'We're not here to talk about fights': Drama in Congress is starting to spill over

  • Congress is increasingly on edge.

  • Before the Thanksgiving break, there were two heated confrontations in one day in the House.

  • It was not the first time this year that a lawmaker had to be talked down from violence.

"Schoolhouse Rock" never featured a song about fights on Capitol Hill. If anything is clear in this Congress, though, it's that Mr. Bill better watch his back.

In a jarring series of events right before the Thanksgiving break, lawmakers got closer than ever to exchanging outright blows, either with each other or, in one case, a witness at a hearing. If you believe one House Republican's side of the story, one blow has already been landed.

Heated drama is not new at the Capitol, of course. Lawmakers have yelled at each other on their respective floors and during hearings many times. John Boehner, the former speaker of the House, claimed that Rep. Don Young, a fellow Republican, held a 10-inch knife to his neck during a heated exchange when they were in Congress.

This moment feels different, though. Mistrust still remains from the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot, and many pundits believe former President Donald Trump's rhetoric has made political violence more acceptable.

It's why the historian who wrote the book on how the Capitol descended into violence in the run-up to the Civil War is more than a little worried. Historically, political violence begets more violence.

"The fact that we're seeing this sort of thing happen twice in one day is a reminder that we don't necessarily live in a time of normal politics," Joanne Freeman, a professor of history at Yale and the author of "The Field of Blood: Violence in Congress and the Road to Civil War," told Politico.

Matt Gaetz flexes
Rep. Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican, flexes after a confrontation on the House floor.Win McNamee/Getty Images

Here are some of the craziest moments so far:

Rep. Mike Rogers lunges at Rep. Matt Gaetz

Background: One of the first near-violent moments occurred just as lawmakers kicked off the new Congress in January. The first major duty the House must complete is electing a speaker. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was in line to claim the top job after the GOP narrowly won control of the House after a weaker-than-expected performance in the 2022 midterms.

Mike Rogers
Rep. Richard Hudson restrains Rep. Mike Rogers after arguing with Rep. Matt Gaetz as House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy walks away.Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

But not everyone was a McCarthy fan. Gaetz, a Florida Republican, helped lead the charge to deny McCarthy the gavel for several days. After 14 votes, Rogers, the House Armed Services Committee chair, had had enough.

What happened: Rogers, whose committee Gaetz serves on, lunged at the Florida Republican. Rep. Richard Hudson, a North Carolina Republican, had to restrain Rogers.

"'I won't forget this!" Rogers, of Alabama, could be heard shouting on the House floor.

Aftermath: The photo of Rogers being held back by his colleague is one of the indelible images of the January chaos. He later apologized for "briefly" losing his temper. McCarthy ended up winning the speakership on the 15th ballot.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene calls Rep. Lauren Boebert a 'little bitch' on the House floor

Background: Greene, a Georgia Republican, reportedly confronted Boebert, a Colorado Republican, in a Capitol bathroom during McCarthy's struggle to win the speaker gavel. Tensions between the two came to a head over competing efforts to impeach President Joe Biden.

What happened: Greene called Boebert a "little bitch" on the House floor, The Daily Beast reported. Greene also accused Boebert of stealing the language Greene used in her resolution to impeach President Joe Biden. Greene later confirmed the animosity, telling Semafor, "She has genuinely been a nasty little bitch to me." When asked about the situation, Boebert told CNN: "I'm not in middle school."

Marjorie Taylor Greene looks back Lauren Boebert
Republican Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Lauren Boebert of Colorado attend a House hearing.Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images

The aftermath: Rep. Tim Burchett, a Tennessee Republican, told The Daily Beast "a fistfight could break out at any moment" between the two. Days after the confrontation, the House Freedom Caucus, a group of far-right lawmakers, kicked Greene out of the group. Her ouster was as much about her closeness to then-Speaker McCarthy as the drama with Boebert, but their bickering did not help Greene's case. Months later, Greene lashed out at Boebert again, bringing up reports of Boebert getting frisky with her date during a performance of the "Beetlejuice" musical.

Sen. Markwayne Mullin challenges a union boss to a fight during a Senate hearing

The background: Mullin and Sean M. O'Brien, the president of the Teamsters union, had been trading barbs in person and online for months. Mullin, an Oklahoma Republican, has been a critic of the union, while O'Brien has taken shots at Mullin's business background. Channeling Elon Musk, Mullin, who is a former MMA fighter, challenged O'Brien to a cage match for charity. After finding O'Brien's response insufficient, Mullin saw an opportunity to up the ante during a Senate HELP committee hearing.

What happened: Mullin confronted O'Brien during a November hearing.

Mullin, reading from one of O'Brien's tweets about him: "Quit the tough guy act in these Senate hearings. You know where to find me any place, anytime cowboy."
Mullin: Sir, this is a time, this is a place. You want to run your mouth, we can be two consenting adults. We can finish it here.
O'Brien: OK, that's fine. Perfect.
Mullin: You want to do it now?
O'Brien: I would love to do it right now.
Mullin: Well, stand your butt up then.
O'Brien: You stand your butt up.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, who leads the committee, tried to intervene by repeatedly banging his gavel as the two continued to egg each other on. "You're a United States senator," Sanders exclaimed to Mullin, as the Oklahoman rose out of his seat.

The aftermath: Mullin's speaking time ran out, but not before Sanders had to remind him multiple times that his questions should be about economic issues, "not about physical confrontations."

"We're not here to talk about fights," Sanders said.

Mullin, perhaps unsurprisingly, later used the confrontation in fundraising efforts.

Burchett claims McCarthy elbowed him in the back

Background: Burchett, the Republican who predicted two of his colleagues would come to blows, encountered McCarthy in a Capitol hallway on the same day Mullin and O'Brien faced off. Burchett was one of the eight Republicans who joined Democrats to force McCarthy's historic ouster. After his vote, Burchett told CNN that McCarthy had mocked his faith when he told the then-speaker that he was praying over his decision. McCarthy denied that, but he made clear there's no love lost between him and the eight members who crossed him.

What happened: Burchett was talking to NPR's Claudia Grisales when McCarthy ran into him from behind. Grisales said Burchett "stumbled" then yelled: "Why'd you elbow me in the back, Kevin?! Hey, Kevin, you got any guts?!"

The aftermath: McCarthy told CNN he did not purposely run into Burchett, saying the hallway is too narrow. In later comments to reporters, he added, "If I hit somebody, they would know it. If I kidney punched someone, they would be on the ground."

Correction: November 27, 2023 — An earlier version of this story included a misspelling of Rep. Matt Gaetz's last name.

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