Watch as Biden travels to Milwaukee after securing Democratic nomination for president

Watch as Joe Biden departs for Wisconsin on Wednesday 13 March, as he continues his post-State of the Union road show.

The trip comes after he won enough delegates to secure the Democratic Party presidential nomination.

Mr Biden’s win in the Georgia primary means he has reached the 1,968 delegates he needed to run again.

He will be officially recognised at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this August.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump also secured another victory in Georgia on Tuesday, bringing him closer to the Republican nomination and a rematch of the 2020 election.

On Wednesday, Mr Biden will start a two-day swing through Wisconsin and Michigan - two states critical to his re-election campaign.


Mr Trump won them in the 2016 election, but Mr Biden took them back in the 2020 contest.

Both are part of the “blue wall,” along with Pennsylvania, where the current president was born and has made more campaign trips than to any other state.