no particular or vested interest in either of them; save for appreciating Styles’… well, style. A global pop star turned actor turned fashion icon who looks that good in a cardigan and pearls? Styles for PM, I say, once Joe Lycett has finished his turn. At least get him in to No 10 to give the dry and sensible-shoed Liz Truss a few sartorial hints and tips.

Yet it isn’t Styles’ textile creds that are up for debate here – but his acting.

The former One Direction frontman has been accused of being “leaden” and “robotic” in his new movie, which is a psychological thriller directed by actress Olivia Wilde – who happens to be Styles’ girlfriend.

But if Styles’ acting creds are negligible, his Wonder Woman co-star’s are not – and if a recent promo interview is anything to go by, it is Pine who deserves an Oscar.

In clips that have since gone viral, Styles can be seen filibustering about what it is he exactly likes best about his partner’s film – culminating in this bizarre quote: “You know my favorite thing about the movie? Like it feels like a movie it feels like a real like go to the theater film movie that you know you kind of... the reason why you go to watch something on the big screen,” Styles said during the press conference.

Like the greatest cinematic moments, however, it wasn’t what was going on in front of the camera that told the tale – but what was happening behind the scenes. Next to Styles, looking thoughtfully at his lap, Pine’s face careered from bemused to despairing; quite clearly determined not to react and so become the story. As Styles waxed philosophically like someone at a house party at 4am, Pine winced – and swiftly fought to collect himself. Oh, to be a body language expert in close range of these two men.

On Twitter, the clip was shared with the standout caption: “You can almost see the screams catching in his throat.”

One critic even described Styles as having “seemingly just figured out what acting is” – ouch.

But it’s clear what acting is, we know precisely what acting is: just look at Chris Pine. His face is the epitome of keeping a straight face at a wedding when your dad busts out the dance moves and your insides collide in horror; your eyeballs physically retract and dry up, aching to close, but you don’t let them because you have to be supportive – so, instead, you clap.

The corners of Pine’s perfectly-chiselled mouth (is he even real? He must be, he was in Cinderella’s Prince in Into the Woods in 2014) belie that he is faintly amused, but absolutely determined not to show it: a feat of stoicism the Greek gods themselves would be proud of.

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And it doesn’t end there – a new video clip has now surfaced which has led to some viewers speculating that The Mysterious Beef between the co-stars is so potent, so sizzling, that Styles may have physically spat on Pine’s lap as he walked back to his seat after the movie’s official premiere in Venice on Sunday night. While I can’t see any evidence of spitting in the clip when I watch it, Pine does appear to stop clapping and stares at his lap – much as he did in the press conference while Styles waffles on like your drunk aunty over Christmas dinner. Again, just like then, he also looks bemused.

Social media gossip may have the pair at loggerheads – some suggest Pine could be at war with Styles because of his solidarity with the movie’s lead, Florence Pugh (who is rumoured to have clashed with Wilde on set – even though the latter vehemently denies it) but I’m not convinced. This is no Chris Rock and Will Smith situation (which looked very much like actual beef).

No, this pair look like they’re having rather a lot of fun. Both know that they’re the main talking points of the film to begin with; and are achingly aware that there’s nothing more “Hollywood” than rumours of a feud between the hot young male co-stars on the set of a movie directed by an actress, who also happens to be the love interest of the lead actor. Perhaps it is no surprise, then, that Don’t Worry Darling has been beset with rumours of feuds, on-set romances and sudden cast changes.

The old adage is spot on: there’s no publicity like bad publicity – is there, boys? Now, let’s just sit back and watch what happens next. Strikes me it won’t be long before something does. Maybe Styles is a great actor, after all.