We're Not Stupid: Twitter Users Agog Melania Trump Says She Was Clueless On Jan. 6

Twitter wags were still gagging Friday over Melania Trump’s claim that she had no idea people were storming the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and were battling to jettison the results of the presidential election her husband lost.

Many tweets in response to the news were along the lines of: We’re not that stupid.

The former first lady insisted she was taking inventory at the White House that day and was too busy to pay attention to the news, her husband or the violent crowds of Donald Trump supporters two miles away.

She was fulfilling an “obligation to record the contents of the White House’s historic rooms, including taking archival photographs of all the renovations,” Melania Trump said in a statement Thursday.

The former first lady offered the explanation nearly 19 months after the U.S. Capitol attack and following the recent release of an alleged text message exchange with Stephanie Grisham, her former chief of staff. As the attack was underway, Grisham asked Trump to issue a tweet denouncing the violence. Melanie Trump replied, “no.” Grisham also addressed the text message in her book, “I’ll Take Your Questions Now,” published in September 2021.

“I can dispute every single thing that she said [on Thursday] with emails, with texts,” Grisham told CNN on Thursday.

Many Twitter critics had already made up their minds.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
